No anger there, above poster. Damn, you do need to leave. Look, partly you are right, but there are decent people here, so watch who you include in your net.
Sad that you have to act like having morals, ethics and integrity means I am evangelical or something. Just wish RB wanted their people to practice the core values not just print them and refer to them as if they are some upstanding company with upstanding people. Face reality buddy!
Totally agree. So tired of having those "guiding principles" thrown up when they are not practiced at all. They are a facade like everything here and used to shut people up while even Execs backstab and punish employees, in the name of these! Stick it
With the amputation complete next month, will the guiding principles still exist since they don't anywhere else ?
The guiding principles are just a sack of shit. With people like RP still around influencing the unintelligent, the guiding principles are a sham.Fair question, I say probably but with some amendments
You're a fucking SALES REP - you should not be giving ANY medical "guidelines"
If a doctor needs you to tell them the dosing guidelines they are a moron and should get out of medicine.
That's the problem with calling a sales rep something that sounds medical. Good luck explaining that to the Feds.
Why is it that most of your CLs have NO clinical experience? Who came up with the bogus title for these people?