Spoken like a small share rep.
First, this advisory doesnt muddy any water. I think docs are fully aware that the Fidelis timebombs are PE#1 right now. Mix in some 2-3 year STJ cans and this thing is minor. No, really. FYI, lead fractures usually cause a shock anyhow. This is just a minor incremental increase in the chance of oversense when the lead cracks. Which inappropriate shocks usually happen with any can on a cracked lead. Also, it was discovered on another lead <cough fidelis cough>. (There was some great share mix). Docs are using BSC because it is a great system. 1. No ICD lead questions (i.e. like Perferata or Fidelis) 2. Full featured small cans 3. #1 LDS for CRT. 4. No compromise on technology when using BSC.
If you want to use STJ or MDT, fine. But a doc doesnt have to make ANY excuse to use BSC now. No one wants to hear that, but its true.
Now I will agree BSC is being run by clowns. Please let there be a buyout!!!!!!
Sir or madame, you are a flippin' idiot. 1) Continue to use your drinking straw sized RV ICD lead which does a great job at delivering all of those inappropriate shocks from your frisbee sized ICD. 2) Turn off some of the features if you want the can to operate...but let's not forget that the header may fall off, can you shut that feature off too? And don't give me that bullshit about sub pec implants, the same forces occur sub q so it may take a bit longer to manifest itself...but it will 3) Okay, I will give you that one, the SJM system does well but Guidant had a good system first so why change? and 4) This one is laughable like another person said the only thing in your bag that does not have a recall or an advisory attached to it is the Biotronik lead and the biotronik analyzer. Can't wait for the website to see which doctors were on the take...but I bet the website will be recalled too. I do like your pens though!!