If a decent finance candidate sees all of these posts, they will not join Taro. Unfortunately, Taro finance is on a bad track. I have a list of people who should be told to shape up. Would you like me to publish it. It might shock some of you as, the very people who are complaining are on the list. i will give you a small preview here. There is at least one long-tenured individual on this list. That person has sandbagged the system for a very long time and is now in the self-preservation mode. I hear the ass-kissing all the time. The clowns in the Rebate area have to calm down and understand their jobs. Of course, PQ in IT needs to learn his shit and quit talking down to people and train them rather than blame them. Big asshole, for sure. If rebates goes down, the GP will go down with it. Then the government will step in with a big fine and States will beat up Taro with lawsuits. Everybody works to provide for their family. I brought up these things so certain individuals will understand their conduct is unacceptable. Everyone's job is to enhance finance. Show everyone you are part of a great team!!!

If a decent finance candidate sees all of these posts, they will not join Taro. Unfortunately, Taro finance is on a bad track. I have a list of people who should be told to shape up. Would you like me to publish it. It might shock some of you as, the very people who are complaining are on the list. i will give you a small preview here. There is at least one long-tenured individual on this list. That person has sandbagged the system for a very long time and is now in the self-preservation mode. I hear the ass-kissing all the time. The clowns in the Rebate area have to calm down and understand their jobs. Of course, PQ in IT needs to learn his shit and quit talking down to people and train them rather than blame them. Big asshole, for sure. If rebates goes down, the GP will go down with it. Then the government will step in with a big fine and States will beat up Taro with lawsuits. Everybody works to provide for their family. I brought up these things so certain individuals will understand their conduct is unacceptable. Everyone's job is to enhance finance. Show everyone you are part of a great team!!!
Well said. I'm not a part of Finance, thankfully, and its obvious to me as well as others in my area. What's going on in Finance is clear as day.

Well said. I'm not a part of Finance, thankfully, and its obvious to me as well as others in my area. What's going on in Finance is clear as day.

Finance was not like this before MB. Focusing on the menial things and hiring the wrong people are the problems. Luckily the clown found another place to turn into a circus.

Finance was not like this before MB. Focusing on the menial things and hiring the wrong people are the problems. Luckily the clown found another place to turn into a circus.
Can't blame MB for weak managers. The plan should be to hire a CFO who will work on fixing the dysfunctional department. Everyone has a family to take care of and responsibilities, but tough decisions must be made. This is a place of business not a school. Get a grip and grow up folks. How long did you think your free ride would last?

Can't blame MB for weak managers. The plan should be to hire a CFO who will work on fixing the dysfunctional department. Everyone has a family to take care of and responsibilities, but tough decisions must be made. This is a place of business not a school. Get a grip and grow up folks. How long did you think your free ride would last?

Strong managers left because of him.