Bloodbath in Puerto Rico

Wao know we have a fucking racist ignorant! Talking about speaking do you know any other langage than english. We dont ask you guys to invade us. At least we still have culture, what you have, a contry builded by imigrand, maybe your grand mother was cuban or irish what is the diference, learn more and get your mind out of the getto motherfucker!

Enough of this crap. Novartis has taken this diversity out of proportion, and you've been brainwashed. It's a cover up for future lawsuits. The white folks are the minority here, especially the white men.

Its good to learn how many hypocrites are in Novartis, I am one of the lucky ones that will stay, now I know that those that approach you during meetings are a bunch of backstabbers. You are the ones who should be looking your backs porque ustedes son tan brutos que lo unico que saber hablar y entienden es ingles, when I talk, write and understand English y te puedo decir que en Novartis USA lo que hay es un monton de sabandijas hipócritas, cabrones, racistas, que se creen superiores y lo que hablan en las reuniones es mierda. Así que cuando me vean en las reuniones y no les salude sepan que fui yo.

I heard they still have the quickest switchblade award!

Best Low-rider award!

Best polyester shirt award!

Also what do u call the sneakers PFC-Puetro Rican Fence Climbers

Just like Riff said in West Side Story:

When you're a Jet,
You're the top cat in town,
You're the gold-metal kid
With the heavyweight crown!

The Jets are in gear,
Our cylinders are clickin'!
The Sharks'll steer clear
'Cause ev'ry Puerto Rican 's a lousy chicken!

Here come the Jets,
Yeah! An' we're gonna beat
Ev'ry last buggin' gang
On the whole buggin' street!
On the whole ever-mother-lovin' street!

Hey if the PR guys get pissed off at the pink slips they can always join a local gang that is pretty tough. They call themselves the ECMF'S. Stands for East Coast Mother F***ers.

I speak English. English is the only language I need to know. I have been all over the world and have never had a problem with communication. The reason is English is the language of money and business. this is the same reason you attempt to speak English. If I need a gardener or hydraulics installed on my car, I will attempt Puerto Rican.

I speak English. English is the only language I need to know. I have been all over the world and have never had a problem with communication. The reason is English is the language of money and business. this is the same reason you attempt to speak English. If I need a gardener or hydraulics installed on my car, I will attempt Puerto Rican.

I bet travel all around the world using your stinky sandals that' how peoples know is a gringo you stupid idiot!

jaja- need I say more. I am getting sick and tired of all of this negativity generated by these peoples. I am just about to start handing out stink sandal awards like free ...

Just like Rosalia and Anita sang in WSS:

"I like the city of San Juan
I know a boat you can get on.
Hundreds of flowers in full bloom.
Hundreds of people in each room!

Automobile in America,
Chromium steel in America,
Wire-spoke wheel in America,
Very big deal in America

I'll drive a Buick through San Juan
If there's a road you can drive on.
I'll give my cousins a free ride
How you get all of them inside

Immigrant goes to America,
Many hellos in America;
Nobody knows in America
Puerto Rico's in America!

I'll bring a T.V. to San J
If there a current to turn on
I'll give them new washing machin
What have they got there to keep clean

I like the shores of America!
Comfort is yours in America!
Knobs on the doors in America,
Wall-to-wall floors in America!"

Just like Rosalia and Anita sang in WSS:

"I like the city of San Juan
I know a boat you can get on.
Hundreds of flowers in full bloom.
Hundreds of people in each room!

Automobile in America,
Chromium steel in America,
Wire-spoke wheel in America,
Very big deal in America

I'll drive a Buick through San Juan
If there's a road you can drive on.
I'll give my cousins a free ride
How you get all of them inside

Immigrant goes to America,
Many hellos in America;
Nobody knows in America
Puerto Rico's in America!

I'll bring a T.V. to San J
If there a current to turn on
I'll give them new washing machin
What have they got there to keep clean

I like the shores of America!
Comfort is yours in America!
Knobs on the doors in America,
Wall-to-wall floors in America!"

Biggots and thieves in America
Stinky Sandals to keep clean in America
Redneck MF's in America
Endos, Cards, and Nephs in Am er i ca.

I like the girls in New Jersey
Novartis babes are all Curvy
I have rickets and scurvy
Mo, Larry, and Curly

Does any one want a shoe shine?
All that you need is A dime
I can't right now, no time
I like Corona with Lime

yeee haaaaa. (clap, clap, clap)

My father is gay in America
He likes to play in America
We all must pray for America
I don't want to stay in America

Do jew know wha? I go back to San Juan- Manana!

I have been watching the disgusting display from the beginning and I am sure that noone on here represents the real feeling of US or Puerto Rico. But the thing that I can't understand is the repeated references to sandals, spray paint, and mustaches. Can someone tell me what this means? I have never been in the region with the Puerto Rican contingent so clue me in on how relations have been in the past. Thanks