BL Europe

To summarise the above thread, the lay-offs are as follows. Can anyone provide more details?

Switzerland, Zug – 35
Germany, Berlin – 67
Germany, Munich – 30
UK, Kingston – 110
France, Montpellier – 97
France, Toulouse –
France, Aubenas –
Italy, Milan –
Netherlands –
Ireland, Waterford – 200

How many in Toulouse??? What about Heidelberg?

Planes don't fly on Sundays?

Nope. Only idiots can post on mindless message boards on Sundays. What's bothersome, is that a couple months ago, there was actually useful information being shared here that helped people prepare and cope with these upending changes and challenges. Now it's all gibberish. What is up with that?

When will we see the final organisational structure? Anyone?

Ask Ned Flanders, he is still diddly diddling his way as per before, based on past experience we should have it last month, or next week, or next Spring or just before he leaves, or returns, or whenever. Just be assured it will be unworkable and convoluted.

Ask Ned Flanders, he is still diddly diddling his way as per before, based on past experience we should have it last month, or next week, or next Spring or just before he leaves, or returns, or whenever. Just be assured it will be unworkable and convoluted.

The King is dead....Long live the King!.....or Ned Flanders in this case. I know who you mean!

Seriously: what is your problem? Your comment adds absolutely no value whatsoever to this thread. In fact: I feel sorry for you. Given the fact that you seem so eager to lash out at your colleagues like that, you must be struggling with some serious psychological and/or social issues. Get well soon.

This is what Rochesterians do! They think they are the cream of the crop, the Universe's gift to the world. But they tend to think small, build little empires and fondly remember the Great Rochester of 100 years past. They need to wake up! Rochester is dying, thanks to each one of them. Had they worried about getting work done instead of building little matchstick empires, the company would have survived and done well. There were plenty of opportunities for that!

Hello all, McKinsey due in Waterford October 6th, clear out before end 2013 I hope, but we are safe in the knowledge that our steadfast adherence to the cornerstones espoused by WP will ensure we are valued members of a progressive and loyal company. Our superb leaders will ensure that Valeant realises that we are all indispensable and absolutely key cornerstones in the future of this wonderful new Valeant world. Mike will reward us all with pay rises, and perpetual job security.

The other option is that we are all fucked, which is the more likely ?

Unfortunately, the latter is more likely. Those people see you as a line in their spreadsheets, not a human being, not talent, not asset to the company. All they care about is cashing in their bonuses before the whole thing implodes. Sad, really.

These people are not interested in new products, people etc.... They run the business like a hedge fund so long as the share price goes up, they're happy. This can only last so long before more cuts then the whole thing will implode!!

McKinsey hit Waterford on Monday. Some interesting days ahead. Rochester the week after. Will Lens Manufacturing survive as we know it and will all support functions have casualties or even face complete annihilation......Only time will tell!