Bush Boys killed this industry 1st

I applaud you....You certainly put him in his place. let's see what he fabricates now

Yeah, Im really in my place! Of course Im wrong when I state that Bush started the war with Iraq, and that his premise was based on false or misleading information. The fact is that the war is one of the single biggest, and most expensive blunders ever made by a president. All excuses aside, he made a terrible decision. The fact is, GEORGE BUSH took us to war because of "WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION", and there were none! Even if they did exist, that still does not justify an unprovoked "PRE-EMPTIVE" war. If it did India and Pakistan would go to war today? So would north korea and south korea? And, we would have went to war with Russia, 50 years ago.

The fact is George Bush made a decision, and used weak excuse to do so. There were no weapons of mass destruction, NONE! Our govt has already acknowledged. I cant speak to his intentions, but GEORGE BUSH's great blunder is costs us greatly in blood and treasure.

How do you like this "Fabrication".

PS: If Im wrong, please send the link of anything that shows post war discoveries of large caches of WMD.

Another response from an emotionally driven, pinheaded, bleeding heart liberal! Liberals are a bunch of pussies, period!!! You have no idea what the radical muslims want to do to us infadels. They would cut your head off in a heartbeat.

None of your quotes urge George Bush to STUPIDLY instigate a war, and occupation of a foreign country. None of them! You see, the decision rests with the commander in chief and he made that decision, regrettably. Lastly, most 2002 quotes were after bush had already started the war (bush started planning of the war 3 months after 9/11). Dont forget the bogus evidence that he provided. Do you remember the famous Colin Powell speech at the UN. It is really not difficult to understand; rightfully or WRONGFULLY George Bush, did what he thought was best, and As the commander in chief ordered our forces to Iraq. Congress played no part in that decision. Look, bush really was just a dumb guy! One democrat who actually loves him his Jimmy Carter.


2 Wars (unfunded), Med-D (Unfunded), Tax Cuts = 7 Trillion Dollars in deficit.

You are still an idiot. By the way, the democrat members of congress VOTED in favor of the war dummie.

Yeah, Im really in my place! Of course Im wrong when I state that Bush started the war with Iraq, and that his premise was based on false or misleading information. The fact is that the war is one of the single biggest, and most expensive blunders ever made by a president. All excuses aside, he made a terrible decision. The fact is, GEORGE BUSH took us to war because of "WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION", and there were none! Even if they did exist, that still does not justify an unprovoked "PRE-EMPTIVE" war. If it did India and Pakistan would go to war today? So would north korea and south korea? And, we would have went to war with Russia, 50 years ago.

The fact is George Bush made a decision, and used weak excuse to do so. There were no weapons of mass destruction, NONE! Our govt has already acknowledged. I cant speak to his intentions, but GEORGE BUSH's great blunder is costs us greatly in blood and treasure.

How do you like this "Fabrication".

PS: If Im wrong, please send the link of anything that shows post war discoveries of large caches of WMD.

You are an idiot. WMD issue was supported by all the foreign intelligence agencies as well as the democrats. Read a history book or two, get dressed and get out of your mom's basement.

Liberals just don't get it. They really are ignorant. They operate on their emotions, not facts. So to all you bleeding hearts, put on the uniform, serve your country, then you'll have the right to pop off with your B.S. You libs live in a bubble and you truly are clueless.

Yeah, Im really in my place! Of course Im wrong when I state that Bush started the war with Iraq, and that his premise was based on false or misleading information. The fact is that the war is one of the single biggest, and most expensive blunders ever made by a president. All excuses aside, he made a terrible decision. The fact is, GEORGE BUSH took us to war because of "WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION", and there were none! Even if they did exist, that still does not justify an unprovoked "PRE-EMPTIVE" war. If it did India and Pakistan would go to war today? So would north korea and south korea? And, we would have went to war with Russia, 50 years ago.

