Ciba is a great Company just poor management. These new jobs probably won't last 24 months. Way over staff. Almost four years ago they did a cut back and layed off some great sales people.

I would keep looking.

You hit it on the head. Great products, great company and for the most part, great sales people, unfortunately calling management "poor" is being too kind. I kind of feel for the newer reps. Should be interesting to chat with them in 6 months to see their perspective.
I do hope for the longevity and well being of our company with the Alcon acquisition on the horizon, that there is a major management change.

Ciba is a great Company just poor management. These new jobs probably won't last 24 months. Way over staff. Almost four years ago they did a cut back and layed off some great sales people.

I would keep looking.

Well I just had a phone screen for an open management position. I hope I get hired and if so I surely won't micro manage. I was rejected for the rep position, but a few weeks later received an e-mail from Novartis that a job was posted that I met the criteria for and to apply, I did, and so now maybe I wasn't "suitable" to be a rep but maybe I will be a manager, LOL I imagine my 6 figure income and my numerous years of experience disqualified me for the rep position.
Does anyone know anything about the mangement hiring process?

Well I just had a phone screen for an open management position. I hope I get hired and if so I surely won't micro manage. I was rejected for the rep position, but a few weeks later received an e-mail from Novartis that a job was posted that I met the criteria for and to apply, I did, and so now maybe I wasn't "suitable" to be a rep but maybe I will be a manager, LOL I imagine my 6 figure income and my numerous years of experience disqualified me for the rep position.
Does anyone know anything about the mangement hiring process?

Its nice to know that you wont micromanage, but depending on the area, you may not have a choice.
Also, how funny that you werent "suitable" to be a rep, but hey, cmon in, lets make you a manager!

Well I just had a phone screen for an open management position. I hope I get hired and if so I surely won't micro manage. I was rejected for the rep position, but a few weeks later received an e-mail from Novartis that a job was posted that I met the criteria for and to apply, I did, and so now maybe I wasn't "suitable" to be a rep but maybe I will be a manager, LOL I imagine my 6 figure income and my numerous years of experience disqualified me for the rep position.
Does anyone know anything about the mangement hiring process?

Those who do, can.. Those who can't, manage..

I just got back from the Detroit hiring event yesterday, Thursday, 5-19-10. I know it is still early yet, but am anxious to know what the wait process is? Got through the first session that includedg the interview and the Wine role play. I did well on both accounts. Did not get to present the Business Review though. Was told to wait in the lobby for another manager. The second manager came and brought me to another area of the lobby to chat me up a bit and took the Business Review I had prepared. Not sure what to make of all this. Did anyone attend the Detroit Hiring event? How did it go?

I just got back from the Detroit hiring event yesterday, Thursday, 5-19-10. I know it is still early yet, but am anxious to know what the wait process is? Got through the first session that includedg the interview and the Wine role play. I did well on both accounts. Did not get to present the Business Review though. Was told to wait in the lobby for another manager. The second manager came and brought me to another area of the lobby to chat me up a bit and took the Business Review I had prepared. Not sure what to make of all this. Did anyone attend the Detroit Hiring event? How did it go?

I had my 2nd interview yesterday, my third and final interview over the phone today, and was offered the position verbally this evening. I was told I would get my official written offer tomorrow. I have 10 years professional sales experience. I wasn't interviewing for Detroit. I hope this helps. We spent a total of 5 mins on the biz analysis and it was only because I brought it up.

I thought selling contact lenses would be stimulating? I'd rather sell the wine in the role play I did. Why is the interview process so intense for something that is so ridiculous. This could have been a good job if only they didn't hire former pharma managers.

Ciba is a hot mess. They want to be awesome, but there's this power struggle between doing their own thing, and obeying the direction and culture of Big Pharma Novartis. It actually could be a great job, if the/my manager(s) would wake and figure out that they're run by Novartis and now Alcon. They're not cowboys who can do what they want. Quit torturing your reps with your unethical decisions. And quit thinking HR doesn't apply to you. That's an open wound for Novartis right now, because they're about to dole out mega bucks for the sexual discrimination case.

I'm not saying, I'm just saying.

They're going in and giving a million different directions, everything's a fire drill, and nothing is conisistent.

It depends on the manager and territory. In NY Metro for example they have a terrible manager (former pharma guy) who thinks he's great but his team hates him and they are treated very poorly. The territories are all well below the nation and all reps are new(for good reason). In New England on the other hand the new manager is very well liked and there is a lot of upside to the territories. So be very careful who your manager would be and were your territory will be.

Ciba is a hot mess. They want to be awesome, but there's this power struggle between doing their own thing, and obeying the direction and culture of Big Pharma Novartis. It actually could be a great job, if the/my manager(s) would wake and figure out that they're run by Novartis and now Alcon. They're not cowboys who can do what they want. Quit torturing your reps with your unethical decisions. And quit thinking HR doesn't apply to you. That's an open wound for Novartis right now, because they're about to dole out mega bucks for the sexual discrimination case.

I'm not saying, I'm just saying.

They're going in and giving a million different directions, everything's a fire drill, and nothing is conisistent.

Classic Ciba: all over the place, changes direction on a dime, crisis management , fire drills, and total lack of consistency. Oh yea....dont forget the mindless micromanagement and "gotcha" mentalitity of management. There should be a tracking sheet for the amount of tracking sheets. Kind of comical after a while. Would love to see some of these "managers" actually go out and sell and have a territory. Most wouldnt last a quarter, and that is being too kind!

I'm curious as well. Also, anyone out in the LA interviews want to comment how things went?

yep just interviewed for the LA area> its pretty brutal> the test they give you is total bulshit dont they know that most sales reps suck at math? I've heard through other Novaritis connections that if you get offered a position with Ciba and turn it down--you are toast and could possibly never be considered again with them.