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Bye Andy? Sort of sad, but things change.

Espo is next. He's been underperforming for a long time. AA's been covering for his sorry ass. Albany, Syracuse and Rochester are in trouble, too! Lot's of $#!T to hit the fan very soon.

There's nothing like an event such as an SVP of Sales resigning to juice up the Novo board. For months it's been pathetic. Nothing but mindless drivel. It's pretty good now though.

AA: affirmative action...NJ boyz club just got decapitated. Novo grew exponentially DESPITE these leaders, now it's time to make hard decisions and cut the fat. Still remember POA where Palermo goes walking by a group of NY/NJ reps who looked like they just got done with their powerlifting session and he leans in with a loud "WHAT UP DDAAAWWWGGGSS!!" Hilarious...that was the perception of the culture there. Who knows...Those guys could all be a really great group of reps but that boys club perception sure is strong...

That being said, during our last one day POA, no less than three managers made references to their glory days of college sports...seriously??? Guys, let it go.

AA: affirmative action...NJ boyz club just got decapitated. Novo grew exponentially DESPITE these leaders, now it's time to make hard decisions and cut the fat. Still remember POA where Palermo goes walking by a group of NY/NJ reps who looked like they just got done with their powerlifting session and he leans in with a loud "WHAT UP DDAAAWWWGGGSS!!" Hilarious...that was the perception of the culture there. Who knows...Those guys could all be a really great group of reps but that boys club perception sure is strong...

That being said, during our last one day POA, no less than three managers made references to their glory days of college sports...seriously??? Guys, let it go.

This pretty much sums it up.

AA: affirmative action...NJ boyz club just got decapitated. Novo grew exponentially DESPITE these leaders, now it's time to make hard decisions and cut the fat. Still remember POA where Palermo goes walking by a group of NY/NJ reps who looked like they just got done with their powerlifting session and he leans in with a loud "WHAT UP DDAAAWWWGGGSS!!" Hilarious...that was the perception of the culture there. Who knows...Those guys could all be a really great group of reps but that boys club perception sure is strong...

That being said, during our last one day POA, no less than three managers made references to their glory days of college sports...seriously??? Guys, let it go.
Many of us weigh in on the insular boys club set up by ANAJ,and pushed through via BOPA. You have it right, we were (key word) successful despite their cronyism. This area was being like a frat alumni association from some lower level state school, where many of the brothers Played on the same high school team, or competing against each other.

Many of us weigh in on the insular boys club set up by ANAJ,and pushed through via BOPA. You have it right, we were (key word) successful despite their cronyism. This area was being like a frat alumni association from some lower level state school, where many of the brothers Played on the same high school team, or competing against each other.

Hmmmm...that sounds like the entire states of NY, NJ, MA & PA. I think that's just the meatheads of the Northeast US being meatheads and not specific to Novo Nordisk.

Just drive to any establishment with more than 15 people in it in any of those States, and you'll see the same thing.

ANAJ was an absolute fraud any egotistical asshole who would get up in front of a training class and brag about how quickly he would fire people was nothing more than a steroid pumped balding midget who was over compensating for something huh there shorty ? Good riddance and let's hope the rest of his cronies in the Northeast are next!!!

Novo grew exponentially DESPITE these leaders, now it's time to make hard decisions and cut the fat.
Lets get one thing straight, Novo "grew" because of raising prices. Andy hasn't met a volume sales forecast in half a decade. When things were short, they jacked up the price to fill the gap. Amazing how he kept his job this long. He also talked tough but in reality had no balls or professionalism to address issues. Those in his inner circle were there to inform and protect him.

ANAJ was an absolute fraud any egotistical asshole who would get up in front of a training class and brag about how quickly he would fire people was nothing more than a steroid pumped balding midget who was over compensating for something huh there shorty ? Good riddance and let's hope the rest of his cronies in the Northeast are next!!!

Getting up in front of a training class and bragging about quickly firing people was an act. Andy just ACTED tough. Many managers are pretty good ACTORS and not much more than that.

It's kinda like CP. There's a lot of pretty good theater of the mind going on here.

Lets get one thing straight, Novo "grew" because of raising prices. Andy hasn't met a volume sales forecast in half a decade. When things were short, they jacked up the price to fill the gap. Amazing how he kept his job this long. He also talked tough but in reality had no balls or professionalism to address issues. Those in his inner circle were there to inform and protect him.
The "devil you know" in most cases is better than the one you don't. If they bring in an outsider to run our sales organization, we will all be wishing Andy was still here. Like him or not, he was a "player's coach." He advocated for the sales force. We enjoyed nicer cars, more perks and some of the best benefits in the industry. Do not look for the next guy to advocate for reps. If anything, things will tighten up like a noose around the sales force. Get ready!

The "devil you know" in most cases is better than the one you don't. If they bring in an outsider to run our sales organization, we will all be wishing Andy was still here. Like him or not, he was a "player's coach." He advocated for the sales force. We enjoyed nicer cars, more perks and some of the best benefits in the industry. Do not look for the next guy to advocate for reps. If anything, things will tighten up like a noose around the sales force. Get ready!

The next guy probably wont advocate for Reps because he knows and understands what his marching orders from Doug are.

The next guy probably wont advocate for Reps because he knows and understands what his marching orders from Doug are.
where have you been. We had nice perks! sweet cars and great gifts and trips when we were fat. And we were fat because as market share grew, price increases grew even faster. Do you not notice how the car selection has gotten much worse? All the Christmas gifts have gotten chintzier.? What about the great trips we always used to take.

Why does Rochester get mentioned so much on CP?
Because their performance has been so lackluster and they have flown under the radar for WAY TOO LONG with a manager who winks her way through life and their huge blow-hard know-nothing rep who bulls#it$ everyone to get what he wants and nobody brave enough to say no to him.