
That’s why these “interviews” are pretty much BS. They already know who they want to keep and who they want to replace so whatever you say in the interview really doesn’t matter.

It’s not about salary! Right... But if we don’t retain you, we are going to hire reps at much lower salaries. I don’t even need a calculator for this one.

this has been the biggest shit show I have ever seen in the industry. Dirty, moralizing, and downright despicable. I can’t imagine how they will move on and be successful based on what they have done to the reps here. When the dust settles and other people come to Cafapharma to see what they think of this company...please note that this is being written by a real employee who decided this is not the place himself!!! Buyer be ware!!!

this has been the biggest shit show I have ever seen in the industry. Dirty, moralizing, and downright despicable. I can’t imagine how they will move on and be successful based on what they have done to the reps here. When the dust settles and other people come to Cafapharma to see what they think of this company...please note that this is being written by a real employee who decided this is not the place himself!!! Buyer be ware!!!

People, please realize this is all a big set up! You don't know what they are looking for as far as answers to the vague questions you will be asked and then you will be eliminated for not giving the "perfect" answer. Oh sure you'll get the "what are you going to do to increase business" routine but NOBODY in the country is hitting goal so what's the real answer? And if you know the answer then why aren't you hitting goal? Total catch 22!

this process is SUCH A JOKE!!! Here is some advice for those interviewing us....get on the same page when you are asked questions about the direction the company is going. It speaks volumes when upper management and RSMs are saying completely different bullshit. All they have done with this process is encourage reps to look elsewhere. Even if retained, my job search is continuing in full force.

Stock is at an all time low.. the Re-Org has been in the process for at least 3-4 months...

The turnover is insane and the bottom line is when you see the cockroaches scattering you KNOW something is wrong...

And watch your mangers and Regional leaders scatter...

I for one am interviewing big time now.. this is not a matter of if anymore, it's a matter of when

Severance isn’t tied to sampling, but q4 bonus is. But if you’re not retained you don’t get that anyway.

Sorry to inform you that severance IS tied to performance if you go through the interview process and are not hired or turn down the offer. Ask your ASD if you think I’m lying. Such a benevolent company.

On November 12th the truth will be known. Do they care about experienced reps or do they let most go due to salaries? I think we all know the answer.
If you stay, get ready for life as a road warrior

i hate that we are even in this position. We were hired on with the promise that Circassia would never go this direction. They sought out specialty, experienced reps and now are balking at our pay. I think we all need to really consider if we will take the job if offered. I am debating taking the package. Better to get something than nothing when I realize I can’t work here anymore a month into it. I will be damned if I am going back to the days of signature chasing.

So just to understand, if you interview and get an offer but turn it down, is your severance forfeited? If you interview and do not get an offer, your severance is tied to sampling and fulfilling the requirements of calls/sampling?

So just to understand, if you interview and get an offer but turn it down, is your severance forfeited? If you interview and do not get an offer, your severance is tied to sampling and fulfilling the requirements of calls/sampling?

You can accept the offer and stay. Your Q4 bonus is tied to calls and samples during Q4.

You can decline the offer and accept the severance. See below for severance stipulations.

If you don’t receive an offer, you get a severance if you have followed the sampling and call outline AND if you transition all of your accounts.

why are external recruiters posting for positions all of a sudden? I saw on LinkedIn multiple positions posted within the last day. One of which is the one I applied for. There is so much shady stuff going on with this deal I can’t handle it

I’ve been getting LinkedIn messages for weeks about the opening for my own job, not to mention seeing it on Glassdoor. Maybe I can get a referral bonus for my old territory. Circassia was ready with everything when they pulled the “reorganization” trigger. Was flat out lied to on my interviews and the overacting and feigned ignorance was comical to watch as well.