Bring Labcorp to its knees

Thanks #20 Finally someone that has something positive to say; and probably echos the sentiments of thousands of us. Well said, and with the changes that are coming, hopefully the rest will feel better about themselves and what they do.

My long ride with Labcorp is about over, I am thinking about retirement every day and especially after dealing with those brickheads in Burlington. KCRL and Roche CLINICAL labs was great. PH was a good guy and everyone felt like they belonged to a big family. That changed when Roche bought Biomedical and put them in charge. If Dr. P hadn't inherited millions from his daddy he would just be your typical southern Gomer Pyle, pumping gas.
That is where the company started their long slide. It took someone from the North, TM, to turn it around financially. However he still let the lunatics run the asylum and we continue to have the operational problems that we do.
I can't wait to get a package and be on my way.

If this is TM you better be careful about what you are saying or you just may get that "package" sooner than you think.

I also agree with Poster #20. Jobs are a lot like marriages - you get out of them what you are willing to invest. If you don't like your job or the company you work for then find something else to do - just remember the grass is never greener. Negativity isn't going to be contagious for me. I go to work each day and do the best I can. That is what I agreed to do when I accepted the job. It was the way I was brought up. If more employees would post their feelings like Poster #20 then maybe we can counter the terrible things being said here about the people we work with. Some of you should be ashamed for the things you say. People are people no matter where you go and most of us really want to do a good job and not bash our fellow employees or the Company. I have a feeling that some of you would be griping no matter who you worked for.

I also agree with Poster #20. Jobs are a lot like marriages - you get out of them what you are willing to invest. If you don't like your job or the company you work for then find something else to do - just remember the grass is never greener. Negativity isn't going to be contagious for me. I go to work each day and do the best I can. That is what I agreed to do when I accepted the job. It was the way I was brought up. If more employees would post their feelings like Poster #20 then maybe we can counter the terrible things being said here about the people we work with. Some of you should be ashamed for the things you say. People are people no matter where you go and most of us really want to do a good job and not bash our fellow employees or the Company. I have a feeling that some of you would be griping no matter who you worked for.

Ah, ain't that sweet ?!

Let's all join hands and sing "Kum Ba Yah"

You make me want to puke, writing complete crap like that.

I also agree with Poster #20. Jobs are a lot like marriages - you get out of them what you are willing to invest. If you don't like your job or the company you work for then find something else to do - just remember the grass is never greener. Negativity isn't going to be contagious for me. I go to work each day and do the best I can. That is what I agreed to do when I accepted the job. It was the way I was brought up. If more employees would post their feelings like Poster #20 then maybe we can counter the terrible things being said here about the people we work with. Some of you should be ashamed for the things you say. People are people no matter where you go and most of us really want to do a good job and not bash our fellow employees or the Company. I have a feeling that some of you would be griping no matter who you worked for.

You keep being a good little boy scout, in the meantime all your "good" work will be for nothing since I (along with many others) are doing our very best to drive this company into the ground.
Every minute we spend screwing up requires about an hour to fix. At best Labcorp is treading water, in reality they are sinking thanks to our efforts.

I am appalled by the bragging of some individuals relative to intentionally tampering with patient results. I hope you are found out and criminal charges are forthcoming. If you hate your job why not QUIT? I'm sure you won't be missed. To intentionally tamper with patient results is inexcusable. The patient you are screwing around with has done nothing to you and does not deserve to be the object of your immature behavior. Be a man and face the devil and tell management what you think. Only a coward takes the stance you have chosen. Maybe a lab tech somewhere will screw over your results or the results of your family member. Only then can your small brain begin to comprehend the tragic consequences.

I am appalled by the bragging of some individuals relative to intentionally tampering with patient results. I hope you are found out and criminal charges are forthcoming. If you hate your job why not QUIT? I'm sure you won't be missed. To intentionally tamper with patient results is inexcusable. The patient you are screwing around with has done nothing to you and does not deserve to be the object of your immature behavior. Be a man and face the devil and tell management what you think. Only a coward takes the stance you have chosen. Maybe a lab tech somewhere will screw over your results or the results of your family member. Only then can your small brain begin to comprehend the tragic consequences.

