By viewiing this post you vote: "Sid must GO!"

Re: By viewiing this post you vote: \"Sid must GO!\"

I believe this thread actually helped to achieve something. The important decision=making people must have taken notice to all the views of this thread and reacted!!!

Re: By viewiing this post you vote: \"Sid must GO!\"

yes, please fill us in.

[/ QUOTE ]

Take a close look at the SEC filing made public yesterday by Lilly and the "pickup" on it by Reuters and Dow Jones. AG's office envolvment regarding supeonas is serious shit. Here lies your answer. Sid is done.

Re: By viewiing this post you vote: \"Sid must GO!\"

What a joke this case is. Some overzealous prosecuter seeking fame and fortuen at the expense of the public by extracting fines from Pharma.

Re: By viewiing this post you vote: \"Sid must GO!\"

Hey, wake up.
I told you all.
Feb 28, 2006 is his last day.
Now tell everyone you know, get ready to rejoice when the time comes.
And get off my back.