Bring Labcorp to its knees

Ah, ain't that sweet ?!

Let's all join hands and sing "Kum Ba Yah"

You make me want to puke, writing complete crap like that.

I think that this is now my officially favorite CafePharma post, of all time. Yes, I agree, let's join hands, sing and pretend that everything is great and wonderful. The LCA "ostrich" approach to problem-recognition and solving is just what we need more of. Reminds me of my ex-wife..."out of sight, out of mind." Heaven forbid someone in this outfit should grow a pair and start firing the upper- & middle- managers who spend all of their time doing nothing, unless you count conference calls and Tetris, as productive work. For all of you "glass half-full" folks, well, I am a good employee, who does his job very, very well. The results... a pay raise that gets gobbled up every year by rising insurance premiums, and more mindless, repetitive bullsh** tasks and paperwork that have nothing to do with job performance, just someone else's idea of justifying their own job. In my region we are losing customers left and right. Is there anyone concerned or worried? Nope. "You lost an account. Really? Yes. Hmmm, okay, thanks." Clients can't get results, service or help. Of course, while clients are changing to Quest, LCA is worried about really important things like NEXTELS, specimen arrival percentages and who's screwing who in the office. Nice job. Unfortunately, the really good managers and employees get lost in the cesspool of "less-than mediocrity" that is LCA.

Positive? Yes, I am positive, positive that LCA is totally bereft of leadership and that I, like so many others, are looking to abandon this sinking hulk of a corporation.

Funny thing, I am able to see more results by doing a bad job than doing a good one. In some strange and twisted way I find it quite fulfilling.

You people who stick up for Lab Corp will rot in hell. There test has destroyed my life. When they destroy your life than lets see how you feel, Perhaps they might tell you your mom has cancer and she doesn't it's called Karma be careful who you mess with Karma is a true thing so watch your ass.

You people who stick up for Lab Corp will rot in hell. There test has destroyed my life. When they destroy your life than lets see how you feel, Perhaps they might tell you your mom has cancer and she doesn't it's called Karma be careful who you mess with Karma is a true thing so watch your ass.

Go away.... Look up what Karma means before you use it in a sentance! No such things as "bad" Karma, Karma is what your character adds up to be. If you do bad to others you lifes Karma is effected and your next life in your chain you will be measured. Nothing you can wish on anyone; only you can change your Karma.

The information I included I don't expect you to understand either....

Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: karma

In Indian philosophy, the influence of an individual's past actions on his future lives or reincarnations. It is based on the conviction that the present life is only one in a chain of lives (see samsara). The accumulated moral energy of a person's life determines his or her character, class status, and disposition in the next life. The process is automatic, and no interference by the gods is possible. In the course of a chain of lives, people can perfect themselves and reach the level of Brahma, or they can degrade themselves to the extent that they return to life as animals. The concept of karma, basic to Hinduism, was also incorporated into Buddhism and Jainism.

Go away.... Look up what Karma means before you use it in a sentance! No such things as "bad" Karma, Karma is what your character adds up to be. If you do bad to others you lifes Karma is effected and your next life in your chain you will be measured. Nothing you can wish on anyone; only you can change your Karma.

The information I included I don't expect you to understand either....

Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: karma

In Indian philosophy, the influence of an individual's past actions on his future lives or reincarnations. It is based on the conviction that the present life is only one in a chain of lives (see samsara). The accumulated moral energy of a person's life determines his or her character, class status, and disposition in the next life. The process is automatic, and no interference by the gods is possible. In the course of a chain of lives, people can perfect themselves and reach the level of Brahma, or they can degrade themselves to the extent that they return to life as animals. The concept of karma, basic to Hinduism, was also incorporated into Buddhism and Jainism.

blah, blah, blah,. pay attention. you have just described the problem at LH.

blah, blah, blah,. pay attention. you have just described the problem at LH.

I understand you are an asshole! You beleive what you want! Apparently you don't beleive in god. Why don't you read the BIBLE? Maybe you will find your answer there. Maybe you can understand that! I guess you must work for Lab Corp. DO UNTO OTHERS AS THEY DO UNTO YOU. The latter rain falls on the just and the unjust . On GODS judgement. Where each human sole will have to give an account for not only what they did, but also for what they did not do. When they should have done what was right. Who takes pleasure in altering natural sequences that will effect human lives in a negative way. Go Figure! Karma Baby
I am now a cat!! LOL

To all you Amebas and parameciums that work for labcorp, in any state or any County associated with Labcorp in North Carolina., It appears by most of your comments, that most of you are Plainly known as Satanists. I am surprized, that You people are ruining the Reputation of the vast Majority of the Good People of the State of North Carolina. Dont be crying because you lose your Jobs, to people south of the Border, whom will do your job at for 1/2 the price you are all being paid to do. You are an infection worse than M.R.S.A. C-Diff, EBOLI, and AIDS Combined. Take your DNA samples and shove it where the Sun, Stars, or any form of Light exists, and shove it up your Satanic assholes. you semen burpers

To all you Amebas and parameciums that work for labcorp, in any state or any County associated with Labcorp in North Carolina., It appears by most of your comments, that most of you are Plainly known as Satanists. I am surprized, that You people are ruining the Reputation of the vast Majority of the Good People of the State of North Carolina. Dont be crying because you lose your Jobs, to people south of the Border, whom will do your job at for 1/2 the price you are all being paid to do. You are an infection worse than M.R.S.A. C-Diff, E-COLI, and AIDS Combined. Take your DNA samples and shove it where the Sun, Stars, or any form of Light exists, and shove it up your Satanic assholes. you semen burpers

I agree with you guys 100%. The ones who talk shit are the Lab Corp workers who will all have to answer to big the man up stairs. This is to the assholes and not the ones who care and do their jobs if there are any good people left out there. I am sure there are a few.

