Bring Labcorp to its knees

To all those unhappy Labcorp employees maybe you can help me out.

I am in sales for one of your competitors (in the NYC area). Are there any of your accounts that I should be looking at? Ones that are complaining about turn around time, invalid results or pricing issues?

Accounts with a total monthly volume in excess of $ 50,000.00 (minimum) would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your assistance.

To all those unhappy Labcorp employees maybe you can help me out.

I am in sales for one of your competitors (in the NYC area). Are there any of your accounts that I should be looking at? Ones that are complaining about turn around time, invalid results or pricing issues?

Accounts with a total monthly volume in excess of $ 50,000.00 (minimum) would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your assistance.

If you have been reading these boards you know that every account in NYC is having issues with LabCorp. The pickings are easy since we don't have adequate sales coverage there.
If you want to know any more details have your manager contact the LabCorp sales rep under the guise of making him/her a job offer and they will give you more deatiled information than you can imagine.

To all those unhappy Labcorp employees maybe you can help me out.

I am in sales for one of your competitors (in the NYC area). Are there any of your accounts that I should be looking at? Ones that are complaining about turn around time, invalid results or pricing issues?

Accounts with a total monthly volume in excess of $ 50,000.00 (minimum) would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your assistance.

How about information on accounts in the Washington DC area?

The Washington DC area is a complete mess....big RMBD manager left...try checking out his accounts although if are from Quest...they stole them from you so you should know which ones are out there for the taking! Promising all kind of stuff that is against Stark. It wouldn't take much "work" to get a lot of LC accounts in NoVA! Doctors are cancelling contracts everyday! Good Luck!

Have stock, sell it. Then proceed to do your best to destroy this company by being as incompetent in your job as management is in theirs.
They started it we can finish it, lets show them how its done.
Note: Please no posts about patient care, all they are is revenue, we could care less if they live or if they die as long as we get paid.

The economy has changed a lot since you posted this in June. Still feel the same way or are you thanking your lucky stars you still have a job?

I don't care how unethical Labcorp is or how many patients die because of their inaccurate results just as long as my paycheck keeps coming.
I have been here 17 years and all around quality has never been one of our companys strong points. And besides as a nobody I am in no position to change the company. So what do I do?
Smile, keep my workload to a minimum and wait for every other friday.
I suggest you stop complaining and do the same, when you know all is lost and their is no hope you will be suprised to see how calm you become.

You aspire to so little. And you have achieved your aspirations. The seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and years of your lifetime at LCA must be painful.

You people who stick up for Lab Corp will rot in hell. There test has destroyed my life. When they destroy your life than lets see how you feel, Perhaps they might tell you your mom has cancer and she doesn't it's called Karma be careful who you mess with Karma is a true thing so watch your ass.

Can you tell me what issues you have had with LabCorp. They have ruined my life, too. I am looking for answers...

Yes, It Is True My Brain es Fried and I live in a padded cell, thats because dealing with LabCorp., they will do to anyone, and I mean anyone, who fucked up someones tests,and dont give a shit., like you fuckers are. But at two things are for certain

(1) You cut me Low I may Confess, but in YOUR MOUTH, My BALLS WILL REST.,

(2). I know now how you all were concieved!! A Big Prehistoric Bird, came down, Jacked off on a Rock, and the Flies did the Rest.

No wonder none of you have a soul, nor any DNA, Not even from The Prehistoric Bird, and the Flies.

Oh Yes, Here comes my shot of Thorazine, 10,000 cc IM, and 1,000,000 cc's of Morphine.,and a Brick of 100 percent pure Opium to relax me, and keep you assholes from ruining mine and anyone elses day.

Eat my Shorts, assholes, skid marks and piss and cum stains and all

Fucking ignorant people, One good thing, at Least All the people in North Carolina are not like all of you are. You have to be a REALLY GOOD Morphadyke Speciman, to be employed by a fucked lab., all your test results are all Morphidyked, like you inbredded asswipes. Have a Real Shitty day.

I would like to see some of you assholes get infected with sicklecell anemia, and some classified military shit, we have on hand, for a biochemical war.
We would then see Who can walk the walk, besides talking all the talk
I also hope, that some poor person whom was fucked over by You asses there at LabCorp., would have to give to CPR/Mouth to Mouth, and then find out the poor bastard you fucked on his test, tested Positive with EBOLI/West Nile Virus shit, AND SAID HE DIDNT HAVE IT, AND GIVE IT TO you VIA THE MOUTH TO MOUTH, TO REVIVE YOUR ASSES, AND WATCH YOU GO THRU A LIVING HELL., JUST LIKE THE POOR GUY WHO DID NOTHING WRONG TO ANYONE. sheee potimah Peckpogidah neemeshebedahs LOL, LMFAO PRICKS

This has got to be the best post ever. Jared is that you?

Yes, It Is True My Brain es Fried and I live in a padded cell, thats because dealing with LabCorp., they will do to anyone, and I mean anyone, who fucked up someones tests,and dont give a shit., like you fuckers are. But at two things are for certain

(1) You cut me Low I may Confess, but in YOUR MOUTH, My BALLS WILL REST.,

(2). I know now how you all were concieved!! A Big Prehistoric Bird, came down, Jacked off on a Rock, and the Flies did the Rest.

No wonder none of you have a soul, nor any DNA, Not even from The Prehistoric Bird, and the Flies.

Oh Yes, Here comes my shot of Thorazine, 10,000 cc IM, and 1,000,000 cc's of Morphine.,and a Brick of 100 percent pure Opium to relax me, and keep you assholes from ruining mine and anyone elses day.

Eat my Shorts, assholes, skid marks and piss and cum stains and all

Fucking ignorant people, One good thing, at Least All the people in North Carolina are not like all of you are. You have to be a REALLY GOOD Morphadyke Speciman, to be employed by a fucked lab., all your test results are all Morphidyked, like you inbredded asswipes. Have a Real Shitty day.

I would like to see some of you assholes get infected with sicklecell anemia, and some classified military shit, we have on hand, for a biochemical war.
We would then see Who can walk the walk, besides talking all the talk
I also hope, that some poor person whom was fucked over by You asses there at LabCorp., would have to give to CPR/Mouth to Mouth, and then find out the poor bastard you fucked on his test, tested Positive with EBOLI/West Nile Virus shit, AND SAID HE DIDNT HAVE IT, AND GIVE IT TO you VIA THE MOUTH TO MOUTH, TO REVIVE YOUR ASSES, AND WATCH YOU GO THRU A LIVING HELL., JUST LIKE THE POOR GUY WHO DID NOTHING WRONG TO ANYONE. sheee potimah Peckpogidah neemeshebedahs LOL, LMFAO PRICKS

You are a filthy, disgusting pig!!!

Now, I may hate my job and all the crap that I am being put through but the reality is that I am getting paid to do a job and I intend to do it while I am still here (hopefully not too much longer though). I will not ever purposely make mistakes at work. To the person who started this thread, you're an idiot!

Now, I may hate my job and all the crap that I am being put through but the reality is that I am getting paid to do a job and I intend to do it while I am still here (hopefully not too much longer though). I will not ever purposely make mistakes at work. To the person who started this thread, you're an idiot!

And your an idiot for still working for LCA...Whats the mater no one else will hire you thats what is the matter!

The problem is... where I want to go, there are currently no openings but I am patiently waiting. You're still an idiot!!!! You're probably a disgruntled worker who gets paid minimum wage and are bitter for not going to college like some of us were smart enough to do. Idiot!!