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Bye Bye Jeremy!

Quick question …. Some comments mention his fiancé was with him on bus. I didn’t think we were allowed to bring our SO to business meetings? Or is she also with NNI?

What did he “say to the bus driver” ? This all speculation we really don’t know why he was let go.

I was there and acting that way in public and treating people in that manner is a pretty good indication of who you are. It was an awful and embarrassing display. That said, is it enough to get someone fired? I don’t know but the fact that it happened so quickly would lead me to believe he was already walking a fine line before he crossed it.

Definitely not Jeremy in fact when he got Negelle’s role I decided I didn’t like him but I made a point to introduce myself and talk with him. He’s not bad at all, he may be a bit Curt but with a whoke world that does not work. Alcohol is not truth serum, I don’t agree with what he said to the bus driver, I was on the bus. Bus got silent and it was awkward but that’s not a reason to fire someone in his position. It’s grounds for a demotion.

you really don’t think it was this one incident do you ??? Come on folks ….

It today’s woke environment YES!!! It could be a single event!

“Woke” still doesn’t explain why a senior executive thought it was appropriate, or OK, to debase another company’s worker who was apparently just doing their job. I have yet to understand why anyone thinks it is acceptable to curse out a bus driver and make the entire group riding in that bus go silent and feel awkward as hell. What does being a raging dick have to do with wokeness?

“Woke” still doesn’t explain why a senior executive thought it was appropriate, or OK, to debase another company’s worker who was apparently just doing their job. I have yet to understand why anyone thinks it is acceptable to curse out a bus driver and make the entire group riding in that bus go silent and feel awkward as hell. What does being a raging dick have to do with wokeness?

I couldn’t agree with you more. This isn’t “woke” BS. It’s simply someone being an arrogant, demeaning ass to someone else because he felt he could do so. Take your woke crap somewhere else. I don’t care who it is or what the situation is, the guy deserved to be walked for what he did.

What is wrong with you people? how do you delight in someone else’s misfortune ! He always protected his people and was their biggest advocate! As far as jeremy being at the right place at the right time couldn’t be farther from the truth. You may get a break and have a great opportunity but you still need to make it happen and he did. He is smart AF!
Smart but stupid

Has nobody made the glaring connection yet!??? Jeremy was canned and took all the Wegovy supply with him that he could on the way out. “Who’s coming with me!?…..”. Aneil: “I am!”

“Woke” still doesn’t explain why a senior executive thought it was appropriate, or OK, to debase another company’s worker who was apparently just doing their job. I have yet to understand why anyone thinks it is acceptable to curse out a bus driver and make the entire group riding in that bus go silent and feel awkward as hell. What does being a raging dick have to do with wokeness?
no one is saying it is acceptable. JRSP wasn't thinking. I was there not sure it was worthy of termination but in today's environment you breathe incorrectly and you could be gone. There have bee a lot of ONE time and your gone offenses - it is called ZERO TOLERANCE.

no one is saying it is acceptable. JRSP wasn't thinking. I was there not sure it was worthy of termination but in today's environment you breathe incorrectly and you could be gone. There have bee a lot of ONE time and your gone offenses - it is called ZERO TOLERANCE.

Zero tolerance for being a demeaning dick? Uh yes please. It's not like he copied someone on an email by mistake or missed an important meeting, or even drank too much at a company event and was slurring and stumbling, but in good humor and laughing with colleagues. Dude went off on an innocent working man with no provocation. Man, if you consider that "zero tolerance" I'd hate to see what it would take to can someone in your mind...

If you’re an asshole to someone you’ve never met, that is WHO. YOU. ARE.

Spare me with the “mistake” crap.

And I know what he called the poor driver. I won’t say what because it could help identify me, but suffice to say, he didn’t call him a jerk. You use that word in public in front of your coworkers, many of them subordinates, you’ve used it before, many times.

so what exactly did he do? Specifically. All of these assumptions and innuendos that he disrespected a bus driver, under the protection of anonymity are bs. If you know, then share, otherwise stop talking s*** about someone you clearly dont know.
This. A lot of insinuations being made here by people who claim to have been on the bus for this incident yet can’t seem to specify exactly what was said. Sounds suspicious. If you can’t be more specific then I’ll stick with my judgment of Jeremy based on actual real life personal experience, which was always respectful and professional.

Zero tolerance for being a demeaning dick? Uh yes please. It's not like he copied someone on an email by mistake or missed an important meeting, or even drank too much at a company event and was slurring and stumbling, but in good humor and laughing with colleagues. Dude went off on an innocent working man with no provocation. Man, if you consider that "zero tolerance" I'd hate to see what it would take to can someone in your mind...

I was on the bus and everyone keeps saying the “poor driver” and completely ignore the fact that the driver was driving like he was high. He was missing exits, stopping in the middle of the highway, driving thru red lights. Two people including Jrsp went up to talk to him to see if he was ok out of concern for all the people on bus. Yeah maybe he shouldn’t have gotten loud, but c’mon people