Business School Case Study

25 yr + person here. Those are very accurate comments. Many reps are working 10-2 with a few lunches a week during that time period. It's easy to succeed working these hours if you have relationships. No one wants to see you before 10 and calls after 2 run the rick of delaying staff from getting out in time. Why anger people. Longevity wins in this game considering the working hours, salary and benefits.
Unfortunately, what you wrote is the reality of our current situation. I am pretty sure that is why the outside consultants determined that Pfizer will do just fine with headcount significantly reduced.

Pfizer’s most recent field force realignment and optimization will more than likely be a case study one day on what NOT to do. They have completely destroyed the field force morale and created territories that can’t fill a weeks worth of calls. Nice job guys. Completely unnecessary and it will be quite a while before morale returns (wonder if they’re planning one of the employee surveys this year; that should be interesting)
The business school case is the whole Share of Voice model where we thought it would be a good idea to snd 5-6 reps in each cluster to call on the same doctor. I started almost 22years ago, and my manager told me that when she started in early 90s, there was a fraction of what we had at that time. Pratt and Labs sold some drugs and Roehrig sold the others. Period. By the time I was 26, we had a literal army. Those of us that worked were tripping over each other in the field. We would be laughing at those that didn't work, because all THEY did was show up at the working reps' lunches and dinner programs, armed with signature pads and styrofoam containers to take away lunch and dinner left overs. It's not so funny now that some of those with the worst work ethic are in management!!!

People that have not worked at Pfizer in 10,20, and 30 years are still mad that reps have flexibility. You are paid for a result. Why comment about a business model where you no longer work? Yes, there are some reps that make 200K and work very little. OK. Some people work their ass off and make 80K. Everyone has to decide their character. Pointing fingers at an industry or company you no longer work is obvious

You miss earning because of greed and poor leadership more worried about what woke culture and the oligarch class thinks about them than patients and employees.

Let’s be real here. If it weren’t for sheer luck and great timing, Pfizer would be in trouble. This new revenue is all derived from govt contracts with the US and govts around the world.

We have enough money to create our own financial institution. What are we doing with it? Sending monitors, cheap headsets and speakers to every rep in the country we will never use.

And all the goodwill we have? Take it and leverage it by advocating for the abolishment of the donut hole once and for all and allow patients access to our copay cards etc.

You miss earning because of greed and poor leadership more worried about what woke culture and the oligarch class thinks about them than patients and employees.

Let’s be real here. If it weren’t for sheer luck and great timing, Pfizer would be in trouble. This new revenue is all derived from govt contracts with the US and govts around the world.

We have enough money to create our own financial institution. What are we doing with it? Sending monitors, cheap headsets and speakers to every rep in the country we will never use.

And all the goodwill we have? Take it and leverage it by advocating for the abolishment of the donut hole once and for all and allow patients access to our copay cards etc.

Bingo my friend!

[QUOTE=" Yes, there are some reps that make 200K and work very little. OK. Some people work their ass off and make 80K. [/QUOTE]
You're making the consultant companies and current leadership look very smart. Why carry a full field force where a large percentage are 40 and 50 somethings that make $180k-aren't they getting 3 signatures a day and chit chatting over 3 lunches a week, marketing a drug thats co-promoted? How are they better for our bottom line than $75k 28 year old reps that do 4 lunches a week? 15 years ago, I would say tenured reps had and leveraged relationships better and as a result, packed VPC spots. Recently, access is so crappy that I cant honestly say that. I far that so called Bold Moves is just the start. The first of 2 or 3 rounds of layoffs.

[QUOTE=" Yes, there are some reps that make 200K and work very little. OK. Some people work their ass off and make 80K.
You're making the consultant companies and current leadership look very smart. Why carry a full field force where a large percentage are 40 and 50 somethings that make $180k-aren't they getting 3 signatures a day and chit chatting over 3 lunches a week, marketing a drug thats co-promoted? How are they better for our bottom line than $75k 28 year old reps that do 4 lunches a week? 15 years ago, I would say tenured reps had and leveraged relationships better and as a result, packed VPC spots. Recently, access is so crappy that I cant honestly say that. I far that so called Bold Moves is just the start. The first of 2 or 3 rounds of layoffs.[/QUOTE]
You said the quiet part out loud. And I'm 48!!

