Big surprise for sales force in 2011

oh go fuck yourself.

Desperation creates apathy. The pay outs have sucked anyway the past few years so I'm not going to break a sweat.

Hey relax I am just trying to offer hope. However keep in mind we have already assumed that many of you may quit, this is why we are hiring fixed duration positions from which we can pull.

Fuck the consultants. The Cardio Team is the Core of the company's sales with Pradaxa. Nationally 1 of 4 Cards has written one Pradaxa Rx. Depth is that those that have written have written at least 2 minimum. Some Cards have written upwards of 50-60Rx's in a two month time-span.

To date BI has less than half of all hospital's nationally with Pradaxa on formulary and until the ISR's have Pradaxa on a discharge protocol as well they are worthless to everybody.

The last time the ISRs ever closed a doctor was the Pradaxa Launch certification with a role-play "doctor" in Anaheim. Lol. Go sip your latte and surf the web fatboy pretenders. Isr's are always on borrowed time. See Pfizer. Merck. We Lie Lily And BMS....oh wait that's why you're here motherfucker. Tick tock tick. Hope you're not over 45.

PCP here-I love my cardio rep...he is selling the hell out of Pradaxa and I am getting paid a ton of money! Thank you!

they shouldn't pay RD's DM's or reps any salary. 100% pay for performance. Set territory, district, and regional goals at 10% above history, adjust for manage care, and reward the "hunters" with significant treasure.

Hey one of the consultants here to try and regain the narrative here. First, yes it is true that if you look at 2010 that maybe half would get little or no IC payouts, second it is true that if you look at 2010 that very few would have made it to the 105% pay range. That being said the studies show that this plan will create desperation and desperation creates activity, and activity, creates results. This plan will make everyone work harder and the results should create more folks that will reach higher payouts. This post claims that payouts overall will go down, who knows the fact of the matter is we have had to significantly increase our personal costs and are going to spend an incredible amount oh money to launch a lot of new meds. If you go out there and work harder and smarter everybody will be fine. If not we FDE waiting.

OOHH Doc I'm so desparate. Will you write Pradaxa today? Right now? For all your NVAF patients? Ever, ever,ever? We have no Managed care yet other than tricare and humana but please?...Doc as you know this is "desparation based medicine" the fuckhead consultant says it works? Does it for ya doc?? Evidence-based medicine is a thing of the past. Please say yes or else my german slaveowner is going to gas me, threaten my employment, and bring in FDE workers! Nooooo.!!! All I am is BI property doc ya got help me out. Lol.

PCP here-I love my cardio rep...he is selling the hell out of Pradaxa and I am getting paid a ton of money! Thank you!

I bet you do. Money train is ending soon and so is PCP headcount. VSR's are going to cut into your positions more and more as time goes on. Save your money bud. Your Spec rep is gonna have the relationships and upward mobility by being associated with moving the blockbuster Pradaxa forward within the medical community so he can leave for something my friend are relegated to a life sentence of sample dropping till you get axed.

BINGO..! But you need to have empathy that its so tough for them to sell when they have to pick of little Tiffany and Crystal at child care at 3:00.

Why reward failure to achieve goals? Could you imagine the angst if these Barbies had to work on straight commission?

I have worked for straight commission and would love it if bi did that, you cannot manipulate straight commission.

I have worked for straight commission and would love it if bi did that, you cannot manipulate straight commission.

You must be the asshat that adjusts the goals in the middle of the IC period up 10% for three consecutive months. Do you really think that this is sales anymore? It's the insurance companies and patients' wallets driving the bus now. If you were to vanish into thin air, the product would still have market share if it was good. Let me reference Twynsta. Shit drug, shit coverage, shit-ton of reps trying to promote it until it tanked (boy did a lot of us call that one).

You must be the asshat that adjusts the goals in the middle of the IC period up 10% for three consecutive months. Do you really think that this is sales anymore? It's the insurance companies and patients' wallets driving the bus now. If you were to vanish into thin air, the product would still have market share if it was good. Let me reference Twynsta. Shit drug, shit coverage, shit-ton of reps trying to promote it until it tanked (boy did a lot of us call that one).


I told my offices it doesn't exist.
I mean, isn't that the direction the company took when we launched?
The company in the US supported Twysta as if it were its red-headed step child.
Thanks for taking away our bonus for a drug you spit at.

Years ago at BI, you did get paid a percentage of your sales, no matter what they were. BI was known for paying a low base but providing plenty of opportunity to make that up in would be given sales data for your territory and could then easily figure what your IC would be based on the dollar amount of sales. This made you really want to go out there and do well because you knew you were being rewarded for every rx.

Then things changed in 2004. Goals, determined by a complicated formula were introduced to the salesforce. I notice now that the company does not even try to explain the goal-setting process to us - but when it was new, there were many meetings where the process would be laid out as if it were clear - but it was not. It was obtuse and clear as mud.

This stopped those reps making $40,000 in IC and put a lid on it at $20,000 - $25,000. The bases however, were not adjusted.

As a relic PCP rep, I was wondering if and how the company would help us leave, and I think I see it now. 95% to goal for any payout? I have only heard this on this board, so I don't know if it this true or not. We will find out soon. It would make sense to me, though.

The company does a shit job launching twynsta and mirapex er in a bad economy, so what is their knee jerk reaction? To lay all blame on the salespeople, and to cut their pay! This company is a basket case, which is why I turned in my two weeks notice. I wish you all luck.

There's a POA in a few weeks. I'll wait until then before I fly off the handle.

Exactly and if they try to enact this idiotic policy everyone needs to protest. Strange that they do this at the same time that they announce new potential medication launches and new Lilly alliances, watch the left hand as the right does all the trickery.