Cardiovascular Nurse Specialists

Go read the thread "15 Million." AZ has now hired your group to sell to other nurses to try and close that gap between IC's that write and that lost scripts at discharge. So, you will be one of now about 7 to 9 people in each territory calling on the same accounts with ONE drug. OMG!!! I hope you really think about that. Your counterparts are all "force ranked," meaning they are NOT going to give YOU the time of day or one contact and you will not ever know if one of them has JUST been into the account/department. Have a blast.

Go read the thread "15 Million." AZ has now hired your group to sell to other nurses to try and close that gap between IC's that write and that lost scripts at discharge. So, you will be one of now about 7 to 9 people in each territory calling on the same accounts with ONE drug. OMG!!! I hope you really think about that. Your counterparts are all "force ranked," meaning they are NOT going to give YOU the time of day or one contact and you will not ever know if one of them has JUST been into the account/department. Have a blast.

I don't know that counterparts would be so callous as to not give you contact information. If you have some success, so do they. However, with so many people covering contacts, it is possible you may not know who has been in or out. You can affiliate counterparts and follow activity, but who wants to sit all day and sift through data, there's enough data as it is.

There is truth to the force rank concern. If you get credit it could take away from others. I've had managers who like to see people working together, and others who only want to see credit coming from their team. Enough so that you don't want to receive or send cross team messages that copy your manager. This happens most often with managers that are insecure and unsure of themselves. AZ has a way of bringing the worst out in people. This is ridiculous and sad, but unfortunately happens.

Consider carefully. AZ is a very strange place.

I don't know that counterparts would be so callous as to not give you contact information. If you have some success, so do they. However, with so many people covering contacts, it is possible you may not know who has been in or out. You can affiliate counterparts and follow activity, but who wants to sit all day and sift through data, there's enough data as it is.

There is truth to the force rank concern. If you get credit it could take away from others. I've had managers who like to see people working together, and others who only want to see credit coming from their team. Enough so that you don't want to receive or send cross team messages that copy your manager. This happens most often with managers that are insecure and unsure of themselves. AZ has a way of bringing the worst out in people. This is ridiculous and sad, but unfortunately happens.

Consider carefully. AZ is a very strange place.

A beg to differ. I know of a number of teams where they share absolutely nothing unless the manager demands it. Even then, they keep it minimal and even if they know the nurse in charge of all DC planning, they will not say. I have no idea and neither do my counterparts how we can possibly keep track of who went where or is going where since not one of my dipshit team uses a group calendar feature inside one of our intranet systems.

This position is not a sales position; therefore, I do not perceive that you will encounter any type of competitive behavior from your potential AZ counterparts. You will not be employed by AZ and therefore, cannot be "force-ranked" with AZ counterparts. What you seem to be encountering at this point, via the chat stream, is an unfortunate misunderstanding of the nurse role (mainly due to an unfortunate miscommunication or lack thereof from management). I am looking forward to gaining a nurse who will work from bedside to discharge with the discharge planners, case managers and patients to ensure continuity of care and access to medicine. The sales representatives cannot have patient contact, so this fills a gap.

This position is not a sales position; therefore, I do not perceive that you will encounter any type of competitive behavior from your potential AZ counterparts. You will not be employed by AZ and therefore, cannot be "force-ranked" with AZ counterparts. What you seem to be encountering at this point, via the chat stream, is an unfortunate misunderstanding of the nurse role (mainly due to an unfortunate miscommunication or lack thereof from management). I am looking forward to gaining a nurse who will work from bedside to discharge with the discharge planners, case managers and patients to ensure continuity of care and access to medicine. The sales representatives cannot have patient contact, so this fills a gap.

The job description calls the position sales. Am I mistaken ?

