Bush Boys killed this industry 1st

FAIL! You are emotional and didn't state facts and their reference points.

FAIL! You completely disregard the facts of all the quotes cited for your perusal. You clearly believe (as an "independent") that when Republicans and Democrats both form the same opinions based on the same facts, and express their opinions without the benefit of hindsight, that Republicans are wrong and Democrats are right or were misquoted or mislead.

FAIL! Barry lobbing bombs at Libya is "pre-emptive" isn't it? But is it okay because he's a Democrat and his bombing is "nice"?

Succeed! - I did reference your quotes. Maybe you ought to read my response. No need to argue about them, I could, and I already did. The fact is the planning for the war begin in december of 2001, and the decision to go to war was strictly george bushs. Come on, are you really arguing this! Look, he made what turned out to be the wrong decision; you learn from it, and move on.

Succeed! - I dont really support what we did in Libya, but you cant compare it to a full scale war in Iraq that costs us thousands in lives, and trillions in treasure. Iraq lasted 10 years and counting. The active US involvement is Libya lasted maybe two weeks, there was a very low risk of casualties (no US deaths), and costs us very little. The US role was to take out air defenses, and thats what we did. Please, lets compare apples to apples. Iraq is the longest, costliest war in US history.

Comparing Libya to Iraq is like comparing a mole hill to a mountain. Come on please, youre smarter than that!

Since when have you idiots ever cared about how much the government spends?

When a war is fought over primitive WMD that have no chance of being used against or country, that would be stupid enough. But when you spend trillions to do so, kill hundreds of thousands of iraqi troops, lose several thousands of your own, and the week rationale turns out to be completed false and fabricated.

Iraq did not have bad WMD, old WMD, ineffective WMD, a little WMD, they had NO WMD!

Liberals just don't get it. They really are ignorant. They operate on their emotions, not facts. So to all you bleeding hearts, put on the uniform, serve your country, then you'll have the right to pop off with your B.S. You libs live in a bubble and you truly are clueless.

Fellow republican here. Why do you defend GW so much? He simply wasn't a good president, by most objective measures. The other posters are correct, the man made countless boneheaded decisions that will will haunt our country for a long time. Its ok though, not all democrats are bad, and neither are all republicans. GW is our answer to Jimmy Carter! Stop taking it personal!

Over 50 percent of our annual budget goes towards entitlements, and NOT jobs, but of course you ingrates don't care about those costs, eh?

PS-I bet you also with Saddam was still in power,no?

Didnt really care about Saddam! Just another dictator in the middle east, didn't bother the US at all. Bet you wish that we had those trillions of dollars back, and those thousands of wasted lives. Didnt we fight a war and occupy the country over the lame excuse of WMD? Well where are they?

I dont care about Saddam, but I sure would like our trillions back!

Over 50 percent of our annual budget goes towards entitlements, and NOT jobs, but of course you ingrates don't care about those costs, eh?

PS-I bet you also with Saddam was still in power,no?

Yeah medicare - the elderly, medicaid - mainly elderly (nursing homes, etc), social security. Yeah, I care about them! I also care that the wealthiest americans have the lowest tax rates in US history, and the 60% of all corporations, doing business in the US, pay NO federal taxes, in any given year. So yeah, I care about the spending side and believe we can tweak these programs that are widely supported, but I also care about fairness in the tax code. GE paying zero taxes is absurd, and so is a biilionaire hedgefund manager paying a lower tax rate than his secretary, or a teacher, or a nurse, or a pharma rep.

In summary, I care about balance and fairness.

"And here's your sign." Another typical response from an emotionally driven, weak knee, bleeding heart liberal. I have an idea for you pinhead! Why don't you libs start looking deeper into the issues instead of listening to the "Lamestream Media." You libs are the reason that this country is so effed up right now. You love to spend other peoples money because it makes you feel good. Get off your lazy asses and get involved in a charity or something. When you get a few minutes, why don't you read the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. I double dare you to read the Federalist papers by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Day. Learn a little about our history you liberal idiots!

"Lamestream media"! Oh no, you're quoting Saah Palin? 'nuff said!

"And here's your sign." Another typical response from an emotionally driven, weak knee, bleeding heart liberal. I have an idea for you pinhead! Why don't you libs start looking deeper into the issues instead of listening to the "Lamestream Media." You libs are the reason that this country is so effed up right now. You love to spend other peoples money because it makes you feel good. Get off your lazy asses and get involved in a charity or something. When you get a few minutes, why don't you read the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. I double dare you to read the Federalist papers by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Day. Learn a little about our history you liberal idiots!

Dude, what a rant!

What a fool you are. I simply do not understand the hatred you feel for Bush. Is it ENVY?
Lets see:
1.T Kennedy is revered yet he let a woman died --was so coward he never dove back in to help her.
2. Joe Kennedy, his father, made deals with the Mafia in order to get his son elected.
3. barack O smoked pot used coke in his youth and university years.
4. barack Os associated with militant groups who hate America--J Wright, etc.
I suggest you lay off the personal attacks and deal in factual issues of the administration. The present administration is a DISASTER. I also suggest you go back in history and read some. Start with the Federalist Paper, but then, please read up on economy political standing of all those socialist country you want us to emulate-------------Cuba a disaster,
Russia, another chaos, and Europe is in the midst of collapse. Listen to something other than ABC, NBC or CNN---all liberals that taint the facts and news. You do remeber Dan Rather right? His hatred for the right was such that he fabricated information on G Bush. Thank God he was made to resigned!

Every country's Intelligence said that Sadam Hussain had WMD. BTW, we sold him some! So we knew he had them. He was also in violation of not letting the inspectors in to the country. AND I AM GLAD HE IS GONE. He was a murderous dictator and the world is better without him!

