Best of luck, old friends-

Have done so, but when hundreds of others are competing for the same limited number of jobs, options become limited. So, what do we do then?

Learn to speak Chinese or Indian. That's where the jobs are. Seriously, we've been sold out by our Corporate overlords. They'll get theirs eventually. Karma is a b**ch!

New manager who does not like you (or who has been lied to and set up to dislike you) = end of your career, even on the heels of working with a previous manager who DID like you and gave you great ratings, in addition to being very appreciative of your work and efforts. Amazing how that can all turn around overnight, literally!

That's exactly what happened to me, too. Anyone else?

I recently left Lilly of my own volition, not because I don't need a job, but because it had become increasingly difficult to work unrealistic long hours, continue to inherit additional projects because others were reallocated, and to feel as though the company I originally joined in the '90s was gone. Unfortunately, regulatory, legal, and finance make the decisions today. Patient care, which was once the foundation of Lilly, is taking a backseat to staying out of regulatory trouble, and to the detriment of the company.

I don't understand the vitriolic comments to each other on this post. Literally thousands of people have been reallocated, and surely no one thinks they were all "incompetent?" And, I could name several people who remain who play the internal politics very well but who are not stand-out employees. There is no single reason for who goes and who stays in the company, and why so angry? No matter your ages, name-calling is not convincing of either your point of view or your maturity. Be nicer!

I recently left Lilly of my own volition, not because I don't need a job, but because it had become increasingly difficult to work unrealistic long hours, continue to inherit additional projects because others were reallocated, and to feel as though the company I originally joined in the '90s was gone. Unfortunately, regulatory, legal, and finance make the decisions today. Patient care, which was once the foundation of Lilly, is taking a backseat to staying out of regulatory trouble, and to the detriment of the company.

I don't understand the vitriolic comments to each other on this post. Literally thousands of people have been reallocated, and surely no one thinks they were all "incompetent?" And, I could name several people who remain who play the internal politics very well but who are not stand-out employees. There is no single reason for who goes and who stays in the company, and why so angry? No matter your ages, name-calling is not convincing of either your point of view or your maturity. Be nicer!

Be nicer? Why? You're living in some delusional world if you really think there is no rhyme or reason to who is let go and who isn't. If you believe that, it's very convenient for you b/c you never actually have to take a look at yourself and take responsibility for the position you find yourself in. That's my only point--you are where you are based upon YOU. That's it. Just quit casting blame elsewhere and quit crying about people being mean just b/c someone points out the non-PC truth to what's happened at Lilly. I know you want a happy-happy-joy-joy crying party where we all blame the "evil Lilly" for our current state, but that just isn't true and it isn't productive. If you want to help people, tell them the truth.

Particularly women subordinates who have been treated with rudeness and disrespect by male managers at Eli Lilly. Wonder if their wives have any idea their hubbies have such dark "other" sides? Another thing that the CEO should take care of--bad management!

So what happened... somebody try to pinch your nipples in a crowed elevator? Grow up. It's not personal, it's business. And your cryin and moanin just means that you got one-upped in the business world!

That's what everyone says when they get fired: "My boss didn't like me." Bosses like good & productive employees. If yours didn't like you, now you know why.

There are exceptions to the "My boss didn't like me", genius. Like when the person you work for is clearly a psychotic lying backstabbing corporate Nazi. 99% of the "leadership" at Lilly.

So what happened... somebody try to pinch your nipples in a crowed elevator? Grow up. It's not personal, it's business. And your cryin and moanin just means that you got one-upped in the business world!

"It's not personal, it's business" If I hear another business person say this bullshit saying, I'll personally smash your face in with the business end of my fist! You assholes have no respect for a person, you walk all over people and play stupid games and spout stupid nonsense like this saying!

Be nicer? Why? You're living in some delusional world if you really think there is no rhyme or reason to who is let go and who isn't. If you believe that, it's very convenient for you b/c you never actually have to take a look at yourself and take responsibility for the position you find yourself in. That's my only point--you are where you are based upon YOU. That's it. Just quit casting blame elsewhere and quit crying about people being mean just b/c someone points out the non-PC truth to what's happened at Lilly. I know you want a happy-happy-joy-joy crying party where we all blame the "evil Lilly" for our current state, but that just isn't true and it isn't productive. If you want to help people, tell them the truth.

You want some truth, I'll give you some truth. Any person who believes what this idiot is spouting is clearly delusional. It's all about money, not a person's work. They want to pay people less to do your job. Price for a US worker, $30/hr, price for foreigner, $3/hr. Contractors = cheaper because no benefits. Simple math. Now go back to work as a corporate shill after I just owned you.

Be nicer? Why? You're living in some delusional world if you really think there is no rhyme or reason to who is let go and who isn't. If you believe that, it's very convenient for you b/c you never actually have to take a look at yourself and take responsibility for the position you find yourself in. That's my only point--you are where you are based upon YOU. That's it. Just quit casting blame elsewhere and quit crying about people being mean just b/c someone points out the non-PC truth to what's happened at Lilly. I know you want a happy-happy-joy-joy crying party where we all blame the "evil Lilly" for our current state, but that just isn't true and it isn't productive. If you want to help people, tell them the truth.

