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Brutal Interview Process

Angry reps that left or that are still here has nothing to do with 1) we are losing top talent, 2) we aren't replacing them with stronger more qualified people... 3) we rank bottoming the industry for pipeline and current products. FACTS

People left because they were FIRED (aka reallocated). FACT! People who left or leaving are not quality. Wake up and face reality! FACT! Piprline is good. FACT! Leave if you are so unhappy but you are probably one of the disgruntled fired people so STFU! LOSER

People left because they were FIRED (aka reallocated). FACT! People who left or leaving are not quality. Wake up and face reality! FACT! Piprline is good. FACT! Leave if you are so unhappy but you are probably one of the disgruntled fired people so STFU! LOSER

What's a piprline ? You are the one who needs to wake up and face reality the company is failing under current management you are in denial. I still work at this horrible place and yes I am getting out so stuff it !

People left because they were FIRED (aka reallocated). FACT! People who left or leaving are not quality. Wake up and face reality! FACT! Piprline is good. FACT! Leave if you are so unhappy but you are probably one of the disgruntled fired people so STFU! LOSER

My team didn't lose one rep in the reallocation (Lillyspeak for layoff....they can't even tell the truth about that) but 6 have quit since then. 4 of 6 were multiple President's Council reps. So to say that people who are quitting are not top quality is a lie. They were smart enough to realize that this is not a good career option anymore and had the brains and motivation to get out.

BTW....their replacements are far from top quality. Seriously could just as easily be working at Walmart. New hires are being brought in based on their agreement to take a low base salary and race. That seems to be the only 2 things Lilly is looking at.

I am finishing up an advanced degree and will be gone as soon as that is done. So I would shut up with the comments about top talent not leaving. You obviously don't know what you are talking about or are a HR plant trying to stop the bleeding. Would love to see the numbers of how many people have quit in the last year.

My team didn't lose one rep in the reallocation (Lillyspeak for layoff....they can't even tell the truth about that) but 6 have quit since then. 4 of 6 were multiple President's Council reps. So to say that people who are quitting are not top quality is a lie. They were smart enough to realize that this is not a good career option anymore and had the brains and motivation to get out.

BTW....their replacements are far from top quality. Seriously could just as easily be working at Walmart. New hires are being brought in based on their agreement to take a low base salary and race. That seems to be the only 2 things Lilly is looking at.

I am finishing up an advanced degree and will be gone as soon as that is done. So I would shut up with the comments about top talent not leaving. You obviously don't know what you are talking about or are a HR plant trying to stop the bleeding. Would love to see the numbers of how many people have quit in the last year.


My team didn't lose one rep in the reallocation (Lillyspeak for layoff....they can't even tell the truth about that) but 6 have quit since then. 4 of 6 were multiple President's Council reps. So to say that people who are quitting are not top quality is a lie. They were smart enough to realize that this is not a good career option anymore and had the brains and motivation to get out.

BTW....their replacements are far from top quality. Seriously could just as easily be working at Walmart. New hires are being brought in based on their agreement to take a low base salary and race. That seems to be the only 2 things Lilly is looking at.

I am finishing up an advanced degree and will be gone as soon as that is done. So I would shut up with the comments about top talent not leaving. You obviously don't know what you are talking about or are a HR plant trying to stop the bleeding. Would love to see the numbers of how many people have quit in the last year.

My team has also lost 5 reps- 4 were Exec reps.. Their replacements are so awful... The latest total since last April- BMBU/OBU is appx 30% leaving LLY

Thanks for checking in HR. Now go back to your cubicle and keep recruiting new reps from community colleges and University of Phoenix! My last district meeting was awful. We have people on my team who can't even pronounce the generic names of our meds and competitors. Even when told over and over. But apparently they meet the other criteria. Our reputation will never come back.

Were you over the age of 55???? Lilly discriminates against anyone that is of "so-called retirement age"!

Its a rare, rare worker who can retire at 55!

