Biohaven Reps

I think they are moving as quickly as they can, the Dec 22 date is so people can spend the holidays with their families if they are let go. They are doing it to be thoughtful of people and their families.
Actually they are giving you the least amount of time possible- because if you received a new product to learn, your training begins immediately.

Pfizer has traditionally use these bloodletting opportunities to get rid of people that are marginal. It’s a lot easier to do it this way versus taking someone through a performance management process.

So if some open positions are being filled, does that mean we are ok?

wouldn’t count on it. Have watch these things go down to the wire where the hiring manager is ready to extend an offer, only to be told by HR that they cannot do so. Currently, nobody below the VP level has any idea what is going on. Frankly, would be shocked if the VPs even knew yet. These decisions are closed door, ppl swear on their lives not to leak and the pay grade of said decision makers doesn’t come close to touching us mortals in the field.

wouldn’t count on it. Have watch these things go down to the wire where the hiring manager is ready to extend an offer, only to be told by HR that they cannot do so. Currently, nobody below the VP level has any idea what is going on. Frankly, would be shocked if the VPs even knew yet. These decisions are closed door, ppl swear on their lives not to leak and the pay grade of said decision makers doesn’t come close to touching us mortals in the field.
Can someone confirm this? I had a f2f interview with a manager back in September and she told me I was being moved forward for a zoom panel. Since then, I haven’t gotten an email or text reply back despite multiple requests. I’m in the Southeast and my application says “received” in Workday. I figured it was because of this. Ghosted since mid-October. Why don’t they just send me the “No Thanks “ email ? Any chance they could still have territory open? I’m moving on but wonder WTF??

Can someone confirm this? I had a f2f interview with a manager back in September and she told me I was being moved forward for a zoom panel. Since then, I haven’t gotten an email or text reply back despite multiple requests. I’m in the Southeast and my application says “received” in Workday. I figured it was because of this. Ghosted since mid-October. Why don’t they just send me the “No Thanks “ email ? Any chance they could still have territory open? I’m moving on but wonder WTF??
Pssssst this happens even if there isn't financial disruptions within a company. Heck you can be internal and still get ghosted. IOW this is how Pharma rolls.

As someone who has been through buyouts before, typically the company who is purchased negotiates a higher severance package for their people if they are laid off within 12 months post acquisition. That’s very typical. Pfizer might do layoffs but if I were a guessing person since they haven’t happened already, it won’t be until after that 12 months period so they won’t have to pay as much in severance. And if a Biohaven rep isn’t able to find a new job in a timely manner given what we have accomplished here, then they are either a crappy rep or a crappy interviewer. I’ve often wanted to be let go during layoffs so I could collect severance while accepting a new job. I’ve done it before and I have many friends in the industry that have also done it multiple times.
Very inaccurate post. The bloodletting is done up front, I can’t think of a single layoff of merged people that happened 12 months post merger. That’s over 35 years._

You see this type of smartass comment right here is why getting a factual answer on here is so rare. I did not question anyone’s financial fortitude micro penis. Glad you’re independently wealthy. I was simply letting you know Pfizer’s policy as someone intimately familiar with HR here. It was stated we had a great severance package to which I responded.

I have news for you, no migraine rep (aka primary care) is making that much money. You’re not as well off as you think little boy. The adults work in a different division and have base pay double your total comp in some circumstances.

I don't think you understand. Biohaven reps were given a ton of shares of the company and had the ability to buy more at anywhere from 15 to 28 bucks. Pfizer bought all these shares at 148.55. Many biohaven people pocket hundreds of thousands of dollars. They started at Pfizer, many of them with their homes paid off.. lol

I don't think you understand. Biohaven reps were given a ton of shares of the company and had the ability to buy more at anywhere from 15 to 28 bucks. Pfizer bought all these shares at 148.55. Many biohaven people pocket hundreds of thousands of dollars. They started at Pfizer, many of them with their homes paid off.. lol

Glad to hear that. Usually the acquired company employees gets screwed. Nice to hear some people made out.

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