To the person whom wrote Item #45 above. Are you some Phd or something with your supposed superior intellect? You Only have One Chance, and One Chance only,on planet earth, and then comes The Judgement and Then Eternity, which IS Forever. Mankind and his Tongue and his actions determines their fate, Not as You suggest. If you were as smart as You are stupid and ignorant, Maybe then Lab Corps would Make a difference., and do the TRUE and RIGHT and HONEST THING. But by your snotty response to a person reference KARMA., I am sorry to see, that Your IQ is much lower than any analyisis of any strand of DNA submitted to YOU at LABCORP, for examination. Perhaps, some of the horror stories that has been caused by alot of malcontents at that Company, ""should befall all of you"" whom because of your dishonesty, lack of integrity, miserable with yourselfs, crackheads., ass sniffers.,and your Ilk(I doubt if you know what that means)., and see first hand if YOU yourself was misdiagnosed and,possibly .,You may get Treated for the ""Prefrontal Lobotomies done with Rusty meat Hooks"" that you performed on each other., instead of doing Your snotty job, in the first place. Empty the Zoo's and Put you on public display, You all at LabCorp is something, That everyone should be able to look at from a distance, and from behind glass, so the rest of us dont get infected with LABCORPITITOUS(Which by the way is INCURABLE)

To the person whom wrote Item #45 above. Are you some Phd or something with your supposed superior intellect? You Only have One Chance, and One Chance only,on planet earth, and then comes The Judgement and Then Eternity, which IS Forever. Mankind and his Tongue and his actions determines their fate, Not as You suggest. If you were as smart as You are stupid and ignorant, Maybe then Lab Corps would Make a difference., and do the TRUE and RIGHT and HONEST THING. But by your snotty response to a person reference KARMA., I am sorry to see, that Your IQ is much lower than any analyisis of any strand of DNA submitted to YOU at LABCORP, for examination. Perhaps, some of the horror stories that has been caused by alot of malcontents at that Company, ""should befall all of you"" whom because of your dishonesty, lack of integrity, miserable with yourselfs, crackheads., ass sniffers.,and your Ilk(I doubt if you know what that means)., and see first hand if YOU yourself was misdiagnosed and,possibly .,You may get Treated for the ""Prefrontal Lobotomies done with Rusty meat Hooks"" that you performed on each other., instead of doing Your snotty job, in the first place. Empty the Zoo's and Put you on public display, You all at LabCorp is something, That everyone should be able to look at from a distance, and from behind glass, so the rest of us dont get infected with LABCORPITITOUS(Which by the way is INCURABLE)

LAb COrps???

Please get off your knees -- you can't live off of love juice alone -- your brain is fried.

Yes, It Is True My Brain es Fried and I live in a padded cell, thats because dealing with LabCorp., they will do to anyone, and I mean anyone, who fucked up someones tests,and dont give a shit., like you fuckers are. But at two things are for certain

(1) You cut me Low I may Confess, but in YOUR MOUTH, My BALLS WILL REST.,

(2). I know now how you all were concieved!! A Big Prehistoric Bird, came down, Jacked off on a Rock, and the Flies did the Rest.

No wonder none of you have a soul, nor any DNA, Not even from The Prehistoric Bird, and the Flies.

Oh Yes, Here comes my shot of Thorazine, 10,000 cc IM, and 1,000,000 cc's of Morphine.,and a Brick of 100 percent pure Opium to relax me, and keep you assholes from ruining mine and anyone elses day.

Eat my Shorts, assholes, skid marks and piss and cum stains and all

Fucking ignorant people, One good thing, at Least All the people in North Carolina are not like all of you are. You have to be a REALLY GOOD Morphadyke Speciman, to be employed by a fucked lab., all your test results are all Morphidyked, like you inbredded asswipes. Have a Real Shitty day.

