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Bloodbath in PR: Part II


Here we go again, 3 months after a downsizing of 30 head counts announced in PR, today another downsizing of 21 headconts where announced. We are going down from 40+ sales reps in November to 7 in February. From 5 FLMs to 1 FLM. The best is that Jessica Colon is leaving the island, good to see you go and hope to never see you again. If you do in NJ the things you did here it won't be long before you will be out. What a joke, you in E&C, when you have neither of them. Good luck!!! Jajajaja


Here we go again, 3 months after a downsizing of 30 head counts announced in PR, today another downsizing of 21 headconts where announced. We are going down from 40+ sales reps in November to 7 in February. From 5 FLMs to 1 FLM. The best is that Jessica Colon is leaving the island, good to see you go and hope to never see you again. If you do in NJ the things you did here it won't be long before you will be out. What a joke, you in E&C, when you have neither of them. Good luck!!! Jajajaja

I could not agree more! Is good to hear Aunt Jemima is gone from Puerto Rico. Many physicians commented that is unthinkable to have a manager in a pharma company which is supposed to promote healthy living and overall wellbeing which is morbidly obese like Jessica. Some even mentioned that she had her own gravitational pool, that's why small objects tend to float in orbit around her.......oh well......I guess she'll do great in Ethics and Compliance, of which, as presented in the previous coment, she knows nothing. I consider that a person who is morbidly fat, stupid, repulsive, inmoral, ignorant, disrespectfull and with a severe apearance deficit should never represent a pharmaceutical company.
Reps which acepted the severance in December.......open your eyes! Aparently our friend Angel Antonio Ortiz told his reps, regardless of their seniority to stay until the last moment, because he new the rules for staying would change from seniority in December to ranking in February. This situation creates a doble standard and use of insight information to favored friends like Maribel, Normaris and Linda,(all female reps.....curious!) which based on seniority should have been kiked out in December, but now they are staying due to this trick. Under the labor laws (federal and local) this is a violation. Take action against these degenerates who think they will be on top forever.......lets take them down! We can expose all their tricks and personal secrets which I am sure Doctors would love to know about using facebook and other social sites.......get organice and take action exposing them for what they truly are! Once the medical community get to know them no one will prescribe anything for them.

I could not agree more! Is good to hear Aunt Jemima is gone from Puerto Rico. Many physicians commented that is unthinkable to have a manager in a pharma company which is supposed to promote healthy living and overall wellbeing which is morbidly obese like Jessica. Some even mentioned that she had her own gravitational pool, that's why small objects tend to float in orbit around her.......oh well......I guess she'll do great in Ethics and Compliance, of which, as presented in the previous coment, she knows nothing. I consider that a person who is morbidly fat, stupid, repulsive, inmoral, ignorant, disrespectfull and with a severe apearance deficit should never represent a pharmaceutical company.
Reps which acepted the severance in December.......open your eyes! Aparently our friend Angel Antonio Ortiz told his reps, regardless of their seniority to stay until the last moment, because he new the rules for staying would change from seniority in December to ranking in February. This situation creates a doble standard and use of insight information to favored friends like Maribel, Normaris and Linda,(all female reps.....curious!) which based on seniority should have been kiked out in December, but now they are staying due to this trick. Under the labor laws (federal and local) this is a violation. Take action against these degenerates who think they will be on top forever.......lets take them down! We can expose all their tricks and personal secrets which I am sure Doctors would love to know about using facebook and other social sites.......get organice and take action exposing them for what they truly are! Once the medical community get to know them no one will prescribe anything for them.

Who cares?

aparently you do! hahahahaha......weather you like it or not, we'll keep comenting on the subjects you don't want us to coment on.......what you are going to do about it? are you going to tell us we are not " frontier reps" or perhaps place us on a PEP....... hahahaha

you'll be out of the job soon too......just wait and see......we might pay you a visit to remember old times......lets see what you do then......

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