Bloodbath in Puerto Rico

What a pathetic display of juvenile minds at work. To our PR colleagues, this is NOT reflective of what th majority of us think. Unfortunately, cafe pharma nvs board tends to attract the lowest common denominator. I am from the heartland, embarrassed to say I only speak one language, and I am truly sorry that you are suffering through this, it is difficult. I am deeply ashamed by the one or two people who are clearly so insecure the only way they have to feel better about themselves is to bully others anonymously on this crass and pathetic website. I never post here but had to respond to this. Please know that the majority of do respect you, are thinking of you and wish th very best for you. I know everyone will land somewhere great.

I have been watching the disgusting display from the beginning and I am sure that noone on here represents the real feeling of US or Puerto Rico. But the thing that I can't understand is the repeated references to sandals, spray paint, and mustaches. Can someone tell me what this means? I have never been in the region with the Puerto Rican contingent so clue me in on how relations have been in the past. Thanks

I think this guy is not from Novartis and I know reps from Puerto Rico and they are nice people.

Well now that we are all playing nice I just want to say that I don't appreciate all of the negative talk out of these Puerto Ricans that think their sandals don't stink. Who do they think they are? They are down there mooching off of Novartis, 46 reps on that little island, acting all snooty if we question what they are doing? Give me a break! 46 reps is ridiculous for that sandbar they call home. They don't even use computers down there they write a weekly report on a banana leaf, cram is in a rum bottle and throw it in the ocean! How can you track that crap! And besides that, it is like a Rico Suave video anytime they are at a meeting, tight skirts and shiny suits, mustaches and well.. mustaches. So don't give me this bleeding heart crap about how nice they are. One of those guys pulled a knife on me at the last regional meeting because I got the last cheese danish on the breakfast bar.

Well I don't know about the meetings with the Puerto Ricans but I was talking with a guy on the diovan team and he said it is a third world situation down there. He said that they avoid going down there for any reason because the doctors offices may have chickens running around, dirt floors, and some of their targets are witch doctors. He said that one time he went on a call with a rep and had to drink goat blood with the doctor who was in a grass skirt with a chicken bone in his nose. You can't make these things up!

Well I don't know about the meetings with the Puerto Ricans but I was talking with a guy on the diovan team and he said it is a third world situation down there. He said that they avoid going down there for any reason because the doctors offices may have chickens running around, dirt floors, and some of their targets are witch doctors. He said that one time he went on a call with a rep and had to drink goat blood with the doctor who was in a grass skirt with a chicken bone in his nose. You can't make these things up!

Oh my God what a hater! This guy must be from SOU, KKK division, shame on you!

Of course...all TRUE !

And what he didn't tell you was that after he drank the goat's blood, a thick uncut Puerto Rican took his virginity from behind, made him bleed, and then sucked all that blood from his honor of Chango and Obatala !!!!

All that, while Ricky Ricardo tunes played in the background : "Babaluuuuu....babaluuuuuu...AYE !!!!"


It is all true and on top of that there will be no layoffs at Novartis for the forseeable future. And by the way, who is doing the stereotyping here, with the mention of SEU and KKK? I am a member of neither organization. I am actually a manager in NJ and I do know something about the Puerto Rican culture.

I heard a similar story from a guy on the Elidel product team. He said he went to ride with a rep and the guys burro was sick and they had to walk from mud shack to mud shack. Along the way they had to fight off an attack from the indigenous tribes wanting free pads and pens. After bartering with the tribal leader, they were allowed to continue making calls in consideration of pads, pens, and several chrome Enablex calculators. It is a crazy world out there!

I heard that at dpm's the new reps had to jump off of scaffolding made of sticks with vines tied to their legs to prove their loyalty to Novartis. I know it is wrong but diversity and inclusion guidelines keep anything from being done.

At dpm's instead of role-playing they have stick fighting. Also, the top seller is a little known Novartis product called Pie-De-fetidas or in loosely translated Puerto Rican means "stink foot".

I have heard rumors of these things for many years but like most of the people in the US I didn't take them serious. But about 10 years ago, a friend of mine was in management development and had to do a rotation in Puerto Rico. His story is one that haunts me to this day. On a routine ride-along with a PR rep, a witch doctor accused him of sorcery when his cell phone played "Rocket Man". My friend subsequently had to endure the trial of the three mud shacks. In the first shack he had to guzzle a gallon of strong rum. In the second shack, he had to remove the abcessed tooth from the mouth of a crocodile. In the third shack, he had to satisfy a large, hairy, Puerto Rican woman. It didn't go well for my friend. He rushed into the first shack and guzzled the rum way too quickly. He came stumbling out and was sent into the next shack. There was a huge commotion in the second shack with lots of screaming, growling, and reptilian hissing. His error became evident when he came out of the second shack and asked "where is that fat bitch with the abcessed tooth?'

