Centurion medical?

This thread is gold! Keep going! I used to work here and check in from time to time. My regional director was a huge piece of crap. The Guy never helped anyone, just lied and made crap up all of the time.

This thread is gold! Keep going! I used to work here and check in from time to time. My regional director was a huge piece of crap. The Guy never helped anyone, just lied and made crap up all of the time.

That pretty much describes every rd and anyone above them. You could probably throw in some of the so-called mentors.

Well, I see by all the recent responses that are posted after my few that I am right on about the company. All of the negatives that I have heard about since I left have all been confirmed and I could even say that it is worse than I thought. Too bag for the sales reps but the company, Mike Goro, etc. deserve everything that they are getting. I know all these guys too well though if you think that they internally really care. All they care about is themselves and what they make as individuals. It is their own bank account and their undeserved egos that matter to them.

I also see that everyone also agrees with me that the so called rep who I thought was a manager is probably one. Especially since he is trying very hard to figure out what company I now work for. Most reps would not spend that much time concerning themselves with that information.

Not sure where everyone else is working these days but I get so much pleasure in taking business away from these a'holes! Just found out today that another one may be coming my way. As Britney Spears used to say..."Oops, I did it again!". Haha!!

So I enjoy a good puzzler, and I can't figure out who the heck you work for.

1. You worked at Centurion, BUT then you state "Centurion people" don't cut it there. Implying 2 or more former reps (not including yourself) have worked at your employer, all failed but you.

2. You take 98% of our business.

3. Not on contract.

4. Make more money than ANYONE ELSE at Centurion.

I've got to tell you, I don't have the foggiest idea who you work for. I mean if you took my business nearly every time I think I would know. The business I do lose is normally contract related, which I get most of that back eventually. If you make more than anyone else here, you're a millionaire, literally, as we have some big top dogs. I mean you've got it made!

Gosh, I'm drawing a blank. Help me out. I won't be able to sleep tonight. I'm not trying to be an ass, (the last post I was sarcastic as hell, I'm serious now) you'd think with all those clues it would be on the tip of every CMP reps tongue.

Like you, I was going to let this go, but dammit, this is going to stump me.

Instead of trying to figure out who the other poster is, can you tell the board who you are? Since you are defending Centurion is such a great place to work, I do not see why you would want to remain anonymous.

Instead of trying to figure out who the other poster is, can you tell the board who you are? Since you are defending Centurion is such a great place to work, I do not see why you would want to remain anonymous.

Isn't that the truth!! If you are so much of a Centurion lifer and supporter, they all will love to know who this great, team supportive rep might be.

Then again....maybe you are not really a sales rep as we have all thought?

These posts are great. I wish I knew what the sentiment was before I started working here. Now I know I am not the only one who is so turned off. I can't stand listening to these managers points of view anymore. Receiving advice from an AARP member with an ego is the worst. How many times do I have to hear how Centurion paid for my kids college tuition etc... I hate this place!

Keep the posts coming! I am learning more from this site than anyone else at Centurion. I definitely don't ask in fear I don't look like a team player.

I haven't worked at Centurion in a long time but the reps that are stuck there call me just to complain about working there. Will someone please post something positive! I am starting to feel like reps have Stockholm Syndrome.

Now I know I am not the only one who is so turned off. I can't stand listening to these managers points of view anymore. Receiving advice from an AARP member with an ego is the worst. How many times do I have to hear how Centurion paid for my kids college tuition etc... I hate this place!

I LOVE the line about the "AARP member". Not sure who you are, but just wanted to let you know that I tbought that was a classic!

As a former rep myself, all I can tell you was that this used to a good place to work. Then the egos of Mike Goro, Tom Archipley, John Bauer, John Henke, Zane Myers, etc. just got in the way. It's also hard to continually live in the 70's without ever changing how you do your business. Then again, they did make some changes. They made changes that affected the sales force by cutting commissions and making it harder to make decent money. All the while the top people and the like that I mentioned earlier never took a pay cut. It's the perfect example of a buddy system. Good for them and screw everyone else. From what I have heard, the only people left are ones who are taking this job because they have been sold a bill of goods initially and are out looking for another job currently. In the old days, companies like Centurion used to look for office supply and/or copier sales type reps who had a year or so experience knowing that they achieved some sales experience and then brought them on board. Now it has changed. Because of the way that Centurion pays their reps and does not support them, those reps now use Centurion as a springboard to a better job somewhere else. For me, I just continually go head with these guys and beat them almost every time. Like I had mentioned in a much earlier post, I do apologize sales reps for doing so. Nothing against you. You are just playing for the wrong team. I do not get any pleasure taking any business away from you, but i am THRILLED to take it away from the company! Until next time...

It's cut from the same cloth or made from the same mold. You sound like Biff Tannen you idiot.

