Cadence will be hiring soon

OK Shit-for-brains we get it, you're not interested, you're above the fray. Please, stop posting and we'll try to launch this drug without your expertise, Lord knows it will be hard, but we will try. Lots of animosity for a new company, did they already reject your hard-working-ass with another option? We know it isn't teaching grammar.

OK, we get it Shit For Brains. You're not interested. You're above the fray. Please stop posting, and we'll try to launch this drug without your expertise. Lord knows, it will be hard, but we will try. There is lots of animosity for a new company. Did they already reject your hard working ass with another option? (that sentence doesn't even make sense) We know it isn't teaching grammar. (this sentence doesn't make sense either).

I did my best to show you what proper English looks like, but the grammar and punctuation was almost beyond repair. You don't even know how to structure a sentence. Ever learn how to use punctuation? MORON! You must be in upper management. I turned down an interview for this company.

I'm not sure why everyone's so excited about this job. Two bad quarters where you're in the bottom 3rd of the division and you're gone, the hiring manager told me herself. That's intense. The strategy is to set up a culture where reps are in constant fear of losing their jobs. If a rep gets let go then they bring someone else just as hungry and eager to ramp up.

I just don't get how you only 2 Qs of leeway. Some territories need time to ramp up while other territories are easily accessible. Just my 2 cents but don't feel too bad if you didn't get the offer. The pay is good but comes with a steep price.

This is completely not true. Cadence will have very obtainable sales objectives for first 12 months. P&T is a process and Cadence knows this. Listen to conference call. Congrats to those that were fortunate enough to get on. It is going to be a great ride. For the unfortunate, keep trying I am sure Merck/SP or Phizer/Wyeth will be hiring and firing soon.