Best of luck, old friends-

Another nice excuse that allows you to pass the blame for your circumstances on to someone else. You get to a certain point in life when you need to quit making excuses and start taking responsibility. You're there already, although you like to play the part of the victim. If you were better, you'd have a job. Grow up.

There are 4 people for every 1 available job! 1 in 5 American children live in Poverty! 15% of the USA is on food stamps! Do you still think the direction our country is going is the right one? Outsourcing has destroyed the American economy, there is no demand for goods because people are unemployed! Do you see these as EXCUSES? You talk about us making excuses, but you do not see anything that is going on!

I love these posts on here about the reasons each of you were let go. The funny thing about them is that they all contradict one another--i.e. they only kept their freinds vs. they fired everyone who made too much money. It's hilarious. The one thing they all have in common is this: they blame someone else for YOUR situation. Grow up and realize that YOU played the #1 role in getting let go. Were there other factors? Of course there were, but the #1 factor was YOU. Own up to your situation and you'll be a better person for it on the other end

I think the fact that Americans make $30/hr vs $3/hr for foreigners might make you wrong, and prove that you are delusional. I hope you will like it when the wages have been driven to an average of $7/hr, and you lose your job and are now in the poverty class.

I think the fact that Americans make $30/hr vs $3/hr for foreigners might make you wrong, and prove that you are delusional. I hope you will like it when the wages have been driven to an average of $7/hr, and you lose your job and are now in the poverty class.

Last time I checked, Lilly didn't fire everyone in the US and replace them with foreigners. To pretend that the people left behind were only retained b/c they kissed ass is delusional on your part. You didn't make the cut to stay b/c of YOU. That's my point. It's nice that you want to blame to direction of the country for your individual job loss, but perhaps your being a bit hyperbolic.

If I have three bosses, must I sleep with them all? What if they are married?

Oh my, of course not! That would be very unprofessional!
Only start sleeping with the one who can best advance your career, that should be sufficient.

To get around the whole "married" issue, be sure to have 2 trusted collegues at your disposal. They will come in handy when you want to go out with your boss, but need to justify the occasion as a manditory work function. In selecting your 2, be sure to look for people who either fear you (because you have something over them) or who can professionaly benefit from the friendship as well.

Oh my, of course not! That would be very unprofessional!
Only start sleeping with the one who can best advance your career, that should be sufficient.

To get around the whole "married" issue, be sure to have 2 trusted collegues at your disposal. They will come in handy when you want to go out with your boss, but need to justify the occasion as a manditory work function. In selecting your 2, be sure to look for people who either fear you (because you have something over them) or who can professionaly benefit from the friendship as well.

Sure thing. My husband understands. He says, "Anything to save the family."

Last time I checked, Lilly didn't fire everyone in the US and replace them with foreigners. To pretend that the people left behind were only retained b/c they kissed ass is delusional on your part. You didn't make the cut to stay b/c of YOU. That's my point. It's nice that you want to blame to direction of the country for your individual job loss, but perhaps your being a bit hyperbolic.

If you want to keep going, I'll keep proving you wrong. How many people did Lilly fire? Since 2004, about 12,000. More firings to come. I don't know why you think people who kissed ass where kept, really only a few people were lucky and got to keep their job, may or may not be because of ass kissing. The bottom line is Lilly kicked thousands of workers out of their job, no fault of their own. You are a corporate douche bag.

If you want to keep going, I'll keep proving you wrong. How many people did Lilly fire? Since 2004, about 12,000. More firings to come. I don't know why you think people who kissed ass where kept, really only a few people were lucky and got to keep their job, may or may not be because of ass kissing. The bottom line is Lilly kicked thousands of workers out of their job, no fault of their own. You are a corporate douche bag.

Keep proving me wrong? I'm not really sure when you actually proved anything wrong, but go ahead and run with that. Looks like you're sticking with the "everybody got fired" schtick. Last time I checked, the Lilly campus in downtown Indianapolis was still flying the flag, the doors were still open, and people were still going to work. Have 12,000 been let go. Of course they have, but all that does is reinforce my point--I never said people who kissed ass stayed. That line was saved for the bitter folks who are making excuses for getting let go. My point was that if you were one of the 12,000, then there's a reason it was YOU, and it wasn't random or bullshit reasons. If you didn't make the cut, it's because of YOU and no one else. Those who remain are simply better at their jobs and/or are more worthy of the investment Lilly has made in them. Just deal with that and quit playing the victim and blaming everyone else besides yourself.

