I recently left Lilly of my own volition, not because I don't need a job, but because it had become increasingly difficult to work unrealistic long hours, continue to inherit additional projects because others were reallocated, and to feel as though the company I originally joined in the '90s was gone. Unfortunately, regulatory, legal, and finance make the decisions today. Patient care, which was once the foundation of Lilly, is taking a backseat to staying out of regulatory trouble, and to the detriment of the company.
I don't understand the vitriolic comments to each other on this post. Literally thousands of people have been reallocated, and surely no one thinks they were all "incompetent?" And, I could name several people who remain who play the internal politics very well but who are not stand-out employees. There is no single reason for who goes and who stays in the company, and why so angry? No matter your ages, name-calling is not convincing of either your point of view or your maturity. Be nicer!