Changes to come

I will be making my calls; not to help manager, Joe or PDI, but because I am paid per call. It is the last chance to make any money before 12/31/2015. Would love for Publicis to keep us and throw us a new contract, but not counting on it. My advice: make hay while the sun shines, but be looking for another job. Good Luck to everyone!

You might want to check your facts on that one. I worked for JV for years and he is more honest and loyal than you will ever be. Maybe you should take a lesson from him. Just a thought.
Thank you Joe for your honest words of wisdom. I think you are full of crap sir. After your brave CC Tuesday, you have no heart my friend. As our friend snoop would say, You got your mind on your money and your money on your mind. I will not make my numbers on purpose just for that reason. I hope your holidays are as bad as ours will be.

Publicis is most likely in the driver seat now, theoretically anyway, and JV is taking orders. Don't have a clue, just thinking outloud. One contract in the past, we thought we had a month to finish calls and they ended it by surprise very early in the month as the numbers had been met.

Publicis is most likely in the driver seat now, theoretically anyway, and JV is taking orders. Don't have a clue, just thinking outloud. One contract in the past, we thought we had a month to finish calls and they ended it by surprise very early in the month as the numbers had been met.
I agree with you. I have no proof but I would not be surprised if when we get the E-mail in a couple of weeks it's the end for 310 reps.


I agree with you. I have no proof but I would not be surprised if when we get the E-mail in a couple of weeks it's the end for 310 reps.

Yes, I believe it will end quickly, so be prepared, make all your copies as the PDI computer files are shut down quickly. I also believe some DM's and Reps will have the opportunity to go over to Publicis if they desire. Publicis has part time contracts in addition to full time. I have absolutely no proof, just many years of watching PDI operate.

Hello Folks, This is Joe V with PDLIES. I just wanted to inform you that your last day is today. I hate to inform you but we will not be paying your 3rd and 4th Q bonus. I know it's the Holidays but I needed all the money to buy my family gifts. However, I want to thank you for all your hard work. For the 110 that will continue working for me, you will recieve a gift card for the cookie of the month. Unfortunately, we could not afford the 12 month card but it is good for a cookie of your choice, please note you can choose from a chocolate or sugar cookie. If you want one with nuts you must pay for the upgrade. Thank you all again and Merry Christmas.

The reality is none of us have a clue as to when this will be really over.
However, they know which of us they are keeping.
The honorable thing for honorable to do is let us know and not keep us hanging!
Is it based on tenure, ranking, sales, where you live or what???
PDI it's time for you to step up and let all of us know so we can figure our future out.
Not asking a lot.

The reality is none of us have a clue as to when this will be really over.
However, they know which of us they are keeping.
The honorable thing for honorable to do is let us know and not keep us hanging!
Is it based on tenure, ranking, sales, where you live or what???
PDI it's time for you to step up and let all of us know so we can figure our future out.
Not asking a lot.
In the past it was based on geography first and foremost and then seniority. Now there is a another player (Publicis) so it is anyone's guess.

My understanding is that managers have been selected and some reps will be held on; managers may or may not have input as to who stays and who goes. A good indication if your manager will tell you that they are staying, mine has not, is where your manager is located. Makes sense. Having a manager based in Charlotte, with no reps being retained in Charlotte would make little sense. So If your manager is in Chicago or Phoenix, etc and is one that is staying its a good chance there will a few rep positions there as well. Just a thought, no clue really. Snoopy seems to have the inside track on info so Snoop what the deal my man??

If you have to use spell check to spell loser then you are one. By all means let's keep the new" loosers"-the first graders that cannot spell! Yes you sure have proven yourself ...very impressed.
Whatever. So funny.

So your telling us management rather keep some long time looser over someone who has proven themselves
If that's the case goodbye PDI

Why does everyone spell Loser "Looser" . No, managers are most likely going to get to pick the reps they want on their team. Many of the flex time reps never hit metrics, did not do admin on time, etc. If that is You, then there is little chance you will be retained; regardless of what you are promoting. Managers want reps that hit 130 or more calls, those who do workday on time, those who do expenses on time, etc. Again, if you are the one making 70 calls a month and getting emails from manager to get your admin done, there is no way the managers are going to take that with them. Just my opinion.