This position is not a sales position; therefore, I do not perceive that you will encounter any type of competitive behavior from your potential AZ counterparts. You will not be employed by AZ and therefore, cannot be "force-ranked" with AZ counterparts. What you seem to be encountering at this point, via the chat stream, is an unfortunate misunderstanding of the nurse role (mainly due to an unfortunate miscommunication or lack thereof from management). I am looking forward to gaining a nurse who will work from bedside to discharge with the discharge planners, case managers and patients to ensure continuity of care and access to medicine. The sales representatives cannot have patient contact, so this fills a gap.

LMAO! Step away from the kool aid. It is a sales position. There were already reps calling on DC. This will only screw things up more than they already are. Welcome to the perfect definition of a cluster fck.

I am interviewing as well for one of the Clinical Nurse Specialist positions. I have worked over the years with lots of reps and its really sad that so many of you are so jaded and use such foul language. I am not a do-good'er but I say if you can manage a 4 hour work schedule, you should be grateful, not complain. I mean, how many people get to work from a home based position, drive a company car, work 4 hours per day and have a life. Seriously folks, grow up and smell the gratitude. If you are so miserable, get out of the job.

Sorry to be so scolding but it gripes me to no end to listen to whining adults. You have your health, you can work, and you bring home a good paycheck. So grow up and appreciate what you have.

OK, Im done.

This position is not a sales position; therefore, I do not perceive that you will encounter any type of competitive behavior from your potential AZ counterparts. You will not be employed by AZ and therefore, cannot be "force-ranked" with AZ counterparts. What you seem to be encountering at this point, via the chat stream, is an unfortunate misunderstanding of the nurse role (mainly due to an unfortunate miscommunication or lack thereof from management). I am looking forward to gaining a nurse who will work from bedside to discharge with the discharge planners, case managers and patients to ensure continuity of care and access to medicine. The sales representatives cannot have patient contact, so this fills a gap.

FINALLY, someone who knows the work a Nurse does!!!!

I am interviewing as well for one of the Clinical Nurse Specialist positions. I have worked over the years with lots of reps and its really sad that so many of you are so jaded and use such foul language. I am not a do-good'er but I say if you can manage a 4 hour work schedule, you should be grateful, not complain. I mean, how many people get to work from a home based position, drive a company car, work 4 hours per day and have a life. Seriously folks, grow up and smell the gratitude. If you are so miserable, get out of the job.

Sorry to be so scolding but it gripes me to no end to listen to whining adults. You have your health, you can work, and you bring home a good paycheck. So grow up and appreciate what you have.

OK, Im done.

Sorry, but a lot of us are jealous. While you will be treated as a professional in your association with AZ, we will be bent over waiting for the latex glove treatment in forced rank hell. Where people here are coming from is a whole different place. Hopefully you can appreciate the perspective. It goes much farther than a company car and a decent paycheck.

FINALLY, someone who knows the work a Nurse does!!!!

As soon as you slap on that contract badge, you are no longer seen as a nurse. I promise you that. Many, many nurses get into pharma and quit b/c they are no longer respected or viewed as anything but a drug pusher. Go off label or off the marketing message and you will find yourself fired or worse. I read the job description and it is part of a S A L E S organization and division. Grow the fuck up. You will soon find out why everyone bitches as most of you have absolutely no idea what you're getting into.

I am interviewing as well for one of the Clinical Nurse Specialist positions. I have worked over the years with lots of reps and its really sad that so many of you are so jaded and use such foul language. I am not a do-good'er but I say if you can manage a 4 hour work schedule, you should be grateful, not complain. I mean, how many people get to work from a home based position, drive a company car, work 4 hours per day and have a life. Seriously folks, grow up and smell the gratitude. If you are so miserable, get out of the job.

Sorry to be so scolding but it gripes me to no end to listen to whining adults. You have your health, you can work, and you bring home a good paycheck. So grow up and appreciate what you have.

OK, Im done.

Preach it, sister.

Go back to wiping asses and administering meds, and stop pretending like you are the physicians' equal! This is a sales role, and that is how you'll be seen. Deal with it. Hope you are not a fat-ass with a nasty attitude like 90% of your colleagues.