Keep proving me wrong? I'm not really sure when you actually proved anything wrong, but go ahead and run with that. Looks like you're sticking with the "everybody got fired" schtick. Last time I checked, the Lilly campus in downtown Indianapolis was still flying the flag, the doors were still open, and people were still going to work. Have 12,000 been let go. Of course they have, but all that does is reinforce my point--I never said people who kissed ass stayed. That line was saved for the bitter folks who are making excuses for getting let go. My point was that if you were one of the 12,000, then there's a reason it was YOU, and it wasn't random or bullshit reasons. If you didn't make the cut, it's because of YOU and no one else. Those who remain are simply better at their jobs and/or are more worthy of the investment Lilly has made in them. Just deal with that and quit playing the victim and blaming everyone else besides yourself.

And whose fault is it that 12k excess workers were on the payroll in the first place?

The true blame lies with management.

Names and stats

(I can't really speak to what has happened outside of IT, so my comment is specific to that organization.)

That said, we keep arguing the same thing, but without any supporting evidence on either side- are people being let go for performance reasons or personal reasons?
Here's all I can say from experience and observation-
As far as IT, how many long-timers (and I'm talking about people who were well known, recognized leaders- and highly involved with Lilly functions outside their 9-5 day job) have just suddenly disappeared over the last 5 years?

Now, as that list grows in your mind, try to recall (for each one) if any of the following apply... if it does, check the person off your list:

1- They did not personally mesh with their direct supervisor
2- They spoke-out against the status-quo, for a change towards common sense
3- They were closely tied to, but not in control of, a Six-Sigma project
4- Someone on their immediate team was having an affair with another co-worker
5- They were forced into their final assignment, and success hinged upon completing something which goes against the better judgement of any sane person

Is anyone left on your list, because there isn't on mine. Perhaps the pattern of these situations (always proceeding someone's departure) are coincidence, but I know they aren't related to performance.

The majority of my Lilly IT career was wonderful, and I'll always appreciate the company for providing me with employment during my 20-something years when- I'll admit it- I was working really hard but had no clue what I was doing. (If there is a personal hell awaiting me, it will certainly have me chained to a desk and writing code in a language that hasn't been used since the 70s)

That said- I gave 110% every day, I eventually DID move into a job at which I did well, I earned excellent ratings, and carved out what I thought was a secure place within the organization.
I thought- I'll just take care of my company, and it will take care of me.

The important thing is, it only took one leadership change for none of that to matter. I'll leave out the details, but when you get a new TL (who just hates your very face from the start) and that TL forms a tight bond with the Manager... well, a good record will buy you about 1 year.

This is exactly what happened to me in Lilly IT. It's happened to many others as well, I suspect. In the musical chair game that is GSD, "engaged" managers grab and save seats for the people they are closest to. I now have a position with another company that I really like and enjoy, but I still worry about certain people still inside Lilly. They think they are safe. It's all NOISE - No One Is Safe, Ever.

The self-pity party on here is ridiculous. If you were successful, I'm sure you'd take the credit. When you lose your job, why not accept the blame? Whether you were in IT or any other area, 95% of those who stayed did so because they were the best employees. There are always exceptions that sometimes slip through, but to pretend no one who kept their job deserved to is the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard. There's a reason only a handful of people are successful in life--they don't make excuses; they just work to get better. Try doing that sometime, and you'll find yourself in elite company (and you might keep your job).

The self-pity party on here is ridiculous. If you were successful, I'm sure you'd take the credit. When you lose your job, why not accept the blame? Whether you were in IT or any other area, 95% of those who stayed did so because they were the best employees. There are always exceptions that sometimes slip through, but to pretend no one who kept their job deserved to is the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard. There's a reason only a handful of people are successful in life--they don't make excuses; they just work to get better. Try doing that sometime, and you'll find yourself in elite company (and you might keep your job).

Your logic is so screwed up you must be an internet troll. You are missing the point on the argument. This is about one thing, to cut costs. Quit trying to frame my argument as saying people are mad because they were poor performers and lost their job, THAT IS NOT WHAT I AM SAYING. To anyone arguing that it's the employees fault for cutbacks, answer this: So all the people all around this country that are out of work also were "poor performers"? You are so wrong! LOL! You people on here that keep trying to have the last post claiming it's the employees fault, enjoy your job and income while you can. YOU ARE PROBABLY PAID BY LILLY TO BE ON HERE TO DO DAMAGE CONTROL. NOW EVERYONE WITH A BRAIN MAKE YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS. I HOPE THE PEOPLE THAT WERE SUCH "GOOD PERFORMERS" (SARCASM, IF YOU CAN'T DETECT IT) TO KEEP YOUR JOBS WILL HAVE A GOOD TIME TAKING CARE OF THE FORMER EMPLOYED PEOPLE WITH YOUR TAX DOLLARS. GOOD LUCK IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER!

