Bring Labcorp to its knees

Third quarter layoffs in Raritan have begun.

I'm sure that the people being laid off have intimate knowledge of where the "bodies" are buried. Why not use it to your advantage? Do you think they are going to hire you back?

Stick it to them.

Interviewed a few months ago for an SME position in Phoenix. The sales manager was an OGRE! Wrinkled up nasty woman with venom! I realized quickly why she had so many open positions! Why would anyone work for this company?

Not sure if anyone frequents this thread but just have to get something off my chest... I busted my ass working my way up in my company, always first in and last out doing the worst jobs to prove my worth. Two weeks ago my leg got caught in between two pieces of metal, lost my balance and fell sideways breaking my tibia and fibula and twisting the bone. After being in a cast for two weeks they finally tell me I need a rod in my leg. All that I'm fine with... What I'm not fine with is the call I received from my super telling me I was terminated because marijuana was found in my urine test. Funny because I haven't touched that stuff since I was stupid teen. So now I lost my means of income, am currently disabled, and have bills to pay which I can't because the only reasonable cause would be your great company full of faithful employees who claim that messing up tests and ruining lives yields them better results. Well thanks for ruining my life. I would never wish my situation on anyone but right now I would love karma to kick in tri fold. Oh yea fuck you labcorp and your employees who are somehow considered human beings.

Not sure if anyone frequents this thread but just have to get something off my chest... I busted my ass working my way up in my company, always first in and last out doing the worst jobs to prove my worth. Two weeks ago my leg got caught in between two pieces of metal, lost my balance and fell sideways breaking my tibia and fibula and twisting the bone. After being in a cast for two weeks they finally tell me I need a rod in my leg. All that I'm fine with... What I'm not fine with is the call I received from my super telling me I was terminated because marijuana was found in my urine test. Funny because I haven't touched that stuff since I was stupid teen. So now I lost my means of income, am currently disabled, and have bills to pay which I can't because the only reasonable cause would be your great company full of faithful employees who claim that messing up tests and ruining lives yields them better results. Well thanks for ruining my life. I would never wish my situation on anyone but right now I would love karma to kick in tri fold. Oh yea fuck you labcorp and your employees who are somehow considered human beings.

Assuming you are completely clean, see an attorney ASAP. You said you had a urine drug screen done. Labcorp should have confirmed a positive hit by GC/MS. There are more sensitive (and accurate) drug testing methodologies (IE; hair test) that again, assuming you are completely clean would trump a simple urine test. Was the urine test done as a result of your accident? Lastly, was the urine test conducted under a chain of custody? If your injury was work related (happened at work while doing work), and the urine drug test can be put into question, there is a good chance your termination would be seen as retaliation. Speak to a labor attorney!

Assuming you are clean

Ss previous said, call attorney NOW!!

Once lined up
Question the result
Question the decision.

Labs make mistakes
They most likely split the sample.
Require them to test the 2nd sample.

Ask to see the report
Was the screen confirmed by GC/MS

Are you on meds ?
they could cause false positive
Give lawyer the list
even over the counter meds.

Decision on your part
You want your job back or money from lawsuit

A call from some slep in HR saying you are positive is not the end-all

Many many things can cause a positive report even without you smoking.

I am still out here doing my best to do my worst. Hopefully I didn't have anything to do with your false positive.

Assuming you are clean

Ss previous said, call attorney NOW!!

Once lined up
Question the result
Question the decision.

Labs make mistakes
They most likely split the sample.
Require them to test the 2nd sample.

Ask to see the report
Was the screen confirmed by GC/MS

Are you on meds ?
they could cause false positive
Give lawyer the list
even over the counter meds.

Decision on your part
You want your job back or money from lawsuit

A call from some slep in HR saying you are positive is not the end-all

Many many things can cause a positive report even without you smoking.

Where did I say I intentionally tampered with patient results?? If results are incorrect it can be traced back to poor training or poor hiring practices. The majority of labcorps clinical employees (at least in the NE) are foreign born who can speak about three words in english. Is it their fault or is it the fault of management for not hiring qualified people? Who is really putting the patient in jeopardy?
Are you a blithering racist idiot? My god possibly you are the may hire but coworkers have a responsibility to assist their fellow co workers....its about patient care...

Are you a blithering racist idiot? My god possibly you are the may hire but coworkers have a responsibility to assist their fellow co workers....its about patient care...

YOU are calling some a blithering idiot??? A racist??? You must have duck squat for brains. It is not the lab workers duty to train an unqualified person who was hired by management how to do his job, especially when you can't even communicate with them. Patient care is NUMBER ONE, and greedy, selfish idiotic managers should be jailed for endangering patients by trying to save a buck.

YOU are pathetic.

If you take a PPI, like Prevacid, protonix, will cause a positive screen for THC. these are OTC meds! This is the problem with LCA or Q, always screening, never confirming.

So you are trying to say taking protonix will cause a positive test for THC. Where did you hear that one. It is also not up to LCA you dumbass where or not to confirm a test, its up to the physician. How stupid can you be!

So you are trying to say taking protonix will cause a positive test for THC. Where did you hear that one. It is also not up to LCA you dumbass where or not to confirm a test, its up to the physician. How stupid can you be!

I am trying to say it, I AM saying it. Are you aware there is such a thing as a false positive? PPI's and THC have similar chemical structures and when screened by immunoassay, a plosives result is received. Who is stupid now? dick!

I am trying to say it, I AM saying it. Are you aware there is such a thing as a false positive? PPI's and THC have similar chemical structures and when screened by immunoassay, a plosives result is received. Who is stupid now? dick!

Well dumbass, its NOT repeat NOT LCA that determines if a test is confirmed or not. That is determined by the ordering physician. I don't work for LCA and we ONLY do testing by HPLC-MS/MS so we NEVER EVER have a false positive due to crappy immunoassay testing. We simply bypass testing with Immunoassay and go directly to HPLC-MS/MS which cuts down on TAT and reduces false positives and negatives. I'd love to hear LCA's official statement is about false positives regarding this but generally positives are confirmed by LC/MS. EVERYONE knows that immunoassay testing is a screening test and not a confirmation or are you so stupid that you don't know that? What company do you work for?