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Brutal Interview Process

My Lilly interviews weren't "brutal." Just stupid and insane. I've interviewed twice with Lilly managers over the years, once for a Lilly job and once for the next job after Lilly cut it's managers and reps. I don't need help-- got both jobs, but that doesn't mean I'm a whiner for thinking the IVs were the dumbest, most manipulative, psycho BS I've ever encountered. Like I said, Lilly trains these people to behave this way.

Model those values~ aren't we wonderful.

After all the torture I was offered the job. For a $25000 cut in salary. Are you kidding me? I pushed back real hard and manager was able to get HR to sweeten their offer to a $20000 cut. I am so pissed right now. They should be more open about salary ranges before wasting everyones time. Needless to say I respectfully declined the generous offer.

Not to be insensitive but that is funny. Lilly wants the talent but will not pay. I have been hearing a lot of stories like this lately. Should be taken as a sign that the company is hurting. We did have a freeze on merit increases last year. Unless your completely desperate do not take the huge cut. In just 5 years that equates to $100,000 loss of income. That is not chump change but real money.

After all the torture I was offered the job. For a $25000 cut in salary. Are you kidding me? I pushed back real hard and manager was able to get HR to sweeten their offer to a $20000 cut. I am so pissed right now. They should be more open about salary ranges before wasting everyones time. Needless to say I respectfully declined the generous offer.

so what is the starting salary at Lilly? $68K base? $24k potential annual bonus?

Must have interviewed with Indy biomed manager? Stoic, rude and sold for only couple of years, now manages people? Complete joke. I politely declined to go any further. Lilly has definitely gotten too big for their britches.

so what is the starting salary at Lilly? $68K base? $24k potential annual bonus?

A lot lower than that without experience. We have reps here for over 15 years just breaking out of the 70s. Newcomers with lots of experience may make a little more but should expect a drop in pay. Company is in cost cutting mode big time.

What is wrong with their tactics? There are lots of reps out of jobs that are willing to take less. They may not be the best reps for the job but if the price is right it might make sense. I have heard of some Diabetes Managers selling job interviewees on the stability of our company and the job security they can expect. Really blows my mind how anyone can believe a company gives you stability and security when they have been laying off tons of reps and holding merit increases back this year and probably next. I still have a job but I don't feel bullet proof. The crap can hit the fan any given day.

Ex NovoNordisk rep who had to move. Applied for a Diabetic PC Sales position in my Area, passed test then got an email from Lilly HR saying I was not qualified and was not the right fit. WTF?

10 years at Pfizer and 4 at NovoNordisk. Great numbers. Scratching my head.

If the hubby or wife makes good bucks you can work for squat!
Notice that women who wear their fat rocks seem to make bling and cash ....managers want them to live large in the estate and keep the golf membership going.

Problem is, other the real talent and best workers are are single types. Most of these carry all the weight at homes so a crappy salary just aint gonna cut it...

Bye bye talent cause we can't buy buy you...

You guys are losers if you think lilly's interviews are difficult. Real sales jobs are 4-5 interviews and a hell of alot more intense. If you can't handle a lilly interview you should prob go back to your contract job.

Hey its called "Lilly".....sweet and easy! One of my $%^)(&@ coworkers got a job with Lilly...probably had connections. All I can say is just wait till Eli gets the reality check on this clown about town.

Sure we'll all hear about the firecrackers .....and it wont be a Lilly celebration!

Ex NovoNordisk rep who had to move. Applied for a Diabetic PC Sales position in my Area, passed test then got an email from Lilly HR saying I was not qualified and was not the right fit. WTF?

10 years at Pfizer and 4 at NovoNordisk. Great numbers. Scratching my head.

Were you over the age of 55???? Lilly discriminates against anyone that is of "so-called retirement age"!

Were you over the age of 55???? Lilly discriminates against anyone that is of "so-called retirement age"!

Don't feel bad. Lilly doesn't hire talent anymore, or experience! We've become like Forrest. The horrible DSM's in our area are hiring 21 year olds that work at the mall or Sprint... That's why the CVM scores say customers don't value us and rate us lowest in the industry. They RUINED the company.

I don't know if we have fallen to Forest level just yet, but I agree we are headed in the wrong direction. Our company talks about the need to acquire talent yet they turn it away before interviews with personality exams. Talent that makes it through to interview process is abused and offered the opportunity to come aboard for a huge pay cut. How do you attract talent if you do not value their accomplishments? If you want to pay for a base model chevy, don't expect to get a top of the line Cadillac.

Lots of angry people who left and are trying to bring others down to

Angry reps that left or that are still here has nothing to do with 1) we are losing top talent, 2) we aren't replacing them with stronger more qualified people... 3) we rank bottoming the industry for pipeline and current products. FACTS