By viewiing this post you vote: "Sid must GO!"

Re: By viewiing this post you vote: \"Sid must GO!\"

Maybe we can pass a motion to terminate him at the annual meeting April 24th in Indy. Sidney and the rest of his cronies, too. Right on the stage. Seen by everyone on live Webcast. Wouldn't that be cool !!!!

Re: By viewiing this post you vote: "Sid must GO!"

People won. Sid lost. Now we need to get off the JOhn Christan L.

Bring em on. He portrays himself as some kind of revolutionary hero, yet is a product of, beneficiary to, and completely beholden of a very tight-knit "oh yes I am incompetent but I am a great citizen/parent/churchgoer" - all of those are great, but this company has made a mockery of merit-based performance. It's like some Saturday Nite Live 70s-ish "Church Lady" skit, except performed in our faces, twice a year.

If this is hell, well, I don't fear the afterlife whatsover, no matter the outcome.