By viewiing this post you vote: "Sid must GO!"

Re: By viewiing this post you vote: \"Sid must GO!\"

Sidney Taurel here,
To all CafePharma posters-
Stop wasting your time commenting on this worthless board. Nothing you say or "vote" here will make me leave Eli Lilly.

Re: By viewiing this post you vote: \"Sid must GO!\"

Sidney here again,
Those spineless, gutless cretans on the board won't do anything against me.
I will be here as long as I want to pick up those million dollar bonuses and option packages.

Re: By viewiing this post you vote: \"Sid must GO!\"

Getting rid of Sidney is only one small piece of the solution..... ALL of the Leaders (and I use that term loosely) need to stop selling sunshine, speak the truth, and admit that they are clueless as to how and correct this drowning company. Instead, we receive messages that only touch on how bad the company is doing, but how much we have to be thankful and excited about.... give me a break !!! Since when has management cared about retention... Oh ya... it let's them earn their STARS by keeping everyone so that they have a team to reallocate later

Re: By viewiing this post you vote: \"Sid must GO!\"

That's what Lechliter was told when he got promoted.
He is in line to succeed ST, if the board approves.
I can't wait to see Taurel gone, whether its from retirement or firing.

Re: By viewiing this post you vote: \"Sid must GO!\"

I agree, stock should go up 20% on the day Sidney announces he is retiring.
Unfortunately, today the compensation committee gave him almost $11 million for work in 2006. I infer from this that Sidney will be staying around all year.
I am soooooo sad.