Cognis..... :(

What sorts of payoff practices have been followed in European Union countries? Looking at how European Union twisted Microsoft's arm for certain business practices, are there any modified kick-back practices exist for European Union? However, all over the world the human beings are same and we all have our price.

It appears fairly easy to obtain market approvals for medical devices in Europe. No FDA there and all certifying bodies are private organisations. Almost all device approvals for US firms usually first start in Europe and then after a year or two later FDA approvals follow.

Any thoughts?

Let's not forget: Takes two to tango.

The payola supply is there to feed the physician demand.

Very few physicians take the high road here, and at the other end of the spectrum are the one's who pretty much use a product almost solely based on the fact it puts money in their pockets.

So, we can all argue who is to blame for the current state of affairs, but at the end of the argument we'll all have to agree that this type of practice is the lubricant that makes the CRM cash machine run smooth.

What sorts of payoff practices have been followed in European Union countries? Looking at how European Union twisted Microsoft's arm for certain business practices, are there any modified kick-back practices exist for European Union? However, all over the world the human beings are same and we all have our price.

It appears fairly easy to obtain market approvals for medical devices in Europe. No FDA there and all certifying bodies are private organisations. Almost all device approvals for US firms usually first start in Europe and then after a year or two later FDA approvals follow.

Any thoughts?

Excellent point.

Studies and even registries are a pain in the ass to a physician and his practice.

In other words, how large would our "n's" be if we suddenly stopped compensating docs for their participation?

Now, maybe there's another way to encourage participation, but cutting off the supply of compensation "cold turkey" is going to lead to a wave of physicians going through the DT's.

After paying for malpractice insurance and your mistress' apartment, there's not much left over to cover the Bayliner. So, keep the studies coming...

Oh.... Can u send me a link. 100 deaths attributed to fidelis. 100 and mdt only claims 13 are real. 100 deaths and 300,000 shocks later. Fidelis is PE#1 to the entire industry.

Douchebags....copy these URLs to your browser or enter the names in MAUDE.




Cognis/Teligen were designed by apes. Fidelis is the gift that keeps on giving. Concerto and Virtuoso die early if you look at them too often. I can't mention SJM b/c the devices don't get sent back (as the OIG is becoming very aware of recently) and the wireless pacers die if you turn the "wireless" feature on so....

Sell your soul to Sorin/Biotronik or perhaps selling knees or neurostim is the way to go.

Douchebags....copy these URLs to your browser or enter the names in MAUDE. Cognis/Teligen were designed by apes.

No, the concept and design of these devices is wonderful, as usual you people failed in effectively converting the design into engineering, transfer to manufacture and finally your ever famous quality and reliability engineering.

If only you had given Cognis/Teligen to few trained apes, and taught them to insert leads into Cognis/Teligen header lead ports, and tightened the set screws. Then gently pull the leads, in four out of five cases the leads would have come out! This would have saved your wonderful devices which were threats to your competitors!

If you survive this time, then there is always a second chance....


Sell your soul to Sorin/Biotronik or perhaps selling knees or neurostim is the way to go.

Due to greed of marketing very large number of Cognis/Teligen, you must have manufactured for stock a huge quantity of Cognis/Teligen Devices. What happened to these devices which were held in store? Did you scrap them or have secretly started reworking them? If you rework and ship them for sale and if you persuade physicians (Payola) to use them; most will fail due to their reduced reliability b/c of major rework involved.

Are you bracing for a series of Class I recalls this time?

Due to greed of marketing very large number of Cognis/Teligen, you must have manufactured for stock a huge quantity of Cognis/Teligen Devices. What happened to these devices which were held in store? Did you scrap them or have secretly started reworking them? If you rework and ship them for sale and if you persuade physicians (Payola) to use them; most will fail due to their reduced reliability b/c of major rework involved.

Are you bracing for a series of Class I recalls this time?

This is not a dig, but it is obvious you do not work in CRM, and that's cool - allow me to fill you in.

The C/T inventory in storage is not in any danger of expiring. Despite the stench surrounding these devices, they are still being sent out to reps for implant - so there is no reason to scrap or "rework" them.

Payola? Well, what you call payola some would call reimbursing a physician for his and his staff's participation in advancing CRM (clinical studies) and others would say that dinners and in-services were just status quo. I think all would agree alot of these things are just expected now, and therefore their impact on motivating physicians is negligible.

The reality is that physicians will continue to use this company for a couple of reasons:

1) Physicians deal with so many variables in their practice that they resist moving away from a product line that they have become comfortable with. They rationalize exposing themselves and patients to higher potential for negative outcomes because they feel that their implant results are better with tools they are used to handling, and that learning a new system would mean throwing away that security blanket.

2) It is human nature to develop a close relationship with a person who you grow to depend on for: referrals, insight into CRM and access to hotel rooms in Vegas that will never appear on the family credit card. For these reasons, legitimate and otherwise, a physician's implanting preference rests as much (or more) on how well they get along with a company's local team. I cannot stress this point enough. If it were not the case, then why would be STILL discussing C/T?