The fact is George Bush made a decision, and used weak excuse to do so. There were no weapons of mass destruction, NONE! Our govt has already acknowledged. I cant speak to his intentions, but GEORGE BUSH's great blunder is costs us greatly in blood and treasure.

How do you like this "Fabrication".

PS: If Im wrong, please send the link of anything that shows post war discoveries of large caches of WMD.

FAIL! You are emotional and didn't state facts and their reference points.

FAIL! You completely disregard the facts of all the quotes cited for your perusal. You clearly believe (as an "independent") that when Republicans and Democrats both form the same opinions based on the same facts, and express their opinions without the benefit of hindsight, that Republicans are wrong and Democrats are right or were misquoted or mislead.

FAIL! Barry lobbing bombs at Libya is "pre-emptive" isn't it? But is it okay because he's a Democrat and his bombing is "nice"?

sieg heil!!! My TEA party brother!!! sieg heil!!! The bottom line is BUSH instigated a war that costs us trillions. You can come up with all of the two year old quotes that you want to. Iraq and Afghanistan are his wars (UNFUNDED). sieg heil!!!

Since when have you idiots ever cared about how much the government spends?

None of your quotes urge George Bush to STUPIDLY instigate a war, and occupation of a foreign country. None of them! You see, the decision rests with the commander in chief and he made that decision, regrettably. Lastly, most 2002 quotes were after bush had already started the war (bush started planning of the war 3 months after 9/11). Dont forget the bogus evidence that he provided. Do you remember the famous Colin Powell speech at the UN. It is really not difficult to understand; rightfully or WRONGFULLY George Bush, did what he thought was best, and As the commander in chief ordered our forces to Iraq. Congress played no part in that decision. Look, bush really was just a dumb guy! One democrat who actually loves him his Jimmy Carter.


2 Wars (unfunded), Med-D (Unfunded), Tax Cuts = 7 Trillion Dollars in deficit.

Over 50 percent of our annual budget goes towards entitlements, and NOT jobs, but of course you ingrates don't care about those costs, eh?

PS-I bet you also with Saddam was still in power,no?

"And here's your sign." Another typical response from an emotionally driven, weak knee, bleeding heart liberal. I have an idea for you pinhead! Why don't you libs start looking deeper into the issues instead of listening to the "Lamestream Media." You libs are the reason that this country is so effed up right now. You love to spend other peoples money because it makes you feel good. Get off your lazy asses and get involved in a charity or something. When you get a few minutes, why don't you read the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. I double dare you to read the Federalist papers by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Day. Learn a little about our history you liberal idiots!

George Bush was nothing more than a Coke snorting, drug store Cowboy. With a rich Daddy.

What a fool you are. I simply do not understand the hatred you feel for Bush. Is it ENVY?
Lets see:
1.T Kennedy is revered yet he let a woman died --was so coward he never dove back in to help her.
2. Joe Kennedy, his father, made deals with the Mafia in order to get his son elected.
3. barack O smoked pot used coke in his youth and university years.
4. barack Os associated with militant groups who hate America--J Wright, etc.
I suggest you lay off the personal attacks and deal in factual issues of the administration. The present administration is a DISASTER. I also suggest you go back in history and read some. Start with the Federalist Paper, but then, please read up on economy political standing of all those socialist country you want us to emulate-------------Cuba a disaster,
Russia, another chaos, and Europe is in the midst of collapse. Listen to something other than ABC, NBC or CNN---all liberals that taint the facts and news. You do remeber Dan Rather right? His hatred for the right was such that he fabricated information on G Bush. Thank God he was made to resigned!

Every country's Intelligence said that Sadam Hussain had WMD. BTW, we sold him some! So we knew he had them. He was also in violation of not letting the inspectors in to the country. AND I AM GLAD HE IS GONE. He was a murderous dictator and the world is better without him!

George Bush was nothing more than a Coke snorting, drug store Cowboy. With a rich Daddy.