Sounds to me that the original poster is just taking the same stance as Management. Management does not give CRAP about patients or their results. management could care less if results ever show up anywhere....just keep double billing the insurance, that's what it is all about.

Management could care less about employees either. sounds to me that the original poster is just following Management guidelines.

Way to go !!!!

I am appalled by the bragging of some individuals relative to intentionally tampering with patient results. I hope you are found out and criminal charges are forthcoming. If you hate your job why not QUIT? I'm sure you won't be missed. To intentionally tamper with patient results is inexcusable. The patient you are screwing around with has done nothing to you and does not deserve to be the object of your immature behavior. Be a man and face the devil and tell management what you think. Only a coward takes the stance you have chosen. Maybe a lab tech somewhere will screw over your results or the results of your family member. Only then can your small brain begin to comprehend the tragic consequences.

Where did I say I intentionally tampered with patient results?? If results are incorrect it can be traced back to poor training or poor hiring practices. The majority of labcorps clinical employees (at least in the NE) are foreign born who can speak about three words in english. Is it their fault or is it the fault of management for not hiring qualified people? Who is really putting the patient in jeopardy?

Where did I say I intentionally tampered with patient results?? If results are incorrect it can be traced back to poor training or poor hiring practices. The majority of labcorps clinical employees (at least in the NE) are foreign born who can speak about three words in english. Is it their fault or is it the fault of management for not hiring qualified people? Who is really putting the patient in jeopardy?

I know that's the majority in Raritan, Filipino's and Indians....what three words are they? Cause Excuse me isn't one of them, they walk through the halls there like they are blindfolded.

Has anyone ever questioned the fact that plugging samples into an Lumnix/Athena platform maybe easy and fast but constantly provides false resuts? This thing that we have chosen to make standard procedure at sites simply because you have to have no skill to operate consistantly fails CAP's survey's, meaning that there are no telling how many patients are walking around in pain with no answer just so the results can be "man power" friendly.

I know that's the majority in Raritan, Filipino's and Indians....what three words are they? Cause Excuse me isn't one of them, they walk through the halls there like they are blindfolded.

Hmm "what three words are they, Cause excuse me isn't one of them" Sounds like we have a bigger problem there than noted. Sounds like the natives don't speak English either

You would think that instead of spending money on lawyers and lawsuits related to incorrect results Labcorp would invest in hiring quality experienced people. By doing so they would reduce error rates and therefore reduce their exposure to lawsuits.
But they don't care, so why should I?

Thanks to your bragging about intentional screw ups, Burlington will ask for a criminal investigation to begin in the NE. Probe will start next week. Hope they catch all you nit wits. You don't belong in a medical setting.

Thanks to your bragging about intentional screw ups, Burlington will ask for a criminal investigation to begin in the NE. Probe will start next week. Hope they catch all you nit wits. You don't belong in a medical setting.

You are such an idiot, and you just proved it beyond all doubt.

You just don't get it..........


Plain and simple.

Investigation ? HA ! Don't make me laugh !!!

Your mother's lab must of screwed up results. Otherwise, she would have aborted you as a fetus.

And the best part of you was left running down your mother's thigh and into her combat boots.

What an asshole you are.

I guess the truth hurts, doesn't it, Middle Manager.
Don't worry, you will be out of your misery very soon. Can you say "RIF" ?


And the best part of you was left running down your mother's thigh and into her combat boots.

What an asshole you are.

I guess the truth hurts, doesn't it, Middle Manager.
Don't worry, you will be out of your misery very soon. Can you say "RIF" ?


It's fun messing with you morons. I couldn't care less about you or Labcrap. Just passing by and having some fun at your expense.