
This was absolute disorganization and complete lack of communication is correct! We have all said how happy we were to come on board here and now we are super happy to get out given how they treated everyone. HR is amateur hour. KD used to be a nice person to field, but now her chops or lack of really showed. Dumb.

A few of us have said that they are now being paranoid and getting CP posts unapproved if they have the words 'HR' in them. Lmao circus clowns. Do they not realize that every single person left at HQ is looking?
You guys destroyed an entire commercial and sales team because of C suites poor decisions

This really was so disappointing. We paid for the mistakes of the higher-ups. We worked very very hard and in the end.... For what? Good luck with the studies, the investigations , meetings and with the lawsuits. Most of us are not looking back on this place and certainly would never come back if things changed. Adios!

I wonder if HR and the leadership realize that they have lost the respect and loyalty of those remaining. The contempt of those that have left goes without saying. HR is run by a very smarmy character. HR people are often contemptible because the hypocrisy is built in, ie, "we're here to support you, meaning we're here to protect the company and will throw you under the bus at the first sign of trouble", but BM goes above and beyond in smarmy hypocrisy.

I wonder if HR and the leadership realize that they have lost the respect and loyalty of those remaining. The contempt of those that have left goes without saying. HR is run by a very smarmy character. HR people are often contemptible because the hypocrisy is built in, ie, "we're here to support you, meaning we're here to protect the company and will throw you under the bus at the first sign of trouble", but BM goes above and beyond in smarmy hypocrisy.

We were all texting about the nonsense with having to submit reimbursement for Cobra? So now we have to do this three times? I just am in complete disbelief how cheap and pathetic you guys have treated us.

People's true colors show when things get tough. All the puffed up phoney sounding speeches when things were going well are long gone and we see the people that they really are. Not even a good bye and good luck from anyone I worked with.

People's true colors show when things get tough. All the puffed up phoney sounding speeches when things were going well are long gone and we see the people that they really are. Not even a good bye and good luck from anyone I worked with.

MW was a joke of a CCO. #Absentarrogant!
Never once did he reach out to anyone in field to say thank you or support. Shows the character (LACK OF)!!!!!

MW was a joke of a CCO. #Absentarrogant!
Never once did he reach out to anyone in field to say thank you or support. Shows the character (LACK OF)!!!!!
I've worked for big pharma companies that were much more supportive and considerate. The culture here had been ineffective for a long time. Poor communication, leaders who don't take advice, arrogance, and bad decisions. In HQ we've been shaking our heads for a long time. This mess is depressing, but not surprising. Way to take a good drug and make it fail. Would make a good negative case study for a business course

A few of us have said that they are now being paranoid and getting CP posts unapproved if they have the words 'HR' in them. Lmao circus clowns. Do they not realize that every single person left at HQ is looking?
You guys destroyed an entire commercial and sales team because of C suites poor decisions
Bart, let it go. You’re a mean, angry loser. You lose everywhere you end up. Just let. It. Go.

Heard the retention packages were better than the other losers got. You people should be sued for playing games. When you screw with people and their lives and we were all not deserving of this.... All due to poor decisions and poor leadership from the CCO all the way up, the chickens are coming home to roost soon people. We'll all be watching eating popcorn.

I wonder if HR and the leadership realize that they have lost the respect and loyalty of those remaining. The contempt of those that have left goes without saying. HR is run by a very smarmy character. HR people are often contemptible because the hypocrisy is built in, ie, "we're here to support you, meaning we're here to protect the company and will throw you under the bus at the first sign of trouble", but BM goes above and beyond in smarmy hypocrisy.
Sounds identical to Amgen's HR. Most sleezy in the industry.

I would agree. I can't believe somebody is on these boards putting people's names here. The real reason....... and we all know it .....why this all happened and everyone was cut was because of C-Suite inadequacies and ineptitude!

This was the worst separation situation I have ever encountered. I think some of us have been through this before, but the way this was done with the lack of communication and HR lack of specific information was appalling. Sales had a wonderful family culture and we were all in this together but none of us would come back to this garbage. Honestly B grade players upstairs....

This was the worst separation situation I have ever encountered. I think some of us have been through this before, but the way this was done with the lack of communication and HR lack of specific information was appalling. Sales had a wonderful family culture and we were all in this together but none of us would come back to this garbage. Honestly B grade players upstairs....
