The spreadsheets and salesforce calls have been tried before and didn't make much of a difference and this will go away again but lower commissions will not. From day one the commission plan here has never increased. It has always decreased and will continue to as the company tries to find that fine line of keeping most reps and most business with dropping the commission as much as it can. Every time we have messed with commission rates good talent has left. They think they can just replace these folks and retain most of the business but they don't realize how important rep relationships are and how quickly good accounts will disappear without their favorite rep.

Agree. They have been letting good reps go for awhile and thinking they can easily be replaced. How's that working?

Turnover hasn’t been that bad unless you compare this company to others in this space then we might be slightly high. From what I hear it should slow down soon as the new management team dives in and demonstrates their care through commission cuts and tracking.

Turnover hasn’t been that bad unless you compare this company to others in this space then we might be slightly high. From what I hear it should slow down soon as the new management team dives in and demonstrates their care through commission cuts and tracking.

I agree! Layoffs will not be necessary with all the changes to commission and the micromanagement. The continued exodus of good reps will eliminate the need for a round of layoffs.

How many more significant resignations could there be? There aren't that many great reps left and the few that are still here aren't leaving.

Troy why do you care? So a territory is down for a few months, then filled, within a year or so the old run rate should be in sight. So we loose production who really cares it can’t be measured.

Troy why do you care? So a territory is down for a few months, then filled, within a year or so the old run rate should be in sight. So we loose production who really cares it can’t be measured.
This guy has nothing to do with the high turnover in reps, he's clueless. Thanks Pat ! Great job with the commission plan, let's all be Quest ! They are unproductive, miserable reps who hate their jobs and company. Oh, and there are many more resignations to come.....some VERY successful reps, you can't even guess who's next.... And, you can't tell me that this high...soon to be higher, turnover does not cost the company $$. Big $$....has it been worth it, Pat?

This guy has nothing to do with the high turnover in reps, he's clueless. Thanks Pat ! Great job with the commission plan, let's all be Quest ! They are unproductive, miserable reps who hate their jobs and company. Oh, and there are many more resignations to come.....some VERY successful reps, you can't even guess who's next.... And, you can't tell me that this high...soon to be higher, turnover does not cost the company $$. Big $$....has it been worth it, Pat?

Totally agree that the blame belongs to Pat. Turnover doesn't seem to be stopping. Each new rep that comes in rarely has the success of the predecessor. compare us to Quest though is a stretch. We are nowhere near being Quest reps at their pay grade or commission plans, or micromanaged to their level, Not yet!

Turnover is good. The new hires while unproductive for months if not ever allow management to talk about cleaning out the dead wood. Positive number 2 is new people have no expectations towards high earnings as the veterans do and now we are about paying less. Forecast is: the req count will continue to fall as we chase new accounts that 90% of the time will have one send and done.

Turnover is good. The new hires while unproductive for months if not ever allow management to talk about cleaning out the dead wood. Positive number 2 is new people have no expectations towards high earnings as the veterans do and now we are about paying less. Forecast is: the req count will continue to fall as we chase new accounts that 90% of the time will have one send and done.

Turnover is massively expensive and with the crop of newbies with absolutely no lab and little medical sales experience it will be a total shit-show. Relationships count...just wait and see.

More hospital reps...
More new customers...
