Biohaven Reps

that made me laugh. Your new products suck. I work at another company and neurologists could care less. Good luck out there. Nurtec isn’t great and this one .. worse. It’s just a matter of time for layoffs.

So you think Nurtec sucks when it has over 50% of the oral CGRP market and will easily clear $1B this year? You’re obviously a moron. New product won’t ever be as big as Nurtec but it’ll do just fine.

that made me laugh. Your new products suck. I work at another company and neurologists could care less. Good luck out there. Nurtec isn’t great and this one .. worse. It’s just a matter of time for layoffs.
Must be a sad Abbvie rep playing for second place...not sure what you mean by Nurtec "isn't great" care to elaborate? It's still the most prescribed CGRP oral so some docs and patients might disagree with you. Zavzpret won't be a volume blockbuster but headache centers are always looking for new methods of treating migraine.

Also, just an FYI so you don't sound like a r***** next time, it's "couldn't care less" not "could"

that made me laugh. Your new products suck. I work at another company and neurologists could care less. Good luck out there. Nurtec isn’t great and this one .. worse. It’s just a matter of time for layoffs.
why are you wasting your time in front of doctors talking about pfizer products if you work for another company? shouldn't you talk about your own products instead? seems kind of like you're giving us free advertising, but by all means keep doing what you're doing because it's helping nurtec keep the lead

Pfizer gives 2 weeks per year of service. However, they have always bumped it up to 3 weeks per year in the package and call it enhanced. 6 months here won’t amount to much.
Apparently you don't read much. Pfizer gives 10 weeks minimum and 3 weeks for every year..and another thing you didn't read..BHVN reps get their years at that co included..which equals 4 years total now since we have been at blue 1 year as well.

Not going to happen now. Not just because of the product launch, but they would have done it already if they were going to. Things for the first 12 months will be fine because if they do it now they will have to pay more severance than after 12 months post close. At this point they’d wait until Q4 when they’ll have to pay less severance. Simple business dollars and cents. End of 2023 when that 12 months is up, I’m not so sure (I don’t have any inside knowledge but have been in the industry long enough to see how these things typically shake out). I would not feel too confident about being safe in Q4 or early 2024… Then again, everything might be fine.

Well said! The only people in the industry who think Pfizer is good are the people who’ve worked here for years and have grown complacent. If you’re into being a salesperson and a resource to your office, this isn’t your gig. All Pfizer does is metric you to death and treat you like a robot.
Get a clue. 1 out of 50 drug reps could sell ice water to Eskimos. And, being a resource was taken away 35 years ago. Managed care makes thus a ridiculous job.

Well, it wasn't 6 months but any moron could have read we were protected for almost a year. Looks like we are probably gone soon now though.

You don’t really think the timing of this has anything to do with the one year date for Biohaven do you?!! As if Pfizer decided to wait to announce $3.5 billion in cuts until the one year expired? I can guarantee you that thought wasn’t even a blimp on the radar in their decision making process. This is a MUCH bigger issue than anything having to do with Biohaven. We may or may not be impacted, that will remain to be seen. But this doesn’t have anything to do with the migraine franchise. The impact was due to very poor decisions regarding the COVID franchise that’s going to likely impact every single aspect and division of Pfizer globally, possibly even migraine. That’s what you should be upset about.

You don’t really think the timing of this has anything to do with the one year date for Biohaven do you?!! As if Pfizer decided to wait to announce $3.5 billion in cuts until the one year expired? I can guarantee you that thought wasn’t even a blimp on the radar in their decision making process. This is a MUCH bigger issue than anything having to do with Biohaven. We may or may not be impacted, that will remain to be seen. But this doesn’t have anything to do with the migraine franchise. The impact was due to very poor decisions regarding the COVID franchise that’s going to likely impact every single aspect and division of Pfizer globally, possibly even migraine. That’s what you should be upset about.

why Vlad why?!?! God I miss Biohaven before these robotic Pfizer connect reps/new hires poisoned the migraine franchise.