Keep proving me wrong? I'm not really sure when you actually proved anything wrong, but go ahead and run with that. Looks like you're sticking with the "everybody got fired" schtick. Last time I checked, the Lilly campus in downtown Indianapolis was still flying the flag, the doors were still open, and people were still going to work. Have 12,000 been let go. Of course they have, but all that does is reinforce my point--I never said people who kissed ass stayed. That line was saved for the bitter folks who are making excuses for getting let go. My point was that if you were one of the 12,000, then there's a reason it was YOU, and it wasn't random or bullshit reasons. If you didn't make the cut, it's because of YOU and no one else. Those who remain are simply better at their jobs and/or are more worthy of the investment Lilly has made in them. Just deal with that and quit playing the victim and blaming everyone else besides yourself.

Are you from India or China? Do you like taking American's jobs? Do you think you really have things under control? You better wake up. People are sick and fed up with the state of the US. The gloves are off. You think Americans are dumb? Better check again. We know you don't play fair. China is going to get a backstabbing like has never seen in the world. Grovel at the knees of a nation hungry for justice!

Are you from India or China? Do you like taking American's jobs? Do you think you really have things under control? You better wake up. People are sick and fed up with the state of the US. The gloves are off. You think Americans are dumb? Better check again. We know you don't play fair. China is going to get a backstabbing like has never seen in the world. Grovel at the knees of a nation hungry for justice!

I have some news for you, friend. The Chinese have seriously polluted their breathing air and drinking water (not to mention their food and so-called medicine). And they blame YOU.

Your logic is so screwed up you must be an internet troll. You are missing the point on the argument. This is about one thing, to cut costs. Quit trying to frame my argument as saying people are mad because they were poor performers and lost their job, THAT IS NOT WHAT I AM SAYING. To anyone arguing that it's the employees fault for cutbacks, answer this: So all the people all around this country that are out of work also were "poor performers"? You are so wrong! LOL! You people on here that keep trying to have the last post claiming it's the employees fault, enjoy your job and income while you can. YOU ARE PROBABLY PAID BY LILLY TO BE ON HERE TO DO DAMAGE CONTROL. NOW EVERYONE WITH A BRAIN MAKE YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS. I HOPE THE PEOPLE THAT WERE SUCH "GOOD PERFORMERS" (SARCASM, IF YOU CAN'T DETECT IT) TO KEEP YOUR JOBS WILL HAVE A GOOD TIME TAKING CARE OF THE FORMER EMPLOYED PEOPLE WITH YOUR TAX DOLLARS. GOOD LUCK IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER!

OK. You must be right. What was I thinking??--when companies look to become better and more efficient, they get rid of the BEST people and only keep the crappy ones, huh? That sounds like a great argument. Logic at its best!!

No one is arguing about the fact that there were cutbacks--however, those who stayed were the BEST at their jobs. You apparently got let go, so it's very convenient for you to make up an excuse that points the blame at everyone else. Nice job--I'm SHOCKED you got let go (SARCASM, IF YOU CAN'T DETECT IT).

Re: Names and stats

(I can't really speak to what has happened outside of IT, so my comment is specific to that organization.)

That said, we keep arguing the same thing, but without any supporting evidence on either side- are people being let go for performance reasons or personal reasons?
Here's all I can say from experience and observation-
As far as IT, how many long-timers (and I'm talking about people who were well known, recognized leaders- and highly involved with Lilly functions outside their 9-5 day job) have just suddenly disappeared over the last 5 years?

Now, as that list grows in your mind, try to recall (for each one) if any of the following apply... if it does, check the person off your list:

1- They did not personally mesh with their direct supervisor
2- They spoke-out against the status-quo, for a change towards common sense
3- They were closely tied to, but not in control of, a Six-Sigma project
4- Someone on their immediate team was having an affair with another co-worker
5- They were forced into their final assignment, and success hinged upon completing something which goes against the better judgement of any sane person

Is anyone left on your list, because there isn't on mine. Perhaps the pattern of these situations (always proceeding someone's departure) are coincidence, but I know they aren't related to performance.

Ok, that IS funny.

OK. You must be right. What was I thinking??--when companies look to become better and more efficient, they get rid of the BEST people and only keep the crappy ones, huh? That sounds like a great argument. Logic at its best!!

No one is arguing about the fact that there were cutbacks--however, those who stayed were the BEST at their jobs. You apparently got let go, so it's very convenient for you to make up an excuse that points the blame at everyone else. Nice job--I'm SHOCKED you got let go (SARCASM, IF YOU CAN'T DETECT IT).

You were thinking wrong, and you continue to push your idea of "those who stayed were the BEST at their jobs". Do you understand the phrase "not necessarily"? It was because of wages/costs. LOL you are a f'n idiot! Living off the government dime and having no stress is great! I hope you like paying for everyone that was let go! LOL Watch those taxes skyrocket! LOL