Bush Boys killed this industry 1st

you pathetic republican homos keep flying your true colors. Pissed because the white house has an african american in stead of a southern redneck homo. wide stance is your mantra. keep it real dickheads.

you pathetic republican homos keep flying your true colors. Pissed because the white house has an african american in stead of a southern redneck homo. wide stance is your mantra. keep it real dickheads.

Perfect response. Poorly written, mostly incoherent with name calling, labeling, swearing and put downs. Nice work, your party is proud.

and there you stand with the oranged skin minority leader from Ohio Mr. John Boner!you friggen conservative pukes are certainly proud on your "no" to everything stance! Get some balls and mount a real plan instead of whinning like a bunch of girlyboy putzes. Yeah, look it up...putzes!

Bush is the reason so many are unemployed. He is the reason for the housing bubble the crashed and lead us to where we are now. Most are under on their homes. He is the reason the stock market crashed and the reason why no one can get credit no matter how good your score is. So yes, I agree with the OP. Obama will get the blame for now, since people have bad memories. But lets be honest, this industry went to crap years ago. It started with Pfizer and the 2000 lay offs. All under Bush. The banks had no rules and were allowed to do "E appraisals" on homes. I bought my house in 2007, was never asked for Documents to prove income and the e appraisal said my house was worth 2 times more than the loan. Now, 3 years later...I can't refinance the same house with out showing mounds of paperwork and paying for a physical appraisal. Interesting....

Bush is the reason so many are unemployed. He is the reason for the housing bubble the crashed and lead us to where we are now. Most are under on their homes. He is the reason the stock market crashed and the reason why no one can get credit no matter how good your score is. So yes, I agree with the OP. Obama will get the blame for now, since people have bad memories. But lets be honest, this industry went to crap years ago. It started with Pfizer and the 2000 lay offs. All under Bush. The banks had no rules and were allowed to do "E appraisals" on homes. I bought my house in 2007, was never asked for Documents to prove income and the e appraisal said my house was worth 2 times more than the loan. Now, 3 years later...I can't refinance the same house with out showing mounds of paperwork and paying for a physical appraisal. Interesting....

This has got to be the stupidest post I've ever read here.

Poster # 5 is your quinessential crybaby , poor loser and obvious cross-dresser. After eight years of a presidency run by pathetic, unintelligent baffoon unable to put one intelligent sentence together, dispised universally by the world's leader they can't stand the fact that their ass was beaten badle by an intelligent, steady, honest, compassionate black man. Can you ? Republicans are this world's biggest losers and they have earned every ounce of vile contempt tossed their way. By the way, how's things going for you in South Carolina putz?

Makes sense coming from a Californication. I hear there have been Obama and Lincoln comparisons by people like you:

Both wives gained over 40 pounds in the first year of their husbands presidency.

Lincoln was born in KENtucky, Obama was born in KENya.
and both moved to Illinois.

Lincoln suffered from major depression and Obama has caused a major depression.

Lincoln had no middle name, you are not allowed to use Obamas middle name.

You want more, just respond you moron.

Lets cut through the crap, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd chaired the two congressional and senate committees over seeing Freddie and Fannie and pushed housing and credit expansion for low and middle income to the point of "liar loans" and little to no under righting. This openned the door to huge problems when the economy turned which is always does.

Nearly every American in this country wanted someones ass kicked when the tower went down. Get off the Bush bashing and call out what really went down in this country.

Democrats pander dollars and favors to every segmented, discrimenated group. The promise of owning ones own home was the latest liberal give away which set up a ton of misery for many who had no understanding of budgeting, saving or anticipating demands of responsible ownership.

This November there won't be enough "hope and change" dreamers who can flood the poles and push the country toward further destruction. Average Americans are paying attention now and will come in waves to clean up the liberal shit that has be smeared across our media the past 18 months.

Lets cut through the crap, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd chaired the two congressional and senate committees over seeing Freddie and Fannie and pushed housing and credit expansion for low and middle income to the point of "liar loans" and little to no under righting. This openned the door to huge problems when the economy turned which is always does.

Nearly every American in this country wanted someones ass kicked when the tower went down. Get off the Bush bashing and call out what really went down in this country.

Democrats pander dollars and favors to every segmented, discrimenated group. The promise of owning ones own home was the latest liberal give away which set up a ton of misery for many who had no understanding of budgeting, saving or anticipating demands of responsible ownership.

This November there won't be enough "hope and change" dreamers who can flood the poles and push the country toward further destruction. Average Americans are paying attention now and will come in waves to clean up the liberal shit that has be smeared across our media the past 18 months.

The only industry thanking the Dems for the loosening of credit ratings for loans is Range Rover. RR is the minority's car of choice.