Elimination of certain sales people and territories has been discussed enough said. Just wait and see plus one manager is out the door the deck will soon shuffle, I feel sorry for Troy what a mess he is a class act.

a class act that has less experience than 99% of us. In way over his head. He will leave for a better situation within a year
Agree, you have to "grow up" in this industry or you don't get it. He'll be gone in soon. BHD will survive smaller, leaner, smarter. Less reps, bigger territories. Just treat us well....

Agree, you have to "grow up" in this industry or you don't get it. He'll be gone in soon. BHD will survive smaller, leaner, smarter. Less reps, bigger territories. Just treat us well....

As soon as they start cutting reps others will freak out and start leaving too. It will become a mass exodus.
Already lost a key manager and many good ones before that saw the writing on wall and left.

My recruiter has 5 BHL resumes and asked me what is going on I was honest and said things were going well at BHL expect for the slow down in sales and the layoffs and bad times ahead.