People wonder why legacy Biohaven has been leaving in droves… the culture sucks, the CV reps act like it’s us vs. them in promoting Nurtec & on top of it all, these metric driven measurables, shitty data from Smart, confusing goals, cheap bonuses, lack of resources and basically everything else here has drained us all of the passion that made us as an organization special. The last thing that inspires me to work, is the bottom line of this evil organization.

If you want to cut me? Fine. Maybe it will reignite my passion for the profession when I land elsewhere.

why Vlad why?!?! God I miss Biohaven before these robotic Pfizer connect reps/new hires poisoned the migraine franchise.

People wonder why legacy Biohaven has been leaving in droves… the culture sucks, the CV reps act like it’s us vs. them in promoting Nurtec & on top of it all, these metric driven measurables, shitty data from Smart, confusing goals, cheap bonuses, lack of resources and basically everything else here has drained us all of the passion that made us as an organization special. The last thing that inspires me to work, is the bottom line of this evil organization.

If you want to cut me? Fine. Maybe it will reignite my passion for the profession when I land elsewhere.

A relative worked for another company for a long time before Pfizer picked them up 20 or so years ago. It's eerie because she said the exact same thing to me when I told her that I got hired here. She said it was a clear "us vs them" attitude between co-promotes, both out here in the field and in marketing and training. She said that the Pfizer people would say things like "we have to Pfizerize you now.", "This isn't a partnership, it was an acquisition. We do things OUR way, now". She talked about reach-and-frequency or share-of-voice metrics made access poor, because doctors got tired of so many reps detailing the same drug.

why Vlad why?!?! God I miss Biohaven before these robotic Pfizer connect reps/new hires poisoned the migraine franchise.

People wonder why legacy Biohaven has been leaving in droves… the culture sucks, the CV reps act like it’s us vs. them in promoting Nurtec & on top of it all, these metric driven measurables, shitty data from Smart, confusing goals, cheap bonuses, lack of resources and basically everything else here has drained us all of the passion that made us as an organization special. The last thing that inspires me to work, is the bottom line of this evil organization.

If you want to cut me? Fine. Maybe it will reignite my passion for the profession when I land elsewhere.
Thanks again Tyson for posting!

Pfizer has more Pfat to cut than them. Let’s start with all the bullshit jobs made in the name of #equity or with all the “oppressed” people who a boost in life in the name of “equity”. All you people sitting in your house being full time moms and dads, working a side hustle are a product/cancer of this woke management. You are a detriment to our shareholders, which you shouldn’t have the privilege of being.

Pfizer has more Pfat to cut than them. Let’s start with all the bullshit jobs made in the name of #equity or with all the “oppressed” people who a boost in life in the name of “equity”. All you people sitting in your house being full time moms and dads, working a side hustle are a product/cancer of this woke management. You are a detriment to our shareholders, which you shouldn’t have the privilege of being.
So sick of my KAM calling me in the middle of the workday, from her son's soccer game!

Pfizer has more Pfat to cut than them. Let’s start with all the bullshit jobs made in the name of #equity or with all the “oppressed” people who a boost in life in the name of “equity”. All you people sitting in your house being full time moms and dads, working a side hustle are a product/cancer of this woke management. You are a detriment to our shareholders, which you shouldn’t have the privilege of being.
I am convinced that you people get paid to post the same inane response to every single thread, regardless of topic.
You are totally deflecting from the real problem that we've had here since 2006. But deflection and projection is obviously the go-to strategy for you people, as we have seen that almost all of your accusations are really confessions.

why Vlad why?!?! God I miss Biohaven before these robotic Pfizer connect reps/new hires poisoned the migraine franchise.

People wonder why legacy Biohaven has been leaving in droves… the culture sucks, the CV reps act like it’s us vs. them in promoting Nurtec & on top of it all, these metric driven measurables, shitty data from Smart, confusing goals, cheap bonuses, lack of resources and basically everything else here has drained us all of the passion that made us as an organization special. The last thing that inspires me to work, is the bottom line of this evil organization.

If you want to cut me? Fine. Maybe it will reignite my passion for the profession when I land elsewhere.

This sums it up! Plus ultra-compliance that doesn’t allow reps to partner with FALs, MSLs, etc. The HUB data is hidden too.

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