Biomet Microfixation

Some innovation related to sternal plating and their deal with OPM. Been a slow merge of NJ and JAX over the past 15 months. Lots of former MDT spine folks added to the "combined" organization in the past year both in NJ and JAX. LANX an interesting move, particularly the shift to CO since lease on a new NJ facility just a year old (

The new PMO director had nothing to do with either of those projects. He has been there for over a year, ran out the 2 PM's that were there and fired his coordinator. He is really productive.

Totally agree with that last post. All this guy does is walk around in his 3 sizes to small shirts to show off his steroid muscles. I think he spends more time drinking protein shakes then completing projects.

To heck with the PMO Director you need to look at who has been responsible for new product development....SS and he has done nothing since he has been there. There is going to be a restructuring soon because he doesn't produce.

I won't enter the debate on the other statements on the PMO director, however he has nothing to do with the integration of Lanx! This not a belief or a guess, it is a fact!

If he isn't involved in the Lanx integration, WTF is he doing? He's never at the home office and all the new projects are falling behind.

I'll tell you what he does.......nothing. For some reason the powers at microfix continue to carry dead weight like him and others....i.e. SS VP of R&D has done nothing at all to progress the organization and while other departments promote and develop their people SS continues to talk the talk and do nothing. The only big announcement coming out of that department is who is being demoted or ho quit. Sales continue to suffer due to lack of innovation. SS, you can only blame your people for so long for your lousy leadership.

Wow. Nothing but bitter people on this forum. Scott has done a great job for Microfixation. The organization has changed but for the good. The foolishness of the past is gone. Its a business folks not a party.

Bitter? More like realists. When your beloved Scott has been with the organization for more than 2 years and has nothing to show but excuses. One has to look at his leadership abilities and realize he is not the person. This is a change that needs to happen and soon if they want to stay competitive. Yes not much in the CMF realm but wasting a 3rd year to design a sternal device that will be deemed useless as minimally evasive companies take over the market. This is a leadership failure plain and simple.

Bitter? More like realists. When your beloved Scott has been with the organization for more than 2 years and has nothing to show but excuses. One has to look at his leadership abilities and realize he is not the person. This is a change that needs to happen and soon if they want to stay competitive. Yes not much in the CMF realm but wasting a 3rd year to design a sternal device that will be deemed useless as minimally evasive companies take over the market. This is a leadership failure plain and simple.

Minimally invasive moron. Try and perform quadruple bypass through one tiny incision. Not many surgeons will risk MI approaches.

Argue back and forth all you want but it still doesn't answer the question about Scott and why he is still there. This guy is driving the R&D department into the ground. Regardless of limited advances in CMF what has he done to make Microfixation a "PMO/Engineering Powerhouse"? Those were his words at sales meeting. More lip service from a Biomet Executive.

Who's arguing when stating the facts. People on here don't want to admit the truth. Scott is hindering development not encouraging it. When you have good leadership there are results. With poor leadership things go no where fast. Over 2 years and not a single engineer has been promoted within the department. Now there is a fact that can't be argued. With no growth potential why would any engineer work hard?

Forget about Scott and his lousy leadership skills and take it a step higher or should I say lower and blame Aure. That little French man has an extreme distorted vision of where the organization is headed. My guess is Scott is going to be around long after Aure gets the boot.

Well it is a wait and see game. Now that Aure is on the hook for numbers he promised to his bosses and that he is no way gonna make; they are going to see him as an unreliable GM for the division. He is the reason this division is falling to pieces.

Wait and see? Wait and see what? That Aure will still be running things until he decides to go some where else or better yet he gets promoted for his incompetence. When will people realize corporations are not run on common sense.