By viewiing this post you vote: "Sid must GO!"

Re: By viewiing this post you vote: \"Sid must GO!\"

Is John Lechleiter going to be his replacement?? I hope not. This company needs an outsider chainsaw-toting CEO !!!!!!

Re: By viewiing this post you vote: \"Sid must GO!\"

HR here,

Sidney Taurel has had a good career w/ Eli Lilly and Co. He is from another era and his management style is better suited elsewhere.

As we say here as Personnel Reps, 'it may not be the best fit'

Re: By viewiing this post you vote: \"Sid must GO!\"

HR has the power to push him out the door (12th floor balcony door is fine with me).
Get working on it, for the sake of us remaining employees.

Re: By viewiing this post you vote: \"Sid must GO!\"

The sooner that we get rid of Sidney T. the better off this company, the sharholders and our customers will be. He has done nothing to lead this compnay into the future. He has been nothing but a negative influencer and he legacy will be the dark days of Lilly!!

Be a Man, and please resign and get out of this great company's way of a successful and productive future.

Re: By viewiing this post you vote: \"Sid must GO!\"

So at what point does Sid get the hint? I know JL is measuring for new curtains for ST's office but does he really have to wait till they are ready to hang?