That group may be reserved for high end execs in their big six figure jobs for 25 years straight.

Losing a job at 55 or over will create serious financial issues for many folks, especially those who are the solo breadwinner.

Complete trash for reps these days. I don't care where a person went to college but they should at least be able to look and speak professional. My team's new hires talk like they are in the hood and couldn't pronounce the generic names of our drugs if their life depended on it. Lilly has hit rock bottom in the rep dept. Such a shame for a once great company. Time to move on to a real Fortune 500 company that hires the best of the best. Between the reps and mgrs this place is becoming a landfill fast.

Funny!!!!! I just went through online application process then got an email saying I wasn't a fit. With 12 years Pharma experience and currently working for another company I didn't have the skills for a primary care position. I answered the questions correctly based on many years of sales experience so have to feel, experience, and more than 7 years out of college is not what Lilly is looking for. Too bad, I know several people working for Lilly and are very happy. I have always respected the company and products and would have liked the opportunity.:(

Funny!!!!! I just went through online application process then got an email saying I wasn't a fit. With 12 years Pharma experience and currently working for another company I didn't have the skills for a primary care position. I answered the questions correctly based on many years of sales experience so have to feel, experience, and more than 7 years out of college is not what Lilly is looking for. Too bad, I know several people working for Lilly and are very happy. I have always respected the company and products and would have liked the opportunity.:(

Unfortunately you didn't have what we are looking for: Retail clothing experience, preferably at Forever 21 or H&M, Wireless sales, including AT&T or Verizon, or any Wholesaler, we like Sam's Club or Costco... Please try one of those employers for six months than reapply... Our DSM's will find your qualifications appealing and fast track you thorough the interview process. Best of luck and we will see you soon in Indy!!

Unfortunately you didn't have what we are looking for: Retail clothing experience, preferably at Forever 21 or H&M, Wireless sales, including AT&T or Verizon, or any Wholesaler, we like Sam's Club or Costco... Please try one of those employers for six months than reapply... Our DSM's will find your qualifications appealing and fast track you thorough the interview process. Best of luck and we will see you soon in Indy!!

Haha. This sounds like the entire BMBU salesforce since the reorg! Thanks Alex and Dave!

Haha. This sounds like the entire BMBU salesforce since the reorg! Thanks Alex and Dave!

NV has entire teams walking out the door and being replaced 100% with diversity hires. She has new managers who are controlled every step of the way by managers from other divisions. All this going on and her and HR just watch it and do nothing. Pretty sad when the managers she hand picked can't make a hiring decision or what to serve for lunch at a district meeting decision without getting permission from managers outside of our BU. Low class, no brain managers in charge now hiring low class, incompetent reps. This place is a joke and NV is sitting back allowing it to happen. Not surprised.

You mean DR is sitting back watching it happen. NV doesn't make any decision without clearing it with Davey boy. Neither does HR. Most corrupt corporation on the planet right now. Who can stay here? Obviously not good reps who can get jobs at other companies. Look who is left and who is gone.

After watching upper mgt lie, cheat and steal for the last year I realize that there is no hope left. This is all being done on purpose. Why? I have no idea but there is no way that inept DMs were put into roles and allowed to hire the terrible quality of reps they are hiring for no reason. I'm sure it will all make sense soon enough. I have tried to make excuses but there aren't any excuses. It is being done on purpose perhaps to get the top talent (high salary) reps to leave on their own. The rep job is becoming a dinosaur anyway so understand all the layoffs. Don't understand why they don't just hurry up and get it over with. Watching Lilly rot from the inside out is painful.

Unfortunately you didn't have what we are looking for: Retail clothing experience, preferably at Forever 21 or H&M, Wireless sales, including AT&T or Verizon, or any Wholesaler, we like Sam's Club or Costco... Please try one of those employers for six months than reapply... Our DSM's will find your qualifications appealing and fast track you thorough the interview process. Best of luck and we will see you soon in Indy!!

This is F ing hysterical!!!!