Well it was fun while it lasted. I posted most of the inflammatory remarks on here because I enjoy getting a rise out of people. I thought the Puerto Rican responses were pretty good but the North American "I am so sorry" posts were the ones that kept me going. To be honest I don't know enough about the culture in Puerto Rico, or most places on earth not in the United States. I was laid off 2/7/10 and have since developed a deep hatred for Novartis, The drug industry, and the medical community as a whole. If I have really offended anyone on here, I am sorry. The reps laid off in Puerto Rico are just like me, in a bad spot at a bad time. I have a job but I make roughly 60.000 dollars less a year than before. I hope I don't lose my house, and I hope my daughter can stay in college.

all cultures are different.......not really better or worst, just different. That been said, we can't be blind to many of the realities present in Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico it's been run as a farm by a group of managers with very low education which become "best friends" with any boss assigned to the Island for any given period. This managers consider their position a social club which is only open to their close friends without regards to their capacity, expertise , drive or education. The lower all these parameters are, the better.

We all agree NOvartis has the worst managers in the business with one or two exeptions. In Puerto Rico, Merck, Bristol, GSK, Sanofi etc.....owe their success to the incompetence, laziness, stupidity, allways lost and reactive actitud exhibited by all local managers.
All of them had something in common when they were reps...........non of them worked hard or follow the rules.......all of them took the suck up aproach......becoming the boss best friend or as I prefer to call it " ass kisser" That's the Novartis company culture down there......that's the culture managers have impossed over the sales force and which is presented to the medical community. These are the guys who destroyed Novartis from the inside and the main reason why there are less physicians prescribing Novartis products every day. The reps are just a reflection of the way the managers run Puerto Rico. They do whatever they have do to survive regardless of how inmoral, incorrect, ilegal or shamfull it is.

Now that the boat is sinking, all this "rats" are going crazy trying to hold on to their jobs. All of them have been sending resumes everywhere for the last 18 months because they knew cuts were comming, still, they kept most of their sales forces hypnotized with the slogan "Novartis is the place to be".
In Puerto Rico managers like Victor Arambarry, Frank Ramirez, Jose Hernandez, Carlos Cano & Glorimar Soto constantly reminded reps in public settings and meetings, that they must speak up whenever they need to and expose any situation that is wrong because in Novartis there is no retaliation....... we all know that's a joke......we all have witnessed what happens to any rep who speaks up, specially if it is against a higher ranking individual, curiosly, non of the reps who speak up last longer than a year after they do so. They always get fired by other reasons. In a private setting, all managers reminded their reps that is better to keep their mouths shut in order to avoid unpleasant situations which might draw attention to Puerto Rico and the managers.

Now we have nothing to fear from the retaliation that does not exit.

Lets take Frank Ramirez for instance.......this guy was promoted to manager because he had sensitive information on other managers and the only way to keep him shut was making him a manager....since the first day, this guy sexually harass several reps like- Janice, Marisol, Ideliza (she actually took advantage of that and ended up having a protector), Glorivee etc.....This is the moment to speak up! One of the reps complaint a year ago but Novartis did always. This same guy was known for showing up drunk at meetings, to the point of falling down in several ocations. On his daily routine, he was home aroung 3 pm and already drunk. In several speaker programs the same show took place, falling down in front of physicians. Alcohol abuse and sex addict, bad combination for a manager.......but Novartis don't care.....they can do whatever they want because "Novartis is the place to be"

Seriously, the sadest part about this incidents is that all the other managers knew about them and did nothing, theu look the other way, violating the code of counduct. Anthony Ortiz & Carlos Cano are the only 2 managers surviving the cut, however this violation of company rules has not been attended and both of them are involved in the cover up.

More to come soon

cano survived the cut by dropping on his knees (not that he didnt like it !)....and servicing his manager.....

we all know that !!!!

que marica es !