<If device quality and reliability were foremost in a physician's decision making process, how could Boston CRM still be in existence?>

<Relationship. Relationship. Relationship.>

This is why company's are willing to essentially pay a strong local rep to sit on their ass for a year while they burn off a non-compete. If relationships were not the primary component, then non-compete's wouldn't exist, and employers wouldn't be willing to wait them out with a new-hire.

Finally, you ask if they are bracing for a Class I recall? If you have worked at Boston anytime in the past 7 years, you are in a constant state of "brace". Your company's name is synonymous with "recall" - reinforced by your own marketing department's recent "(Re)" campaign, by the way.

But, honestly, none of us are free from that sense of forboding. Scrutiny is up, and each company has its share of skeleton's that must inevitably come to light. As a rep, you just do the best you can, and try not to have the patience and wisdom to control the things you can - and recognize the things you can't.

This is not a dig, but it is obvious you do not work in CRM, and that's cool - allow me to fill you in.

The reality is that physicians will continue to use this company for a couple of reasons:

It is human nature to develop a close relationship with a person who you grow to depend on for: referrals, insight into CRM and access to hotel rooms in Vegas that will never appear on the family credit card.]

I am very impressed about your frank insight of CRM industry. These marketing tactics are well known for sometime.

About access to hotel rooms in Vegas will be very tempting to any married docs! However, some say it may also include provision of good looking young female reps too...

Some docs may even be introduced into using cocaine....

Where it stops?

Also I was wondering whether FDA, IRA and federal agents lurk in this board to pick some leads?

Cognis/Teligen were designed by apes. Fidelis is the gift that keeps on giving. Concerto and Virtuoso die early if you look at them too often. I can't mention SJM b/c the devices don't get sent back (as the OIG is becoming very aware of recently) and the wireless pacers die if you turn the "wireless" feature on so....

Sell your soul to Sorin/Biotronik or perhaps selling knees or neurostim is the way to go.[/QUOTE]

If I might address some of your concerns. Cognis and Teligen were not designed by apes. I doubt anyone believes that Fidelis was a gift. Concerto and Virtuoso do have some battery issues mainly in that a great overestimation of longevity was promoted. As for St. Jude wireless devices you cannot turn off the feature. Their battery technology is good. The idea that the OIG is "becoming very aware" or even cares about returned devices is laughable.

My soul is not for sale. On the other hand I do not close my door to opportunity be it Sorin, Biotronik, St. Jude, Medtronic, Boston Scientific, Stryker etc..

Stop complaining and go sell something if you still have a job.

My soul is not for sale. Stop complaining and go sell something if you still have a job.[/QUOTE said:
Did you mean "Stop complaining and go "kill" more people if you still have a job?

Look even many of the prostitutes earn more money than you, but they follow some code of conduct towards their customers.

Selling crap devices which are known to have defects and eventually fail is inhumane.....

How do you get sleep at night?

In your CRM Product Performance Report you guys claim only one patient death, MAUDE has several patient deaths. As usual “device was not explanted” “issue is not related to the device” “patient data received and under investigation” “physician error”. When these excuses are going to end?

Finally, would you recommend Cognis/Teligen implant to one of your close family member?

I am sure someone in Senate will wake up sooner....

I sleep fine. Thanks for asking. It's obvious, though that you are in serious need of a vacation or possibly some medication. You are a disgruntled former employee or just some guy who likes to stir the pot. Either way you are irrelevant

I sleep fine. Thanks for asking. It's obvious, though that you are in serious need of a vacation or possibly some medication. You are a disgruntled former employee or just some guy who likes to stir the pot. Either way you are irrelevant

You are totally wrong, and you talk like Tobin! I am very near to you but worried about my job also I hold a larger number of BSX stocks, naturally lost lot of $$$.

You clearverly avoided my question on recommending Cognis/Teligen to one of your family members (your mother-in-law excluded).

Let us say your family member is diagnosed CHF requiring resynchrnisation therapy with defibrillator. If implanting physician prefers Cognis CRT-D will you consent?

Please be honest in your answer.

By the way I do bnot like stiring the pot.

Please put your points forward rather than hiding beyond irrelevant comments.

You are totally wrong, and you talk like Tobin! I am very near to you but worried about my job also I hold a larger number of BSX stocks, naturally lost lot of $$$.

You clearverly avoided my question on recommending Cognis/Teligen to one of your family members (your mother-in-law excluded).

Let us say your family member is diagnosed CHF requiring resynchrnisation therapy with defibrillator. If implanting physician prefers Cognis CRT-D will you consent?

Please be honest in your answer.

By the way I do bnot like stiring the pot.

Please put your points forward rather than hiding beyond irrelevant comments.

Let me answer for him.

Is he getting the commission on the sale or not?

Let me answer for him.

Is he getting the commission on the sale or not?

I thought he may manage to get COGNIS CRT-D free or at least on heavy discount.

He would also make sure that the device is not from old lot which have header, set screw and seal problems.


If I were him, even COGNIS CRT-D is available for free; I would avoid it like a poison!