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Brutal Interview Process

Unfortunately you didn't have what we are looking for: Retail clothing experience, preferably at Forever 21 or H&M, Wireless sales, including AT&T or Verizon, or any Wholesaler, we like Sam's Club or Costco... Please try one of those employers for six months than reapply... Our DSM's will find your qualifications appealing and fast track you thorough the interview process. Best of luck and we will see you soon in Indy!!

Lilly Pulitzer of course.

Unfortunately you didn't have what we are looking for: Retail clothing experience, preferably at Forever 21 or H&M, Wireless sales, including AT&T or Verizon, or any Wholesaler, we like Sam's Club or Costco... Please try one of those employers for six months than reapply... Our DSM's will find your qualifications appealing and fast track you thorough the interview process. Best of luck and we will see you soon in Indy!!

AMEN!! Did a lunch with my new overlap yesterday and was thinking any minute she was going to yell "clean up on aisle 6"! Swear it was that bad. Where are they finding these people? They can't even comprehend basic science. Did any of them even take a high school biology class? And we are going to be judged by Drs to have any hopes of getting a decent bonus check? Agree with other posts on here that they are doing this on purpose. What other pharma company is going to want to co-promote with our reps? Why on earth is BI even co-promoting with us. With the quality of the reps we are hiring?

I was Lilly rep for 30 years. Last week when I had my annual visit with my internist--who I used to call on--he said "What in the hell has happened to Lilly?" See the post above to understand what he was talking about.

AMEN!! Did a lunch with my new overlap yesterday and was thinking any minute she was going to yell "clean up on aisle 6"! Swear it was that bad. Where are they finding these people? They can't even comprehend basic science. Did any of them even take a high school biology class? And we are going to be judged by Drs to have any hopes of getting a decent bonus check? Agree with other posts on here that they are doing this on purpose. What other pharma company is going to want to co-promote with our reps? Why on earth is BI even co-promoting with us. With the quality of the reps we are hiring?

These posts are making me fall down w/belly aching laughter. Unfortunately, you can't make this shit up! I really wish we could. The next round of interviews will take place at the local Dept of Social Services office. I bet we would get stronger candidates.

These posts are making me fall down w/belly aching laughter. Unfortunately, you can't make this shit up! I really wish we could. The next round of interviews will take place at the local Dept of Social Services office. I bet we would get stronger candidates.

Instead of the Working Woman award they are gunning for the BET award! LMAO! Obama must be giving rebates for that. Drs and reps are laughing uncontrollably. Feeling pity for the newbie reps and newbie managers. Not helping their cause.

What's wrong with Lilly taking advantage of desperate people who have lost their jobs. They can low ball everyone but it is up to each person to make the decision. If you have a job I would not recommend accepting an offer you don't agree with. If you do take the offer then quit your bitching. It's on you!

Well said Jefe! What's wrong is that Lilly always talks about talent and getting the best people. Then they make quality reps jump through hoops and sweat their asses off running around, just to get an offer where they can lose 20k in total comp to have the privilege of working here. I am really getting sick of the BS. If someone just lost their job and feels they have no choice it is only going to be a temporary gig, because they will be looking for other opportunities to make them whole. If someone is happy with their offer they are probably garbage reps. My partner sucks and it is not helping our review from customers. Instead of having two Lilly reps in a territory just pay me what I deserve and I can handle the work load myself.

NV has entire teams walking out the door and being replaced 100% with diversity hires. She has new managers who are controlled every step of the way by managers from other divisions. All this going on and her and HR just watch it and do nothing. Pretty sad when the managers she hand picked can't make a hiring decision or what to serve for lunch at a district meeting decision without getting permission from managers outside of our BU. Low class, no brain managers in charge now hiring low class, incompetent reps. This place is a joke and NV is sitting back allowing it to happen. Not surprised.

I know one of those teams and it is horrible. Not sure if same one. The manager who is running the team from another division is an HR train wreck who has been allowed to destroy teams and reps for years with no repercussions from HR because he is a diversity hire. I pray that an employment lawyer comes on this site and sues the he** out of Lilly and him for allowing him to destroy so many peoples lives.

The manager in question is in LLLUUUUVVVVVVV. Pathetic to watch. She really needs to get on with her miserable life. She is the joke of the area. She shows slides at district meetings that still have him and his other division's names on them. Too lazy and incompetent to even change up the slides. Hasn't hired one rep on her own either. He tells her who to hire. Basically friends of friends that he owes favors too. She never questions his hiring decisions and neither does NV or DR. Is just excited that he is paying attention to her. They are all going down eventually so live it up now peeps. Karma is a bi***.

