Centurion medical?

Not according to Goro. If you ask him...nevermind he will tell you without asking, he is the reason why anything has ever happened. One of my favorite stories is that he showed up for the ASA one year and was not too pleased with the amount of traffic the booth had. Not wanting to accept that he got the most inexpensive and out of the way booth, he blamed the lack of foot traffic on the sales reps working the booth. When he was told that no one is coming in this section of the exhibition hall, Goro suggested that we walk around doing yo-yo and card tricks.

If true this is the funniest thing I have ever read.

I promise you, it is 100% true; unfortunately, like pretty much everything else on this board.

I cant lie. It still amazes me that he is still as big of an asshole as he always was. That bald headed, wife cheating ego-maniac is just a piece of garbage. I feel bad for the reps who have to still deal with him.

It's hard to believe that Goro is still as big of an A-hole that he always was. That bald headed, cheating ego maniac hasn't changed. I feel bad for the reps who have to continually work with him!

I cant lie. It still amazes me that he is still as big of an asshole as he always was. That bald headed, wife cheating ego-maniac is just a piece of garbage. I feel bad for the reps who have to still deal with him.

Lol. What's really funny is that neither him or any of the other clowns in management there could hack it at a real company. They really live in their own little worlds which are not reality.

When I was there my manager made me walk around with a Shield dressing on my arm to show how well it supposedly worked. Are they expecting the same with Disimpactor?

That and a foley securement with a bag dragging behind you now!

No, In all seriousness, I've made a TON of money walking around with the shield on my arm.

That and a foley securement with a bag dragging behind you now!

No, In all seriousness, I've made a TON of money walking around with the shield on my arm.

Not me. Customer's were impressed with how well the dressing worked, but more times than not commented on how ridiculous I looked with the dressing on one arm and a tube of EME bags on the other. When they saw the price or that we weren't on contract, 3M dressings looked much better.

If Tom Jr. was self made, Centurion would be thriving... unfortunately our "CEO" is part of the lucky sperm club AKA blow daddy, fuck your siblings and run the family company into the ground.

There is hope but Goro has to get off his knees and quit blowing opportunities, otherwise he'll continue the delusion that the blue shield was actually his idea.... haha what a clown.

Hello all! I must say as a prospective employee this thread is not encouraging! I understand that people all over have different experiences based on their situation, it's sales so that's typically the case.

I'm looking at a role in Little Rock, AR. Does anyone know about this territory and it's potential? Who is the manager, I believe his name is Tom per the recruiter?

Emotions always run high in the sales space so I appreciate any constructive feedback.

One thing to mention is that I'm looking to get into medical sales, I'm currently in IT sales.

Thank you for your time.

I would recommend taking the job. I have been here over 5 years. Its not exactly the company it once was, but its still a great company. Dont take what all these people say about the CEO Tom 2 and the VP goro. Tom 2 is a great guy, and i am on a first name basis with him. Not too many medical device company employees can say that- but many reps are on a first name basis with him and its refreshing. The sales VP is definitely a unique personality, but he has grown the company to where it is.

The GPO struggle is real. If your territory is comprised of HPG or ascension hospitals I may look at other opportunities if I were you, its not impossible to sell there, just much more difficult. If not this is a great place to learn.

Really the pro's outweigh the cons. The only downfall now is where when i started sales people had more pull in the company. Now we have these trainers like "Kelly fitzapatrick" who has never carried a bag in the field, is rude and condescending. I am not really sure why her role is beneficial to the company, but that is my only gripe.

All I can say is only take the job if you want medical sales experience. Don't expect to make much money. The old days you could. Expect to stay a year or so and then move on to a company who has products and a way of thinking that would benefit anyone or an account/hospital in today's marketplace. Centurion is still way behind in their thinking and that comes from the people up top. To be honest, I had to laugh at a recent previous post. If the thrill of being able to call the CEO by his first name, then sign up for this job today! If that is the best thing that a current employee or management person can say about him or the company, then good luck to everyone! Your future is not bright!!

Hello all! I must say as a prospective employee this thread is not encouraging! I understand that people all over have different experiences based on their situation, it's sales so that's typically the case.

I'm looking at a role in Little Rock, AR. Does anyone know about this territory and it's potential? Who is the manager, I believe his name is Tom per the recruiter?

Emotions always run high in the sales space so I appreciate any constructive feedback.

One thing to mention is that I'm looking to get into medical sales, I'm currently in IT sales.

Thank you for your time.

What is your income expectation ? After all that's the most important thing right? Forget what you are told by the recruiter and the business, what do you actually need/expect to make at this company?