Biohaven Reps

My DM got his Pfizer neural implant last week. He says things are fantastic and we should thank management for how good we have it.
Shhhh drink the blue koolaid and you’ll be fine. It’s what we all do. Tell management what they want to hear, be polite and then do what you have to do to stay under the wire.

Not going to happen now. Not just because of the product launch, but they would have done it already if they were going to. Things for the first 12 months will be fine because if they do it now they will have to pay more severance than after 12 months post close. At this point they’d wait until Q4 when they’ll have to pay less severance. Simple business dollars and cents. End of 2023 when that 12 months is up, I’m not so sure (I don’t have any inside knowledge but have been in the industry long enough to see how these things typically shake out). I would not feel too confident about being safe in Q4 or early 2024… Then again, everything might be fine.

Verdict is still out. There are some positives so far that I can see. But, as expected, drastic changes versus being in small Pharma (although some legacy Biohave might have said we were always “big Pharma” but I don’t agree. The regulations and compliance is right back to where I was prior to Biohaven and feels robotic again. No more autonomy to truly go out and sell. And don’t tell me we weren’t selling-I sold my butt off launching this drug and it was refreshing for once in Pharma. And made a lot of money doing it). It was nice having a little more freedom in terms of being able to run our business and that’s one reason we were so incredibly successful. Concerned about the compensation, particularly bonus. Not loving have the vaccine/COVID stuff pushed on us and having to do so with our Doctors. I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but I think we all know now it’s not the silver bullet and has some issues/concerns and I’m not necessarily comfortable with how the company is continuing to profit from it. Flip side, possibly more career opportunities and I think they can elevate our drug to a much more widely visible and available product. Only time will tell and I think most that I’ve talked to feel pretty similar and are giving it some time to see how it goes and a fair shot.

Well said. Pretty much ditto. Its really strange here being back at "Big Pharma"
This place is just a law firm that has some drugs they're trying to keep the lights on with.
25 years ago when I started this job Pfizer was just a company that bought yours and then cleaned house.. now they are the locust company in the industry and haven't got rid of any of us or even change the structure of our territories districts regions etc... But I know the other shoe is going to drop at some point.

Predictable, same scenario ever acquisition Pfizer makes

I'm guessing you're fairly new at this because this isn't even close to the same scenario that Big Blue has done over the years. I have been part of a Pfizer buyout of my company before and everyone from the CEO down lost their jobs the next day.. That's how Pzr used to do things...Wyeth, Pharmacia-Upjohn..on and on.. They bought your company, and you were gone.
It appears in recent years they have taken a much sneakier and softer approach.

Well said. Pretty much ditto. Its really strange here being back at "Big Pharma"
This place is just a law firm that has some drugs they're trying to keep the lights on with.
25 years ago when I started this job Pfizer was just a company that bought yours and then cleaned house.. now they are the locust company in the industry and haven't got rid of any of us or even change the structure of our territories districts regions etc... But I know the other shoe is going to drop at some point.
Well said Tyson!

Don't worry you'll all be offered jobs at the Pfizer call centers. There you can work in a cubicle and dial numbers all day long. You'll be paid by the number of calls you make per day. There are no benefits offered, but at least it's a job!

Biohaven was losing money hand over fist and giving away Nurtec with overly generous rebates. Great growth on sales, but... this will end as they look to recoup their purchase costs. It would not be surprising to see some cuts, especially as the Pfizer salesforce gains experience with selling the drug.

the Pfizer salesforce… joke. Most good people left or got pfired. The remaining are brainwashed paranoid compliance monkeys. Legal has successfully neutered the herd.

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