Changes to come

I am not trying to be a naysayer, but have been around a long time. As late as it is in the year, and given the fact that Publicis bought PDI, just know that it doesn't sound good for Shared Sales. Obviously headquarters doesn't want anyone to quit until the end of year calls are made. Given the fact the "sale" of PDI hasn't been addressed yet, along with addressing any fears concerning the future ie "don't worry Publicis is picking all of you up and fitting you in talk", I am hoping for the best but expecting the worst. It is oddly quiet this late in the year where you would expect some direction of your future. Obviously in a month we will all "see".

Kerydin is done as well. Most reps are new. And even from the seasoned reps the number of scripts are pathetic. This is Valeant and Jublia all over again. O yea Kerydin will last 2 years seriously.

Looking for a job might be a good suggestion, start with putting in an application at Publicis! Get the jump on all the others. I am sure that is what PDI is afraid of, everyone jumping ship if they found out the "real" news.

Ok here we go, this is the truth. We are retaining 7-8 Managers, they know Now if they are staying or going. Company will retain 110 Reps for the toe fungus. How the 110 is retained is not clear as of today. We will find out in two weeks. Managers get $$$ to make sure we hit 4th Q numbers. If we don't hit numbers, pdi gets less money from BI. Has your manager not asked you to make sure you get it done? For the 110 staying, contract can be cancelled at anytime so We All need to be looking!! My manager was honest, not sure why many are not. I have told everyone what was going to happen a week before hand. I will keep everyone informed as best that I can.