I would like to see some of you assholes get infected with sicklecell anemia, and some classified military shit, we have on hand, for a biochemical war.
We would then see Who can walk the walk, besides talking all the talk
I also hope, that some poor person whom was fucked over by You asses there at LabCorp., would have to give to CPR/Mouth to Mouth, and then find out the poor bastard you fucked on his test, tested Positive with EBOLI/West Nile Virus shit, AND SAID HE DIDNT HAVE IT, AND GIVE IT TO you VIA THE MOUTH TO MOUTH, TO REVIVE YOUR ASSES, AND WATCH YOU GO THRU A LIVING HELL., JUST LIKE THE POOR GUY WHO DID NOTHING WRONG TO ANYONE. sheee potimah Peckpogidah neemeshebedahs LOL, LMFAO PRICKS

Yes, It Is True My Brain es Fried and I live in a padded cell, thats because dealing with LabCorp., they will do to anyone, and I mean anyone, who fucked up someones tests,and dont give a shit., like you fuckers are. But at two things are for certain

(1) You cut me Low I may Confess, but in YOUR MOUTH, My BALLS WILL REST.,

(2). I know now how you all were concieved!! A Big Prehistoric Bird, came down, Jacked off on a Rock, and the Flies did the Rest.

No wonder none of you have a soul, nor any DNA, Not even from The Prehistoric Bird, and the Flies.

Oh Yes, Here comes my shot of Thorazine, 10,000 cc IM, and 1,000,000 cc's of Morphine.,and a Brick of 100 percent pure Opium to relax me, and keep you assholes from ruining mine and anyone elses day.

Eat my Shorts, assholes, skid marks and piss and cum stains and all

Fucking ignorant people, One good thing, at Least All the people in North Carolina are not like all of you are. You have to be a REALLY GOOD Morphadyke Speciman, to be employed by a fucked lab., all your test results are all Morphidyked, like you inbredded asswipes. Have a Real Shitty day.

I would like to see some of you assholes get infected with sicklecell anemia, and some classified military shit, we have on hand, for a biochemical war.
We would then see Who can walk the walk, besides talking all the talk
I also hope, that some poor person whom was fucked over by You asses there at LabCorp., would have to give to CPR/Mouth to Mouth, and then find out the poor bastard you fucked on his test, tested Positive with EBOLI/West Nile Virus shit, AND SAID HE DIDNT HAVE IT, AND GIVE IT TO you VIA THE MOUTH TO MOUTH, TO REVIVE YOUR ASSES, AND WATCH YOU GO THRU A LIVING HELL., JUST LIKE THE POOR GUY WHO DID NOTHING WRONG TO ANYONE. sheee potimah Peckpogidah neemeshebedahs LOL, LMFAO PRICKS

WOW! Are you an employee, former employee, patient; what? Your anger level is off the chart. What is your story with LCA?

Yes, It Is True My Brain es Fried and I live in a padded cell, thats because dealing with LabCorp., they will do to anyone, and I mean anyone, who fucked up someones tests,and dont give a shit., like you fuckers are. But at two things are for certain

(1) You cut me Low I may Confess, but in YOUR MOUTH, My BALLS WILL REST.,

(2). I know now how you all were concieved!! A Big Prehistoric Bird, came down, Jacked off on a Rock, and the Flies did the Rest.

No wonder none of you have a soul, nor any DNA, Not even from The Prehistoric Bird, and the Flies.

Oh Yes, Here comes my shot of Thorazine, 10,000 cc IM, and 1,000,000 cc's of Morphine.,and a Brick of 100 percent pure Opium to relax me, and keep you assholes from ruining mine and anyone elses day.

Eat my Shorts, assholes, skid marks and piss and cum stains and all

Fucking ignorant people, One good thing, at Least All the people in North Carolina are not like all of you are. You have to be a REALLY GOOD Morphadyke Speciman, to be employed by a fucked lab., all your test results are all Morphidyked, like you inbredded asswipes. Have a Real Shitty day.

I would like to see some of you assholes get infected with sicklecell anemia, and some classified military shit, we have on hand, for a biochemical war.
We would then see Who can walk the walk, besides talking all the talk
I also hope, that some poor person whom was fucked over by You asses there at LabCorp., would have to give to CPR/Mouth to Mouth, and then find out the poor bastard you fucked on his test, tested Positive with EBOLI/West Nile Virus shit, AND SAID HE DIDNT HAVE IT, AND GIVE IT TO you VIA THE MOUTH TO MOUTH, TO REVIVE YOUR ASSES, AND WATCH YOU GO THRU A LIVING HELL., JUST LIKE THE POOR GUY WHO DID NOTHING WRONG TO ANYONE. sheee potimah Peckpogidah neemeshebedahs LOL, LMFAO PRICKS

This is a public service announcement: Just say no. This is what this company will do to you. And probably out of the mouth of one of their happier employees.

This is a public service announcement: Just say no. This is what this company will do to you. And probably out of the mouth of one of their happier employees.

Dude....I know you're pissed, but for shit's sake grab a friggin dictionary before you post. You spell like the hill-billy, ignorant, toothless fuck you are. Now you'all go back ta watchin the blue collar comedy tour on that there magic box in yer livin room. Do trailers even have livin rooms? Fuck.

Dude....I know you're pissed, but for shit's sake grab a friggin dictionary before you post. You spell like the hill-billy, ignorant, toothless fuck you are. Now you'all go back ta watchin the blue collar comedy tour on that there magic box in yer livin room. Do trailers even have livin rooms? Fuck.

Dude … due to the haze of your narrow-minded, stereotypical prejudice of the South, you were unable to either recognize there were no spelling errors (in your cut and paste), or you quoted the wrong poster.