Biohaven Pharmaceuticals

You are complete moron that probably has never been with a real Pharma company before. Even Syneos and IQVIA pay at least 120 a month for cell. Most companies even supply phone. Stay on indeed brah, your obviously unemployed

I wonder if you consider GSK a “real” company. I think you’re just bitter. Best of luck.

You are complete moron that probably has never been with a real Pharma company before. Even Syneos and IQVIA pay at least 120 a month for cell. Most companies even supply phone. Stay on indeed brah, your obviously unemployed

I know why you didn’t get hired. You should say “who” not “that”. Rookie mistake.

Why is everyone so focused on the cell phone reimbursement? I’d be way more concerned that this start up NEEDS to get this company off the ground, but made the HUGE mistake of hiring so many Takeda folks. They have a long history of drug launch failures.

This ship sinks 18 months post launch!!!

The ones I know / or heard of did not which is around 7 people. They all had varying years of experience in industry all of them 10 years and up.

I agree. I did not have any neuroscience or migraine experience either. I've been in industry 19 years. 10 years elsewhere in marketing. Regarding cell phone reimbursement. I'm grateful they actually pay you something and not make you get their company phone. As far as internet coverage, some companies, especially biotech do still cover - most large Pharma did away with internet coverage while back but not all.

Why were experienced Neuroscience reps with migraine sales experience passed over? I did not even get a phone screen with the hiring manager. Excellent sales numbers to share, great local letter of reference. Hiring seemed rigged!

Why were experienced Neuroscience reps with migraine sales experience passed over? I did not even get a phone screen with the hiring manager. Excellent sales numbers to share, great local letter of reference. Hiring seemed rigged!

You probably make too much money. Did you read what the salaries were? Any experienced neuroscience rep already makes too much.

You probably make too much money. Did you read what the salaries were? Any experienced neuroscience rep already makes too much.

I believe this is correct - they felt they could not afford you if coming from neuroscience space. I took a big cut in pay to get into neuroscience field. I told recruiter up front salary was not an issue. I gave them a range of 115 to 120 with 15 years experience in pharma-specialty--it was 15K less than I was making but I wanted a different disease state and start-up experience. They came in at 115K. If you gave them a typical range of 130-140+ you were eliminated from the get go. This is just my opinion... but based on what I've heard it seems to be the reason. I also asked the recruiter for a range - that always helps guide you in what they are looking for... they will tell you if you are in the range or out of the range. If you had a manager that wanted you on team and could pull you in - then it's different. For those with a lot of experience making a lot of money, it really helped to have someone recommending - pulling for you.

Being sent to Atlanta without phone interview with manager. I’m assuming I am the extra candidate. I make too much money too be considered I thought.

I was also sent this week to Atlanta without a phone interview with manager prior to going? But got to meet with the regional director? Of the the three they sent they choose two correct?

Going to Atlanta next week
was told to be ready to detail/role play selling any Migraine drug.
Also told to bring copies
of last 3 yrs performance reviews
And last 3 years of ranking reports.
Crazy, not really comfortable with leaving them copies of my stuff ?
Showing them fine but actually leaving them copies ?

How about if you never sold a migraine drug?