In Puerto Rico everybody knows Carlos Cano as an ass kisser, back stabber & recreational drug user (if Novartis wants to be sure, just performe a hair sample'll see the results).
Since he moved to Gurabo, his wife is been getting bussy & quite friendly with some of the neighbors and when he is not around, she's been taken care off and served by 2 of his friendly neighbors. I guess she developed a taste for bigger guys! I don't blame her......Carlos Cano looks like the M&Ms in the commercial! We belive he knows about the situation, but it makes more sence to him not to do or say anything about it, otherwise he might end up paying child support and on the one of the most colorful expresions we have says " si naciste pa cabron, del cielo t caen los cuernos"

Some of the reps will get together during the holidays and might pay him a visit after this Friday......lets see how this coward reacts......he might end up with a free prostate you all know, he loves that stuff. We may also have a chance to serve his wife too.
For our English speaking friends, here you have some of the adjetives you may use in spanish to address Carlos Cano when you see him, just to make him feel right at home= lambon, marica, lambe baso, chupa matre, parabi, mar icon, cab ron, rascatranca, mamon, colesterol, culon, el corto, la pu ta d antony. In the spirit of Diversity and Inclusion, feel free to use this words whenever you see Carlos Cano, Antony Ortiz or Aunt Jessica, our beloved and enlightened director.......she's not fat......she just has too much skin on her.

Since the "Best Mustache Award" is based in Puerto Rico, both men and women are eligible.

This award goes to our the Jose Hernandez protege and favorite ass kisser......Ignacio Bonet..........we just love the way he puts his mustache in everything he drinks...... from coffee to milk and everything in between, he always have some food residue in his mustache, that's what gives him the special rotten food aroma he always has.

That's probably what Jose Hernandez loves about him, easy to handel due to his reduce stature, ready to say yes to whatever his manager wants from him and rotten food smell......a natural pleaser.

After kissing ass for so many years and wiping your managers ass with your tong and mustache, what are you going to do know........lesson learned......ass kissing does not pay and it leaves a bad aftertaste.

all cultures are different.......not really better or worst, just different. That been said, we can't be blind to many of the realities present in Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico it's been run as a farm by a group of managers with very low education which become "best friends" with any boss assigned to the Island for any given period. This managers consider their position a social club which is only open to their close friends without regards to their capacity, expertise , drive or education. The lower all these parameters are, the better.

We all agree NOvartis has the worst managers in the business with one or two exeptions. In Puerto Rico, Merck, Bristol, GSK, Sanofi etc.....owe their success to the incompetence, laziness, stupidity, allways lost and reactive actitud exhibited by all local managers.
All of them had something in common when they were reps...........non of them worked hard or follow the rules.......all of them took the suck up aproach......becoming the boss best friend or as I prefer to call it " ass kisser" That's the Novartis company culture down there......that's the culture managers have impossed over the sales force and which is presented to the medical community. These are the guys who destroyed Novartis from the inside and the main reason why there are less physicians prescribing Novartis products every day. The reps are just a reflection of the way the managers run Puerto Rico. They do whatever they have do to survive regardless of how inmoral, incorrect, ilegal or shamfull it is.

Now that the boat is sinking, all this "rats" are going crazy trying to hold on to their jobs. All of them have been sending resumes everywhere for the last 18 months because they knew cuts were comming, still, they kept most of their sales forces hypnotized with the slogan "Novartis is the place to be".
In Puerto Rico managers like Victor Arambarry, Frank Ramirez, Jose Hernandez, Carlos Cano & Glorimar Soto constantly reminded reps in public settings and meetings, that they must speak up whenever they need to and expose any situation that is wrong because in Novartis there is no retaliation....... we all know that's a joke......we all have witnessed what happens to any rep who speaks up, specially if it is against a higher ranking individual, curiosly, non of the reps who speak up last longer than a year after they do so. They always get fired by other reasons. In a private setting, all managers reminded their reps that is better to keep their mouths shut in order to avoid unpleasant situations which might draw attention to Puerto Rico and the managers.

Now we have nothing to fear from the retaliation that does not exit.

Lets take Frank Ramirez for instance.......this guy was promoted to manager because he had sensitive information on other managers and the only way to keep him shut was making him a manager....since the first day, this guy sexually harass several reps like- Janice, Marisol, Ideliza (she actually took advantage of that and ended up having a protector), Glorivee etc.....This is the moment to speak up! One of the reps complaint a year ago but Novartis did always. This same guy was known for showing up drunk at meetings, to the point of falling down in several ocations. On his daily routine, he was home aroung 3 pm and already drunk. In several speaker programs the same show took place, falling down in front of physicians. Alcohol abuse and sex addict, bad combination for a manager.......but Novartis don't care.....they can do whatever they want because "Novartis is the place to be"

Seriously, the sadest part about this incidents is that all the other managers knew about them and did nothing, theu look the other way, violating the code of counduct. Anthony Ortiz & Carlos Cano are the only 2 managers surviving the cut, however this violation of company rules has not been attended and both of them are involved in the cover up.

More to come soon

this is so true
thankyou for speaking up