Go back to wiping asses and administering meds, and stop pretending like you are the physicians' equal! This is a sales role, and that is how you'll be seen. Deal with it. Hope you are not a fat-ass with a nasty attitude like 90% of your colleagues. truly lack respect for nurses. One day when you need one most, I hope a nurse looks at you and tells you to wipe your own sorry ass. Why don't you work as hard as nurses do and EARN every cent of money you make and stop bitching and whining like some entitled "rep" who doesn't truly know the meaning of the concept of "work". Get over yourself already. The ladder you are on can be pulled out from under you in a split second. You are indispensable; nurses aren't!

For a nurse it will all come down to sales. They will find ways to pull your chain despite your best efforts to stay clinical. Save yourself and don't start at all. There are much better jobs in managed care where you wont be tied up in all the nonsense of AZ. I have seen this first hand and yes I have the education like you to evaluate it properly.

Totally agree with the nurse post. As a nurse and a rep - I couldn't agree more. Nurses earn every penny of their salary and they work so incredibly hard for things that really matter in this life and to families with whom they care for.
As a rep, you are slave to the paycheck and get zero respect but when this train stops those of us who studied nursing AND graduated with a BSN can always return to being a respected nurse who makes a difference in this world when the reps who complain all day about their job will be in the unemployment line. Nurses ROCK!!!!!!!! No they are not equal to the doc but they are the one who cares for you and one day you will learn the reality of that with either yourself or your child.

Totally agree with the nurse post. As a nurse and a rep - I couldn't agree more. Nurses earn every penny of their salary and they work so incredibly hard for things that really matter in this life and to families with whom they care for.
As a rep, you are slave to the paycheck and get zero respect but when this train stops those of us who studied nursing AND graduated with a BSN can always return to being a respected nurse who makes a difference in this world when the reps who complain all day about their job will be in the unemployment line. Nurses ROCK!!!!!!!! No they are not equal to the doc but they are the one who cares for you and one day you will learn the reality of that with either yourself or your child.

As a seasoned professional with over 20 years in this business, I think those of us that have more than 15 years left in the workforce would be best served to go back and get our RN degree. Specialty will be the only thing left and the RN credential will likely be a requirement for specialty sales in the future. Pain in the ass but better to do it now than stand in the unemployment line later! No sarcasm please. I'm sure this has been said before but I'm just trying to help us ALL. The future isn't looking too pretty.

I moved from nursing to hospital pharma sales 10 years. COE top numbers for years. The transition was quite easy. For the first 1-2 years you can realiy on your backgriund and relationships to get formualry wins and drive sales and pull the nurse card. Once you start calling on HCPs you don't know, then you become a sales rep. Its easy in the beginning but tougher now. Case managers, MDs, pharmacy dont really want to see you unless you can offer them something other than your RN on your badge. Access is tough throughout hospital even w my RN name badge. Pharmacy rules the land and you have to follow their policies on access even though you have are an RN. I havent been in some ICUs or cath labs ever because if you are caught you are kicked out.

Totally agree with the nurse post. As a nurse and a rep - I couldn't agree more. Nurses earn every penny of their salary and they work so incredibly hard for things that really matter in this life and to families with whom they care for.
As a rep, you are slave to the paycheck and get zero respect but when this train stops those of us who studied nursing AND graduated with a BSN can always return to being a respected nurse who makes a difference in this world when the reps who complain all day about their job will be in the unemployment line. Nurses ROCK!!!!!!!! No they are not equal to the doc but they are the one who cares for you and one day you will learn the reality of that with either yourself or your child.

This true but the nurses on this thread are not listening...... don' t be fooled this is sales job. If you take it you will become one of us. If you think nursing is a noble job stick with it. You don't get it ....with pharma guidelines and regulatory laws you will not really be able to use your professional expertise. You are being prostituted for your degree and existing relationships. If you are okay with that take the job.