Clinical Science Consultant

Can anyone tell me what were the f2f interview questions like for the CSC position. thanks no sarcasm please.

All questions start like this: "tell me about a time when......."
You need to give examples of times when you demonstrated things like good sales ability, team work, persuasiveness & decision making. Be very specific with your answers. There are many good books on how to get into Pharma Sales, with interview stratagies. This is a sales position, and they make that very clear. Good luck!

Not quite accurate there. Base is more than 90. Some people are making 6 digits plus bonus. I'm guessing you're a rep trying to belittle other people because you are a shitty rep and cannot find meaningful existance in your daily life.

You sound like a great team player. I bet they pay you extra for that!

The clinical Science Consultant jobs are being posted all over the country. I accepted a position last week. Seems like a great opportunity. Pays well and is a unique position. Sounds like a major expansion. I'm excited. Looking forward to joining BI.

The clinical Science Consultant jobs are being posted all over the country. I accepted a position last week. Seems like a great opportunity. Pays well and is a unique position. Sounds like a major expansion. I'm excited. Looking forward to joining BI.

There is a reason why there are so many open positions. This ship is sinking. Run don't walk!!

What about that new role HSE? Let me think here. Ok so they still report to sales right? Yes they are sales reps too! Good luck with that. So you are an MD- so what- once they figure out you are just a sales rep like a CSC they will not be happy. CSC can have the same exact conversation a HSE can have!

I was bored out of my mind as a CSC- they spin the position as educational one but basically I was a gloried sales rep with no samples. I had high hopes for the job but ultimately ended up leaving due to boredom. I stayed as long as I did because the money and hours were good but in the end it wasn't enough to stay.

The job is definitely not boring but there is a lack of focus. Basically call every counterpart in your territory and collaborate. Don't 'sell' but influence so your counterparts can 'sell'. Can someone maybe an AD 'role play' what that sounds like. O but wait you will be ranked according to sales in your territory. Remember to always open and close that call because that is what consultants do.

Its time for the ED the do some spring cleaning. Doesn't anyone think there is something wrong with the high turnover in the CSC division and not just among the worker bees. Just saying. AD=district manager or now supervisor. CSC = primary care, inspec and cardiospec rep. Lets call it as it is.

The job is definitely not boring but there is a lack of focus. Basically call every counterpart in your territory and collaborate. Don't 'sell' but influence so your counterparts can 'sell'. Can someone maybe an AD 'role play' what that sounds like. O but wait you will be ranked according to sales in your territory. Remember to always open and close that call because that is what consultants do.

Not boring? Are you kidding? How many times can you spin COPD and Afib? The CSC position is mind numbing and beyond boring. But the pay is good :)

Lets see if you are saying its the best job you ever had after lets say a year doing it. I can't say its boring but you are treated like a standard ole rep. Field rides alongs with 'associate' directors who couldn't make a call on their own if they tried. Expectations that aren't attainable and good ole presidents club. I sure hope you have good reps in your territory selling because that is makes the difference in the CSC role.

First of all, I couldn't agree with you more about overlaps. They will make our break you in this gig. However, I promise you that I have been doing this as least as long as you have and I don't think you can make a blanket statement that all customers see us as regular reps. Some do, I'll give you that. Every territory is different, just like every customer. I'm just saying I haven't had the same experience which is probably why its not boring. My definition of boring is seeing 30 runny noses a day in too little time for too little money with too much liability. At least with tis job I can be outside between calls, meet new people, and challenge myself to think of new ways to impact my customers.

Layoffs downsizing might be coming soon for CSC too. A division with little return anymore. High turnover from AD to Rep. Low morale Pfizer did it in only 6 months - the end might be around the corner. Look what happened after the infamous Combivent Respimat launch. Time will tell.

This CSC ship is sinking! By next year there will be no CSC division at BI. Start looking and move on while you can.. The CSC folks are not adding anything to the bottom line anymore. HSE will take over as they will be calling on your top guys in both respiratory and cardiology.

Why are the cardio spec reps so intimidated by the CSCs? Why is there so much negativity from them? Sr. leadership is very aware that we are losing the Pradaxa game in the card offices. You are not doing your job, but you don't want the CSCs in there to help? Oh, that's right, maybe they will see that you are an idiot and then realize why the cardiologists aren't writing Pradaxa! Grow up, jerks! You are a rep, you are not that special. And maybe the CSC is your territory may be able to help.

Cardio spec reps still don't want CSC in the office. But, they fight for unbranded stuff. Hmm, could it be they have nothing else to talk about?

This one is easy -- the cardio spec reps have no more access to their docs than the primary care reps. But they talk as if they see them all the time. Now all of the sudden the CSC goes into the office and they find out that the doc will sign for samples but won't see reps. Now we all know the mighty spec reps were lying. And we wonder why we are losing the fight for Pradaxa in the card offices. . . .