Ahhh, I remember those days. One of the biggest problems there was lack of working within current times. The company leadership was old school and had a pack of employees there who were employed for many years. Those employees support the old school behavior instead of helping the company grow. They weren't open to modern changes. No work life balance and stuck in the 90's.
After I left Taro, I was pleasantly surprised by how my new company supported its employees.
Very few people work past 6:00 PM because our workload is balanced properly.
At Taro, "if you don't like it, you can leave" was the prevailing attitude for years.
There was one finance guy that actually slept there overnight. That's ridiculous.
I have heard they lost a lot of good people lately, but MV is still there with her "no flex time" policy.
They treat their employees as if they were unruly children instead of adults.
If they don't behave and follow the rules, then terminate them. Don't treat everyone poorly because of the actions of a few.