Your use of word VPC describes that you have not been with Pfizer for over 20+ years. Each district is generating 400-600+ Million dollars. I think a health and science rep making a150K salary who wins premier is money well spent all day!!

Your use of word VPC describes that you have not been with Pfizer for over 20+ years. Each district is generating 400-600+ Million dollars. I think a health and science rep making a150K salary who wins premier is money well spent all day!!
You are implying that reps generate scripts. OUR reps? That is quite funny. That thinking is quite literally decades old. Doctors use a plethora of resources to give them unbiased information.

Your use of word VPC describes that you have not been with Pfizer for over 20+ years. Each district is generating 400-600+ Million dollars. I think a health and science rep making a150K salary who wins premier is money well spent all day!!
You must have a reading comprehension or memory problem. That post mentioned VPC in context of a long time ago.

So reps don't generate scripts? People don't matter? This sounds like a victim mentality that is a losing strategy. Unfortunately
this is the excuse the people who don't work use while they watch tv or worse go on cafe pharma to complain about people who do.

So reps don't generate scripts? People don't matter? This sounds like a victim mentality that is a losing strategy. Unfortunately
this is the excuse the people who don't work use while they watch tv or worse go on cafe pharma to complain about people who do.
Yes, you crybabies have victim mentality. You-all whine about the layoffs like an entitled Mom that was told their daughter (gasp) wasnt good enough to make Cheer Squad. Face it: we have had a very long run, getting paid well to do a job that my 10th grader could do, and do well. I have to say that he could very easily do what those that "cover" Mayo, Cleveland, Johns Hopkins, Stanford, UCSF, and Mass General do every day. Except he'd be bored to death.

Yes, you crybabies have victim mentality. You-all whine about the layoffs like an entitled Mom that was told their daughter (gasp) wasnt good enough to make Cheer Squad. Face it: we have had a very long run, getting paid well to do a job that my 10th grader could do, and do well. I have to say that he could very easily do what those that "cover" Mayo, Cleveland, Johns Hopkins, Stanford, UCSF, and Mass General do every day. Except he'd be bored to death.

site needs a like button

I agree Cafe Pharma has become a forum for people to complain about the company, mostly by people who have not been with the company in 10 or 20 years who believe they are staying current with company culture by inserting their comments. They love to compare what they did at Labs with what they "think" you can't or can do now and throwing company and industry under the bus. This is like a bad 15 year reunion of retired reps.

I agree Cafe Pharma has become a forum for people to complain about the company, mostly by people who have not been with the company in 10 or 20 years who believe they are staying current with company culture by inserting their comments. They love to compare what they did at Labs with what they "think" you can't or can do now and throwing company and industry under the bus. This is like a bad 15 year reunion of retired reps.

Are you still running around with detail pieces and studies?

I agree Cafe Pharma has become a forum for people to complain about the company, mostly by people who have not been with the company in 10 or 20 years who believe they are staying current with company culture by inserting their comments. They love to compare what they did at Labs with what they "think" you can't or can do now and throwing company and industry under the bus. This is like a bad 15 year treunion of retired reps.

You might be right because in actually a Rep today is nothing but a robotic advertisement that some how believes they are sales. It’s a joke compared to 20 years ago and even then in the beginning of the demise of Pharma it was 100x better than what a current rep lowers themselves too.

I’m going to make this plain and simple. There is not a Pharma company out there that needs reps. Period. Reps dont generate a thing although you believe you are all interval driving what ever you believe you drive. The md is going to try/write the drug w: or w/ out you. Get over yourselves about these md visits they are worthless.

It’s all make believe

I unfortunately had the head of marketing for a product I represented ride with me for a day and a half. I was counting every second that he was in my car. He was so fucking brainwashed and/or oblivious to reality. I purposely never brought out my detail pieces and he thought I was committing a cardinal sin. The evening I picked him up from the airport he was bragging about how important the work is he and his team were doing building those detail AIDS. I had just won back to back leadership awards and was ranked #1 in the company at the time. He didn't want to hear about reality because he would have to face the truth that he was insignificant to the point of being non-essential in any capacity. The minute he got out of my car I smoked half a pack of cigarettes and drank nearly a fifth of bourbon. I was so happy he was headed back to California where is Honda and trans music awaited his arrival. Pharma is littered with fucking morons that will most likely not make it in any other industry.