You are still an idiot. Who was there when Bush used cocaine? Idiot. Also, who was BO's best man at the wedding? Seen any wedding pics? How come NO ONE from BO's college days has come forward to say "yeah, I sat next to him in class"?? One would think someone would like to brag about that; no main stream media coverage on that, why? Where are some of his writings from his harvard law school review days?? Where are his grades? Bush provided his and they were better than Kerry's McCain provided his from his academy days, why won't BO do that??

Take a look at how these bleeding heart liberals back down when confronted. They have no idea how to make it in life without the help of good old Uncle Sam. If they could actually be put in the position of our heroes that are fighting for our freedoms, they would think differently. If they could experience being next to their best friend when his legs are blown off by an Iranian supplied EID, maybe they would look at things in a different way. They are simply weak and very shallow in their thoughts. Our country is suffering badly right now, and it is going to get much worse. It is not Bush's fault. What Obama is doing right now is inexcusable. He is not a leader. He is going to go down as one of the worse presidents in the history of the United States of America.

Another response from an emotionally driven, pinheaded, bleeding heart liberal! Liberals are a bunch of pussies, period!!! You have no idea what the radical muslims want to do to us infadels. They would cut your head off in a heartbeat.

Of course! Lets spend trillions more and kill ALL muslims; our senseless crusade really worked out well didnt it? By the way, radical christians arent doing to bad either right, ie Tim McVeigh, The two guys that killed the abortion docs in buffalo and kansas, what about the radical christian that killed 90 people in europe last week, what about the radical christian named david koresh? Ever heard of a radical christian named Jim Jones?

You are an idiot. WMD issue was supported by all the foreign intelligence agencies as well as the democrats. Read a history book or two, get dressed and get out of your mom's basement.

We can argue that point until the cows come home. What we cant argue is that no one suspected ICBMs, and no one suspected nuclear weapons (easily detected, ie Iran and Israel). What is not arguable is that a unilateral decision was made by the president, and he was wrong. We had an unprovoked, pre-emptive war and occupation with a country that did nothing to us. Any way, lesson learned, and based on the way things turned out, I doubt we will ever do something so stupid again. We thought it would be quick and easy. Sometimes the BULLY does get his nose bloodied. WE WERE THE BULLY!

You are still an idiot. By the way, the democrat members of congress VOTED in favor of the war dummie.

You are the "dummy". There was no vote to "go to war", there was a ceremonial vote to authorize the war that had already started. Like the vietnam war, the korean war, and the first gulf war, the 2nd iraq war was started unilaterally by the president. Have you ever heard of the "War Powers Act"?

You are still an idiot. By the way, the democrat members of congress VOTED in favor of the war dummie.

Interesting, you call the guy a dummy, but don't spell the word correctly. Secondly, you dont dispute his facts. He is definately factually correct, and the war was George Bush's decision alone. The fact is that it is one of the biggest blunders in US history. I challenge you to come up with a bigger blunder by a US president. Remember, thousands of US lives losts, millions of Iraqi lives lost, and trillions of US dollars spent. Just facts please! Those that can debate the facts, misdirect with insults. We are not in 5th grade here!

Liberals just don't get it. They really are ignorant. They operate on their emotions, not facts. So to all you bleeding hearts, put on the uniform, serve your country, then you'll have the right to pop off with your B.S. You libs live in a bubble and you truly are clueless.

Sorry, Im a republican, but just not drinking the kool-aid. So let me get this straight, a guy presents verifiable facts, and he is emotional. You present name calling, childish insults, all while completely ignoring the very lucid statements that he made, and you are the one who is being calm, objective and sensible. Hmmm, ok! BTW, I graduated from the US Naval academy, and flew helicoptors is the marine corp for 10 years. However, wearing "the uniform" does not make my opinion more or less valid. As a marine, I simply did what I was told. I did not set policy. Like many famous generals, I too believe that we were hoodwinked into Iraq, and that it was a very poor decision.