I know one of those teams and it is horrible. Not sure if same one. The manager who is running the team from another division is an HR train wreck who has been allowed to destroy teams and reps for years with no repercussions from HR because he is a diversity hire. I pray that an employment lawyer comes on this site and sues the he** out of Lilly and him for allowing him to destroy so many peoples lives.

The manager in question is in LLLUUUUVVVVVVV. Pathetic to watch. She really needs to get on with her miserable life. She is the joke of the area. She shows slides at district meetings that still have him and his other division's names on them. Too lazy and incompetent to even change up the slides. Hasn't hired one rep on her own either. He tells her who to hire. Basically friends of friends that he owes favors too. She never questions his hiring decisions and neither does NV or DR. Is just excited that he is paying attention to her. They are all going down eventually so live it up now peeps. Karma is a bi***.

The 2 that are making their own "Chocolate City"? HAHAHA!!! She is being used and abused and agree is laughed at behind her back. That guy wants nothing to do with her. Do HR and NV/DR know that she has never planned a meeting or hired anyone without her buddy driving it every step of the way? Let me guess....they don't care. No one in the company has an ounce of respect for these 2 clowns. Have had comments from reps from other companies who have heard about these "toxic twins".

The 2 that are making their own "Chocolate City"? HAHAHA!!! She is being used and abused and agree is laughed at behind her back. That guy wants nothing to do with her. Do HR and NV/DR know that she has never planned a meeting or hired anyone without her buddy driving it every step of the way? Let me guess....they don't care. No one in the company has an ounce of respect for these 2 clowns. Have had comments from reps from other companies who have heard about these "toxic twins".

NV/DR have watched every good rep walk off. They are on board with everything these two morons are doing and have signed off on it. Like the comment about the employment lawyers trolling the site and sticking it to them. Would be about time and no one would feel sorry for any of them. NV/DR would run back across the border! Other two would be stuck here.

I just accepted a low ball offer. I am out of a job and felt it's better than nothing. This is a good company but I am going to keep my options open to see if I can get another offer from another company that is closer to what I was making. In the meantime it is nice to be employed.

How sad. Before slavery was abolished, I am sure there were people who liked the idea of having food and housing on the master's plantation.....it was good to have a place to be. You sound like that with your new "low ball" offer and how "nice" it feels to be employed. Hopefully, someone one will come along and emancipate you too, but I am starting to think you might stay where you are.

All University of Phoenix students

Amazing what this world is coming to, with the University of Phoenix and other online schools charging people for such a terrible education.

As for Lilly, you are wasting your time interviewing with them, unless you know the DM or HR manager or something like that.

Its like fighting the world champion of boxing, and you have never boxed. They won't even give you a chance unless you are a recent college graduate or if you know someone. Terrible company, and terrible people at Lilly.


Amazing what this world is coming to, with the University of Phoenix and other online schools charging people for such a terrible education.

As for Lilly, you are wasting your time interviewing with them, unless you know the DM or HR manager or something like that.

Its like fighting the world champion of boxing, and you have never boxed. They won't even give you a chance unless you are a recent college graduate or if you know someone. Terrible company, and terrible people at Lilly.


I suppose that if you are a cute new grad female, or a cute new grad metrosexual, hey, education doesn't matter......

But that last item you mention, well yes, of course.

Self-righteous hypocrits in Bldg 74

I have a position in my area that I am interested in but the interview process is getting ridiculous. First I filled out my application which is normal. But then I had to take a psych test for over an hour. Really? Then came the phone screen. This guy grilled me like no other.it lasted almost an hour and it was intense. I survived and should have been offered the job at that point for all my suffering. Then I was called in for a face to face interview where 3 managers grilled me again. I have been on many interviews and I know this style is more extreme than usual. They were very stoic and occasionally got aggressive. I felt like one manager was trying to mess me up, one seemed not to care at all. The hiring manager was not very engaging. After that I was told that if I am picked to move forward I may have to do another face to face. Are you kidding me?

Welcome to Lilly. They like to hire Olympic type athletes and the deplete all their skills!

My question exactly.
Not too many people can retire at age 55, especially if they have gone through a divorce or getting their portfolio wacked during the recession.

55 is young. I know many 55 year olds who are in better physical condition than some 30 year olds. Add to the fact that majority of physicians are also in this age group and keep going until 70's.

So tired of people thinking 55 is old. I would hire a seasoned 55 year old over a 24 year old any day.

My question exactly.
Not too many people can retire at age 55, especially if they have gone through a divorce or getting their portfolio wacked during the recession.

55 is young. I know many 55 year olds who are in better physical condition than some 30 year olds. Add to the fact that majority of physicians are also in this age group and keep going until 70's.

So tired of people thinking 55 is old. I would hire a seasoned 55 year old over a 24 year old any day.

Sorry Gramps... your salary requirements at 55 vs. that of a 24 year old individual......hands down Lilly will say FU to U !!