Sorry to burst your intuitive, all-knowing bubble, but this wasn't the old man speaking -- middle-aged woman -- oh, sorry, -- everything's always everybody else's fault to those external psychologically, morally, and mentally deficient individuals! Maybe you better listen to this:
There's more to life than the wicked leeches (such as yourself) remaining at Eli Lilly! I thank God everyday I'm no longer there -- very (and I mean VERY) successful at another large corporation within the metropolitan area! (And, I don't have to sleep with the boss, or join the GLEAM team, etc. to "prove" myself.) -- Took the package and ran without looking back!
BTW -- those that can leave Lilly, do -- those that can't remain behind and mask their miserable attitudes/ lives by buying things, denigrating their fellow "friends" -- trying to prove how "valuable" they are to everyone. Well, I hate to inform you that -- you're not! You are so pathetic -- but can't see it (of course) and don't care to know it -- if only you knew what your "friends" are saying behind your back!