That may be true and I've always wondered why it always seems someone from the south always wins but the hillbillies make up the bulk of the business. And how did the the dude win last year and only been here two years! That's just jacked up knowing there are many more talented CL's than him. CL of the year is a joke award
This is the way its always been here. This is not a shark tank. It is a tank full of barracudas. Giving awards and promos, trips to people who just hopped off the Mayflower, is not uncommon. This is one of the worst mistakes made and unfortunately, some of their manager hires/promos are so unqualified, they perpetuate it basing hiring on ass kisses, hires they have crushes on or would like to get into the pants of. Of course, this goes on in all work places to a degree. Its hard to weed out psychos, sometimes. Still, you would think someone with some brains would figure out how insulting this is, to people who actually earn their way, the hard way, without anyone laying the ground work for them. Woe to anyone who shares their ideas or success stories freely. Never give away your successful strategies. Never ever, lie if you have to, make something up. I'm dead serious. A number of people have done this, only to watch while said team mate and/or manager/someone in corporate is suddenly getting recognized for WHAT? Your idea, that's what. Talk about getting ripped a new one. You allow yourself to naively think its the right thing to do, to give up your success story/strategy and you may as well kiss your hard work bye bye. Suddenly, green eyes monsters start salivating. Plan on being thanked by your team mate, by then stickin it to you, right up your ass, giving manager all sorts of reasons to dislike you. Remember, this will come from someone who will convince you that they are your good buddy. Don't buy into the old, help you team mate out, bull crap.
1. Never assume your closest friend here is actually, your friend. Think of them as someone you can b.s. with. That's all, nothing more. Fact is, a lot of people you'll meet in life should come with a warning label, as in, HI, I'm mentally challenged, except when I'm fucking you over. That, I practice daily and learned in my crib.
2. If your so called boss, asks you to look after someone, say, someone less experienced or mature, tell him or her, NO, that's your job. This is not a place for mentoring. They either hire someone who is mature, stable or qualified or you aren't helping their asses out, period, unless they want to pay extra while you baby sit junior. They hired the little shit, they can look after them and play Daddy or Mommy themselves. Plus, the person will resent the hell out of you, all the while playing the role of the junior, in need of your view or opinion. Never ever give your opinion or it will be used against you much like a Samurai sword, up your ass and through you back. Let Ricky Bobby or Susie Psycho learn to develop their own ability to make decisions and let them know you think they can figure things very well. Repeat. It will be your biggest mistake ever to give someone your opinion, your great idea, your tip on how you did what or accomplished something. Yes, wet behind the ears, will then turn around and claim your idea as their own or use the info you gave them, to manipulate manager or managers into giving them a promo, raise, trip, whatever, all the while, you sit there getting nothing, but pissed. Don't be naïve people, there are no innocents in sales. NONE, not ever, so wise up. There are however, some very unstable people, actors, actresses of all kinds, masters at appearing very innocent and nice, even popular. Translation; As in Charles Manson, Sybil, and worse deviants. You'd be surprised who you work with, if you really knew them.
3. Your so called friend, whom manager has a soft spot for, which is why they hired them, NOT because they were qualified, will take that resentment-jealousy of you and use it to manipulate so called manager to thinking they came up with YOUR idea or tweaked it in a way- far superior to yours. Yea, you'll sit there, sweat on your face, worn out from actually DOING THE WORK FOR THEM, but because you so kindly shared your great idea, NOW, they claim it as their own. What are friends for? The big F is on its way and that would be to you. In the meantime, because you can't imagine your buddy f'ing you over, you can't quite figure out whats going on. Suddenly, manager is treating you like shit and so is his manager. This will come as a shock to you, but not if you know how to avoid the likes of these types. You have no close friends here, repeat this often and make friends elsewhere. Further, your buddy will then take a scenario in which, due to their incompetence-insecurity-mental issues, take your pick- in which they f'ed up and turn it around and back, on you. That's right, they will eventually f up because they aren't qualified and if you happen to be there and witness their screw up, you will then need garlic around your neck, because their vindictiveness will be spewed all over you. Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to throw a net or save the moment so to speak, or your ass be deep fried. Worse yet, if there is another unstable crafty psycho nearby, observing and sees newbie having a meltdown, you are so screwed. Now, you have two barracudas with ammo to fuck you over. Now, you can bet Mr. or Ms. manipulative is going straight to Daddy/Momma manager and twisting it around to make you look like an evil horned monster. Don't think this happens? I assure you it does, did and will again.
4. When your so called buddy tells you, in a weak moment, something about manager that reveals just what demented sorts they both are, believe them. Say, manager offers the little weakling some sort of chum in return for favor, likely something manager needs him or herself to move up and offers psycho a deal in return. When you hear this sort of thing, your b.s. alarm needs to go off and you need ask yourself, why would your manager pick the most unstable person on the team to tell this to or worse, involve in a backroom ass scratch deal that is dishonest and self serving.
5. A sure indicator of a warped brown noser, is someone who is always off in another room or corner, away from everyone whispering with manager, usually laughing. Did you think they went there to talk about what a great team player you are, polish his or her social skills? No. They are manipulating the hell out of each other, each for their own gain, in an ego stroking orgy. YOU, being mature and stable enough not to be either the manipulated or manipulator, would never engage in this, seeing it is rude and unprofessional. They on the other hand, have always behaved this way and learned the dance of flirtation/manipulation well growing up and now use it to fuck over good people and anyone who stands in their way That would be you.
6. Some people are obvious bad hires from day one. There is a reason for this. Its not Rocket Science. When a manager hires someone who is not qualified or who is obviously not cut out for the job, the agenda is a build in loyal brown noser, used to cack up whatever manager wants/needs to know. What else do they have to offer? SOMEHOW your manager has nothing but wonderful things to say about junior. If you allow yourself to be talked, tricked or manipulated into helping this head case out, after reading this, bend over, I mean all the way over.