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Biohaven Pharmaceuticals

Yes yes, we know. This has been discussed numerous times already. Douches look out for one another...

Well said. Click on the regional manager's linkedin profiles and how many companies have they each been with in the past 5-6 years? At least 3 or more. It’s a cycle where each douche brings a handful of douches. They follow each other around, stay for 18 months or 2 years, wreck the place with their bs, then follow each other to the next pay bump. Rinse and repeat.

Only managers and above receive stock options. Don’t you think their goal is to sell the company, cash out on their stock and get a way-to-go fat bonus for selling the company? What happens to you when they decide to move on to their next rinse and repeat?

It’s pussy, you douche. You must be a friend of one of the managers. Congratulations on receiving an offer!
They erase most posts that have derogatory language. Hence, the "v" to replace the "u". You're still a bitch. Whining on a website because you didn't get the job. Trying to equate that to the fact that this must be a company that will treat it's people poorly. Grow up, loser!

Bitch, for good measure.

Top base is 120K will not go higher
Bonus Target 40K
Yes company car
Reps will be in POD have a teammate
2 reps per territory, example KC
Will have 3 territories, with 2 reps in each territory, will call on mainly Primary Care and Neurologists, territories will be small geographicaly.
Mass interview hiring event around Oct 21st

Well said. Click on the regional manager's linkedin profiles and how many companies have they each been with in the past 5-6 years? At least 3 or more. It’s a cycle where each douche brings a handful of douches. They follow each other around, stay for 18 months or 2 years, wreck the place with their bs, then follow each other to the next pay bump. Rinse and repeat.

Only managers and above receive stock options. Don’t you think their goal is to sell the company, cash out on their stock and get a way-to-go fat bonus for selling the company? What happens to you when they decide to move on to their next rinse and repeat?

Newsflash, every corporation in the world has managers and reps that take care and want to work with each other..sometimes douches...sometimes awesome. NO job in pharma is safe, so your point about 18 months or two years is ridiculous. Did you expect somebody to jump in to a pharma gig in 2019, put in 30 years and draw a pension? FYI...I have received an offer and can tell you for a fact that reps will be getting options as well...get your facts straight.

Congrats to those receiving offers. I’m suppose to go next week (I’ve spoke to the hiring manager — they are calling me & checking in so I've not been duped by the recruiters before some CF troll runs with that theory). If you’ve received an offer, did you attend a hiring event? Panel interviews? Rounds of interviews? Or just interview with the regional?

This whole company stinks of complete losers who were total micromanaging bullies at their previous companies, but left because they didn’t get the respect they felt they deserved.

They should change the name - Biodickmeasuring Pharmaceuticals.
YEP.....YOU HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD. Lots of overcompensating going on.

Newsflash, every corporation in the world has managers and reps that take care and want to work with each other..sometimes douches...sometimes awesome. NO job in pharma is safe, so your point about 18 months or two years is ridiculous. Did you expect somebody to jump in to a pharma gig in 2019, put in 30 years and draw a pension? FYI...I have received an offer and can tell you for a fact that reps will be getting options as well...get your facts straight.

See above for an example of a douche following a douche

Congrats to those receiving offers. I’m suppose to go next week (I’ve spoke to the hiring manager — they are calling me & checking in so I've not been duped by the recruiters before some CF troll runs with that theory). If you’ve received an offer, did you attend a hiring event? Panel interviews? Rounds of interviews? Or just interview with the regional?

It seems that there isn’t consistency- some people
Have had just phone screen with recruiter then interview with dm then regional.
Others I know had different experiences. I know someone is going to a hiring event in Dallas- panel interview with potential follow up with regional.

Congrats to those receiving offers. I’m suppose to go next week (I’ve spoke to the hiring manager — they are calling me & checking in so I've not been duped by the recruiters before some CF troll runs with that theory). If you’ve received an offer, did you attend a hiring event? Panel interviews? Rounds of interviews? Or just interview with the regional?

I just received my offer signed and sent back 100k base, 40K at plan, options TBD. My process was a phone screen with Taylor, live with the manager and phone with RD.