You want some truth, I'll give you some truth. Any person who believes what this idiot is spouting is clearly delusional. It's all about money, not a person's work. They want to pay people less to do your job. Price for a US worker, $30/hr, price for foreigner, $3/hr. Contractors = cheaper because no benefits. Simple math. Now go back to work as a corporate shill after I just owned you.

You want some truth, I'll give you some truth. Any person who believes what this idiot is spouting is clearly delusional. It's all about money, not a person's work. They want to pay people less to do your job. Price for a US worker, $30/hr, price for foreigner, $3/hr. Contractors = cheaper because no benefits. Simple math. Now go back to work as a corporate shill after I just owned you.

Another nice excuse that allows you to pass the blame for your circumstances on to someone else. You get to a certain point in life when you need to quit making excuses and start taking responsibility. You're there already, although you like to play the part of the victim. If you were better, you'd have a job. Grow up.

Another nice excuse that allows you to pass the blame for your circumstances on to someone else. You get to a certain point in life when you need to quit making excuses and start taking responsibility. You're there already, although you like to play the part of the victim. If you were better, you'd have a job. Grow up.

Yes, I agree. I always felt inadequate at Lilly because no matter how many PM objectives I would meet, ratings would always fall short for political reasons and the cuties would get the S+ ratings. The director's golf partner's would get the E's. So, I am a pro at feeling inadequate. As an unemployed Lilly cast-0ff, I try to reveal my shortcomings for all to see, but as you can tell, I am still inadequate.

The eternal second-guessing by Lilly management and HR is what makes the company really great. I truly aspire to someday reach your level of loftiness.

Your humble cast off.

Yes, I agree. I always felt inadequate at Lilly because no matter how many PM objectives I would meet, ratings would always fall short for political reasons and the cuties would get the S+ ratings. The director's golf partner's would get the E's. So, I am a pro at feeling inadequate. As an unemployed Lilly cast-0ff, I try to reveal my shortcomings for all to see, but as you can tell, I am still inadequate.

The eternal second-guessing by Lilly management and HR is what makes the company really great. I truly aspire to someday reach your level of loftiness.

Your humble cast off.

Hey, this is great! Sock it to them, baby!

Yes, I agree. I always felt inadequate at Lilly because no matter how many PM objectives I would meet, ratings would always fall short for political reasons and the cuties would get the S+ ratings. The director's golf partner's would get the E's. So, I am a pro at feeling inadequate. As an unemployed Lilly cast-0ff, I try to reveal my shortcomings for all to see, but as you can tell, I am still inadequate.

The eternal second-guessing by Lilly management and HR is what makes the company really great. I truly aspire to someday reach your level of loftiness.

Your humble cast off.


I love these posts on here about the reasons each of you were let go. The funny thing about them is that they all contradict one another--i.e. they only kept their freinds vs. they fired everyone who made too much money. It's hilarious. The one thing they all have in common is this: they blame someone else for YOUR situation. Grow up and realize that YOU played the #1 role in getting let go. Were there other factors? Of course there were, but the #1 factor was YOU. Own up to your situation and you'll be a better person for it on the other end.

I love these posts on here about the reasons each of you were let go. The funny thing about them is that they all contradict one another--i.e. they only kept their freinds vs. they fired everyone who made too much money. It's hilarious. The one thing they all have in common is this: they blame someone else for YOUR situation. Grow up and realize that YOU played the #1 role in getting let go. Were there other factors? Of course there were, but the #1 factor was YOU. Own up to your situation and you'll be a better person for it on the other end.

Whatever you do, don't beat your boss at golf. I did.

I love these posts on here about the reasons each of you were let go. The funny thing about them is that they all contradict one another--i.e. they only kept their freinds vs. they fired everyone who made too much money. It's hilarious. The one thing they all have in common is this: they blame someone else for YOUR situation. Grow up and realize that YOU played the #1 role in getting let go. Were there other factors? Of course there were, but the #1 factor was YOU. Own up to your situation and you'll be a better person for it on the other end.

You know, this post makes a very valid point. I believe there actually were some "stretch goals" which (in retrospect) had I been more proactive about identifying and achieving-my ratings would have been much higher.
Unfortunately, someone who really didn't like me, showed much more ambition and truly did earn those superior ratings for efforts above and beyond the call of duty.

Lessons learned-
It's no myth- sleeping with the boss really does work!

You know, this post makes a very valid point. I believe there actually were some "stretch goals" which (in retrospect) had I been more proactive about identifying and achieving-my ratings would have been much higher.
Unfortunately, someone who really didn't like me, showed much more ambition and truly did earn those superior ratings for efforts above and beyond the call of duty.

Lessons learned-
It's no myth- sleeping with the boss really does work!

If I have three bosses, must I sleep with them all? What if they are married?