Wow!! I can't lie. By luck I found this site. I am a former rep who now works for a competitor. There is no doubt some sadness for the individual reps who are no doubt struggling. You always hate to hear that. At the same time though I have to tell you all that I have a TON of pleasure in reading all of the issues of this flea bag company who has a deserved reputation of screwing the sales reps. I also have to laugh reading how everyone rips Mike Goro and Tom Archipley Jr. Once a douchbebag, always a douchebag!! Some things in life never change. Goro always thought he was God's gift to the world yet the sales people had always done the selling. He must be a good sales person though as he convinced Tom Sr. to keep him in his position and pay him the big bucks. Tom Jr. was fed the silver spoon and no doubt has an undeserved ego. Has he ever told anyone that he could not make it with Centurion/Tri-State the first time? Yep he failed in his job and Dad brought him back again. It's not what you know but who you know. John Bauer, Mike Goro, Tom Archipley Jr. and Sr., etc. They are all cut from the same mold. All for them and they will screw you so fast to protect themselves without caring about you the sales rep. That is their history and you can not argue with facts.

I have heard so many negative things about this company recently but did not do much research per se to see if it was true. Well, the trail of these comments not only confirm everything that I have heard but goes well beyond that. I am sure that the main douchebags upstairs really don't care since all they will concern themselves with is how much money they have in the bank (I see how they still like to remind everyone about that!), but I do believe that their time will come. There are MANY things that people like myself know about their personal background and how they have lived their lives and all I will say is that heaven is not a place that these people will be going. Remember, the ones who preach the loudest are the ones who have the most to hide in their closets.

So, if anyone is looking to work for a company like this, only do so if you are on your last penny and you need a job. If that is the case, do so with your resume out because you want to beat these bastards to the punch to protect yourselves! I will sign off by saying, this company's struggles in the industry gives me goosebumps.

It's cut from the same cloth or made from the same mold. You sound like Biff Tannen you idiot.

You stupid ass! No doubt, you are one of the dopes that I mentioned in the previous post. Like I said in an earlier one, the gloves are now officially off. I know too much about this company and comments like yours will just allow me to let it flow. Get ready boys!!

I haven't worked at Centurion in a long time but the reps that are stuck there call me just to complain about working there. Will someone please post something positive! I am starting to feel like reps have Stockholm Syndrome.

Here is some positive news...after almost a year of selling value, I finally closed my first sterile rubberband account. Granted, the commission is so slow that I won't make anything, but like the big players at the company say it's about the base hits.

Here is some positive news...after almost a year of selling value, I finally closed my first sterile rubberband account. Granted, the commission is so slow that I won't make anything, but like the big players at the company say it's about the base hits.

What a riot!! Congrats on your first major sale after a year!! I'd tell you to go buy yourself a cupcake to celebrate but your commission won't cover that! What a great company!!

What a riot!! Congrats on your first major sale after a year!! I'd tell you to go buy yourself a cupcake to celebrate but your commission won't cover that! What a great company!!

The sarcasm really is not necessary. I know that my sterile rubber bands make a difference, because it says so in my centurion stories binder and because challenger told me they do.

It's getting close to that time of the year to order your Thanksgiving cards. Since it was a question on the first ever exam at Centurion University, it's an important part of being a successful CMP rep. Speaking of Centurion University, how is that working out for everyone?

It's getting close to that time of the year to order your Thanksgiving cards. Since it was a question on the first ever exam at Centurion University, it's an important part of being a successful CMP rep. Speaking of Centurion University, how is that working out for everyone?

Sometimes I can't really tell if these are real questions or sarcastic ones. Nice to know that a key question that a company would have concerning their reps success and future is one about ordering Thanksgiving cards. Let me go order mine now and if I do, I know that I will make a ton of money! And is that Centurion University working as well as Trump University did for everyone?

Sometimes I can't really tell if these are real questions or sarcastic ones. Nice to know that a key question that a company would have concerning their reps success and future is one about ordering Thanksgiving cards. Let me go order mine now and if I do, I know that I will make a ton of money! And is that Centurion University working as well as Trump University did for everyone?

I was under the impression that it was a serious question since it was on the initial Centurion University test. That along with if we should order business cards with the embossed Shield on it. I wonder why there were no questions on if we should give out the Chinese buffet scrolls or not. Those always helped me overcome the tough questions like: why are you priced so much higher and not on my GPO contract.

I was under the impression that it was a serious question since it was on the initial Centurion University test. That along with if we should order business cards with the embossed Shield on it. I wonder why there were no questions on if we should give out the Chinese buffet scrolls or not. Those always helped me overcome the tough questions like: why are you priced so much higher and not on my GPO contract.

Yeah, all those things will no doubt help me make big bucks, keep me engaged with my customers, never having to worry about always being overpriced and having no contracts. That's it, the key to all of our success are chinese calendars, embossed shields on our business cards and being able to sell sterile rubber bands once a year! Wow!! Now I know that I have made it! What a company!!!

Ha Ha. Cracking up!! I see that Goro is still a major douche with an undeserving ego. He has done crap!! The sales reps sold and he just sucked both Archipley's asses to keep his job!

Not according to Goro. If you ask him...nevermind he will tell you without asking, he is the reason why anything has ever happened. One of my favorite stories is that he showed up for the ASA one year and was not too pleased with the amount of traffic the booth had. Not wanting to accept that he got the most inexpensive and out of the way booth, he blamed the lack of foot traffic on the sales reps working the booth. When he was told that no one is coming in this section of the exhibition hall, Goro suggested that we walk around doing yo-yo and card tricks.