I think your wrong on the intelligence; but lets leave that alone for now, since by all international norms, even the possession of WMD is not a legitimate reason to start an unprovoked war.Otherwise GW would have sent the troops to North Korea which is a far more dangerous situation, with actual nuclear tipped ICBM that are capable of hitting the US. Sometimes when you are right youre a hero, and when you are wrong you are a bum. Lets just say that GW was clearly wrong, and leave it at that. Clearly you will not argue that fact; THERE WERE NO WMD AT ALL!

What a fool you are. I simply do not understand the hatred you feel for Bush. Is it ENVY?
Lets see:
1.T Kennedy is revered yet he let a woman died --was so coward he never dove back in to help her.
2. Joe Kennedy, his father, made deals with the Mafia in order to get his son elected.
3. barack O smoked pot used coke in his youth and university years.
4. barack Os associated with militant groups who hate America--J Wright, etc.
I suggest you lay off the personal attacks and deal in factual issues of the administration. The present administration is a DISASTER. I also suggest you go back in history and read some. Start with the Federalist Paper, but then, please read up on economy political standing of all those socialist country you want us to emulate-------------Cuba a disaster,
Russia, another chaos, and Europe is in the midst of collapse. Listen to something other than ABC, NBC or CNN---all liberals that taint the facts and news. You do remeber Dan Rather right? His hatred for the right was such that he fabricated information on G Bush. Thank God he was made to resigned!

Every country's Intelligence said that Sadam Hussain had WMD. BTW, we sold him some! So we knew he had them. He was also in violation of not letting the inspectors in to the country. AND I AM GLAD HE IS GONE. He was a murderous dictator and the world is better without him!

Dude, you are all over the place! You are really rambling; get a hold of your self.

Take a look at how these bleeding heart liberals back down when confronted. They have no idea how to make it in life without the help of good old Uncle Sam. If they could actually be put in the position of our heroes that are fighting for our freedoms, they would think differently. If they could experience being next to their best friend when his legs are blown off by an Iranian supplied EID, maybe they would look at things in a different way. They are simply weak and very shallow in their thoughts. Our country is suffering badly right now, and it is going to get much worse. It is not Bush's fault. What Obama is doing right now is inexcusable. He is not a leader. He is going to go down as one of the worse presidents in the history of the United States of America.


Yeah medicare - the elderly, medicaid - mainly elderly (nursing homes, etc), social security. Yeah, I care about them! I also care that the wealthiest americans have the lowest tax rates in US history, and the 60% of all corporations, doing business in the US, pay NO federal taxes, in any given year. So yeah, I care about the spending side and believe we can tweak these programs that are widely supported, but I also care about fairness in the tax code. GE paying zero taxes is absurd, and so is a biilionaire hedgefund manager paying a lower tax rate than his secretary, or a teacher, or a nurse, or a pharma rep.

In summary, I care about balance and fairness.

You are right there are many injustices in our current tax system, seeing that 47% of people DO NOT PAY TAXES----but they certainly take in entitlement programs! Tax code should be revised to have EVERYONE pay 15% of their income. We also should review medicaid eligibility, payments to unwed mothers should cease, and union benefits and pensions need to be revised and do away with. It is the ENTITLEMENT programs and unions that have gotten us here---not the Iraqi war. It is Obama, C Dodd,B Franks, and many others who forced banks to give loans to people who could not afford them in the so called--"fair housing loans" or as I call it FARCE housing loans. This administration hinders the private sector and fosters class war fare and mediocrity,not to mention lazy undeserving people expecting others to pay for their blunders and lack of responsibilities.

I think your wrong on the intelligence; but lets leave that alone for now, since by all international norms, even the possession of WMD is not a legitimate reason to start an unprovoked war.Otherwise GW would have sent the troops to North Korea which is a far more dangerous situation, with actual nuclear tipped ICBM that are capable of hitting the US. Sometimes when you are right youre a hero, and when you are wrong you are a bum. Lets just say that GW was clearly wrong, and leave it at that. Clearly you will not argue that fact; THERE WERE NO WMD AT ALL!

it was started because he was in violation of 17 counts by the United Nations.After the Gulf war --it was dictated that he must let the inspectors in to Iraq or deal with the consequences.---Well the consequences were invading. Geez, go back and read something other than the twisted fact spewed by the liberal media!

Dude, you are all over the place! You are really rambling; get a hold of your self.

The point was that you are obsessed with Bush but dont mention many of the faults with the democrats.
The elections were held in 2008. This administration has doubled the debt in just 3 years! The spending is rampant, the misuse of government money is scary, the earmarks and pork is obscene and unsustainable. We cannot continue with the entitlement programs. Money cannot be redistributed! That is stealing! I am not responsible for some one who uses drugs and refused to go to the university but now thinks he is entitled to the sacrifices I made to have what I have.

Are you better off than 2 years ago? NO. Are the markets confident in Obama, NO. Has Obama presented any idea and stated this is the effect it will have, NO. This guy is clueless, I hate to say that about a President. Another thing for you people that claim people are racist. If you voted for Obama because he is black, You are a racist. You vote for people because of what they offer to protect and take care on the USA. I wish they all would stop running for office and do what is best for the country and that may not be popular.

It's OK Jimmy, Obama has now taken your place as the worse president ever, in the past and probably in many years to come

Hey Jimmy here, sorry but Obama has only been in office for two years, so story still being written. Now George bush, that another story, eight years of unmitigated disaster: 9/11, depression type economy, surplus to 7 billion deficit, two unpaid for wars (one of which was totally unprovoked), trillions in unpaid for med-d. Yup, he is the "WOAT" (worst of all time).

Thanks GWB!