Changes to come

Why does everyone spell Loser "Looser" . No, managers are most likely going to get to pick the reps they want on their team. Many of the flex time reps never hit metrics, did not do admin on time, etc. If that is You, then there is little chance you will be retained; regardless of what you are promoting. Managers want reps that hit 130 or more calls, those who do workday on time, those who do expenses on time, etc. Again, if you are the one making 70 calls a month and getting emails from manager to get your admin done, there is no way the managers are going to take that with them. Just my opinion.

Managers have no say in who goes, who stays. I promise you that. In fact my manager asked how it would be for reps to keep a job. Was told don't know right now?? I'm personal friends with my manager, only going to keep 7. Remember, the magic number for reps is 110. As. For now the plans are to keep us all till 12-31. They need us to make our numbers so pdi gets a 100% pay day.


Well, I got "the call" from my mgr and HR. I don't have Kerydin so I figured my days were numbered. Was told to send back my equip and distribute my samples to other reps. Happy Thanksgiving!

So do I....they

Not so sure, I heard that Pub and Pdi are putting together a talent pool of those who are to be retained, Pub will need part and full time reps; notice how you are not seeing a lot of their jobs posted on job boards?? It is much easier to buy PDI and its reps and then fit them in. The word also is that it is starting now, and some may be getting called and closed out...who knows there are so many rumors ...

Ice cube

Most mgrs will be let go. If that's the case, the mgr that is kept might not know the reps.

Exactly, that is why If you find out your manager is staying, if she likes you then you most likely will get placed somewhere, either fungus fighter or a publicis postion. Remember: those retained will be publicis employees, Kerydin will then be a publicis contract, as well as the other products they have contracted to sell. Good Luck to all, and have a wonderful thanksgiving..

Snoop mentioned above, "managers have no say on who stays and who goes."

Ice Cube has the word....Mangers 7 retained from PDI, added to Pub managers, PDI managers will be able to retain those that they feel have fulfilled their obligations ie: if you were a slug, you have no chance. New contracts will be filled with existing Pub, PDI, and some new hires. Some PDI will be closed out early, hence the post from the one who got the call. Publicis will absorb PDI sales talent to plug into open positions. Some may have to interview if its with a new manager. If same manager is in place its a formality. Remember: A manager gets moved to publicis, publicis has contracts and open sales territories, its expensive to recruit, hire, etc etc etc with PDI in place there are reps ready on board, no need to do all the stuff to recruit. Is this a rumor, fact, or just BS like most of CP stuff....Snoop???

If you are let go, like I was on Friday, you WILL get a call from BOTH your mgr AND HR. My mgr called and told me I was to pack up my samples and get them to another rep in the territory by 5PM. Yea right, how am I supposed to do that when you call me at 4PM!!?? I was also told to "send my equip thru UPS for a pickup by 5PM." Good one! "Why the rush", I asked and she, yes my mgr was a she, and she told me my territory was to be closed out by the end of the day. She was not even in my same time zone! SHE was the one who should have been let go. She was a basket case with no ability to organize or lead. Her ride-a-longs were a joke! Wasted my entire day. I had to wait around for 2 hours for her to meet me. AFTER I had given her my address THREE TIMES! How was she hired by PDI AND retained is beyond me! I wish whoever has her in the future, good luck. YOu'll need it and and a good pain med for your cranium after you beat it on the wall 50,000 times.

You'll find out soon enough if you don't believe me. If you don't have Kerydin currently, you are gone. 100%. Some reps with Kerydin have already had adds to their call deck.

I would hope the Reps actually selling the toeeeee fungussss will get to keep our jobs over the long time slugs with mediocre or no sales at all!
But who knows what they will actually do?